There are people who know Lindbergh and want to catch Lindbergh in the dungeon!

I saw that Lin Bai was handsome, and he was quite compatible with Lord Grass God, and he began to bless!

There was also a puzzled look.

For this bad guy, Nasida can't be poor!

I can only hide behind a tree for a while!

At the same time, Nilu and the others also rushed back, saw this scene, and heard Lin Bai shouting Nasida's wife in front of so many people!

Suddenly, everyone laughed!

Nilu: "Poof..." "

This dead idiot, looking at the whole Meru, is his boldness!"

"I don't know whether to praise him or hurt him!"

Lushan came over and spoke for Lin Bai while sticking to Nilu: "I see, sister Nilu."

"You should change your opinion about Lindbergh!"

"You should praise him!"

"First of all, Lin Bai is bold, and secondly, did you hear it, he came to teach the Great Sage for Lord Grass God!"

"I'm afraid that his little grass god will be injured and won't let him participate in the battle!"

Dixia rubbed her temples: "Hey..." "

This Lindbergh, I really admire him."

"Although he is a bit perverted!"

"But he is true to every girl, I can't deny that."

"Moreover, he also saved Lord Kusanagami and came to help teach the Great Sage a lesson."

Candice: "Good guys!

"There are melons to eat today!"

"I'll just watch the excitement quietly!"

Dolly shouted around the crowd: "Ouch, brothers and sisters around! "

It's open, it's open!"

"Has anyone placed a bet?"

"Lindbergh PK Great Sage, who wins and who loses, hurry up and bet, buy and leave!"

Seeing this scene, the passers-by, scholars, and guards around were all a little confused!

They looked a little embarrassed when they saw Lord Kusakami banging his head against the tree.

Everyone was very knowledgeable and did not ask Kusakami-sama.

Instead, they came to Nilu's side and asked, "Hey, Miss Nilu."

"What's going on?"

Seeing that everyone was so puzzled, Nilu was very intimate and explained for everyone: "The matter is like this

..." "The Great Sage was originally the person most trusted by Meru and even the Kusanagi, but he gave a special sleeping pill in the milk tea that the Kusanagami-sama often drank, and the Kusanagami-sama fell into a coma and was imprisoned in a cage..."


are also what Nilu and the henchmen of the great sage they just captured and learned about it, and they are now telling the people without reservation.

After hearing this, the people suddenly came to their senses, glared at the papal courtyard with a look of anger, and shouted: "Great sage, you get out of here for me!!

"You are so daring to imprison Lord Kusanagami?"

"Hanging, must be hanged!"

"Bah!! Your plans are disgusting!!

"I still respect you!"

"Miss Dolly, I'm going to bet on one million Mora in Lindbergh!"

"Miss Dolly, I also want to bet on Lindbergh!"

Most of the people who came to Dolly's bet knew the idiot Lin Bai, there were guards and ordinary people.

They suddenly felt that compared to the two-faced and three-slashed person like the Great Sage, Lin Bai, a sincere idiot, was a little better!

Seeing that so many people were betting on Lindbergh, Dolly was depressed: "No!

"You all bet on Lindbergh, no one bet on the Great Sage, so how can you win?"

"You guys want to win my money????"

"I also bet on whether Lindbergh is good or not!"

Seeing Dolly so depressed, Nilu and the others laughed.

Lindbergh also laughed.

Dolly and the others, when he first broke into the Jingshan Palace and met Nasida, he had seen and known them all.

It's just that Dolly's impression of him has always stayed on the "big idiot" and "big pervert".

Now, he never expected that everyone would bet on him!

Then, Lindbergh smiled, looked at Dolly, and shouted, "It's okay, Dolly!

"This one makes the Great Sage sit in the house and let him bet on himself!"

"Later, I will gag the Great Sage, and the money in his small treasury will be divided among everyone!"

"You know, he fornicated with the Winter Kingdom, and the empress gave him a lot of money!"

"Enough for everyone to share!"

Upon hearing this, Dolly immediately saw a little star, gave a thumbs up to Lin Bai, and said happily: "Good! That's great!

"Come on, come, all bet!"

"Bet more, pay more!"

"I'll add another five million Mora to Lindbergh!"

The surrounding people also got excited and came to place bets!

"Hey!! Dolly, I'll add another million Mora to Lindbergh!

"This is also great, just wait for the great sage to be shot to death by Lin Bai, and then we will make a steady profit!"

"Long live Lindbergh!! The small treasury of the Great Sage is definitely indispensable! Brothers, you must bet on Lindbergh, smash pots and sell iron to borrow money!

"Crouch Nima!! Who, don't squeeze! I'll come first!! "

Who stepped on my foot!!?"

"Whoosh! It hurts Lao Tzu! "


scene was chaotic for a while!

I have to say that the scene is chaotic wherever Lindbergh goes!

Before, hearing Lindbergh's heart say that he was selling stinky tofu in Mond, the people were crazy, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Nilu still didn't understand what was going on.

Well, now she understands.

It seems that Lin Bai is not only an idiot, this dead idiot also has a strong influence!

This couldn't help but make Nilu hold her forehead a little and sigh.


..." "For a moment, I really don't know whether to admire Lin Bai or say that Lindbergh's is not..."

Lushan also smiled next to her!

And at this time, Nasida, seeing more people, more lively, still standing on Lindbergh's side, gossip of gossip, up and down!

What's even more infuriating, some people asked when Lindbergh would marry Lord Grass God!


These abominable people!


Suddenly, she was even more shy!

She hid behind the tree again!

Seeing such a shy Kusanagami-sama, Nilu and they also looked at each other and smiled, and walked over....

In the meantime, let's talk about the Great Sage's side....

Office of the Great Sage.

One of his henchmen hurried in.

"Report !!"

"Lord Sage, it's not good!!"

"There is a wild boy named Lin Bai outside, who said that he would kill you!"

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