Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

: 180th Governor's Reprimand

On the viewing stage, most of the audience's attention was on the ring, but there were still a few sharp-eyed audiences who noticed what happened in the rest area.

Nothing like this happened in the past. Is there any change in this game?

Everyone scrambled to speculate and talked.

The audience was speculating, and the principals who were called up were also speculating.

Gathering at the entrance of the small room in the backstage, a principal asked in confusion: "How can the Governor come to participate in this kind of educational competition?"

"Yes, in terms of education, doesn't the Governor generally only focus on the college entrance examination?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go, wait, and the governor will know when he comes out."

"Calling us in such a hurry, something must have happened."


The principals who knew each other were discussing in groups.

Among them, the principals of several schools unconsciously showed panic on their faces. Among them, the principal of the White Horse High School who just lost was very miserable.


The door of the room opened from the inside.

Ji Cungang with a gloomy face appeared in front of everyone.

"All come in for me!"

Seeing the Governor's expression, everyone knows that calling them is definitely not a good thing.

They slowly approached the room and stepped lightly, lest they provoke the angry governor.

Everyone enters the room.


The door was closed heavily.

The small room was originally the equipment room of the martial arts field. There were all kinds of exercise equipment on the ground. More than fifty people entered, and suddenly there was no place to go in the room.

But the many principals with their heads down did not take this seriously, because the governor's lesson had already begun.

Ji Cungang has a fire in his eyes, and his tone is low: "The province holds high school leagues to test the education level of each city, the materials allocated by the league are also to motivate you and make you more attentive."


Ji Cungang's voice suddenly doubled: "Look at what you did!"

"Students are not strong enough, so you use elixir and medicinal pills to improve. You can get the resources, but what about the future of the students? You will ruin them!"

"Baima High School, Fengnong High School, and Puning High School. In your three high schools, although the students are high, but the foundation is not strong, the mastery of martial arts is loose, and it is the result of rapid improvement."

"The most serious thing is Lanshan High School, Huining High School, Gaoning High School and Pingchuan High School. What is the situation of the official warriors of your four schools? Don't you have any points in your mind?"

"If you don't lay a good foundation in the martial arts apprentice stage, you will rashly promote the students to become the official martial artists. Do you really know how much consequences this will bring to the students?"

The questions that went straight to the heart silenced everyone in the room.

The principals who were named are even more so, their faces are obviously scared and horrified.

Ji Cungang was angrily laughed: "You think your clothes are perfect, everyone can't see it?"

"I tell you, I can see the good things you did clearly, don't talk about me, even the audience on the stage can see them clearly."

"A formal martial artist, almost exhausted by several trainees, what use is this formal martial artist?"

"Ah? Tell me, what use are these people?!"

"I let you educate people! I didn't let you harm people!"

In the last sentence, Ji Cungang almost shouted.

The huge roar reverberated in the small room, and all the principals who shocked, no matter whether there was ghost or not, felt a moment of dizziness in their brains.

The sound was so loud that even the audience near the backstage heard a vague noise.

Fortunately, Yuan Hongchun, the two martial arts instructors in the school are very resistant to things such as pills and spiritual things, and believe that these things have a great impact on the future of students.

Therefore, although Yigao has a strong financial strength, the money is spent on various martial arts facilities and venues, and only the most basic body refining fluid is used for the medicines to assist in the training.

As long as he is a little bit crooked about the resources allocated by the league, he will definitely be one of the people scolded today.

The scene was silent, and everyone did not dare to show the atmosphere.

Ji Cungang carried his hands on his back and looked at the principals who had just been named by himself:

"Why, dumb? I tell you that pretending to be deaf may be useful for others, but it is useless in front of me!"

"All the principals I read just now, please prepare resignation letters when you go back. We in Jiangbei Province don't need you principals who only focus on resources."

"Others, also give me a warning. This age is an important stage for students to lay the foundation. Don't completely disregard the students' future for selfish interests."

"Wherever you can be promoted in the martial arts apprentice stage, you must insist on raising to what point, don't be afraid to waste time!"

The headmasters who were named by their names were full of bitter expressions. They managed to achieve the position of the headmaster. Because of this kind of thing, they were kicked down and felt very uncomfortable.

But they did not dare to refute that the name of Governor Ji Cungang was not groundless, but cut out.

With a gold attribute, he has a sharp edge in everything, and there is no room for sand in his eyes.

It's okay to just be dismissed now. If they are not convinced, then a golden broad knife may be slashed on them directly.

"But, we really... really can't help it." At this time, there was a trembling, but very determined voice sounded in the silence.

Everyone was shocked. They were not obedient at this time, and they even talked back. Is this mortal?

They turned their heads and looked. It was not someone else who was speaking, but the principal of White Horse High School who had just been criticized by name.

The principal of White Horse High School was originally nervous, but was stared at by so many people at once, but broke the jar and let go:

"We in Shimizu City are too poor. Even the two official martial artist coaches assigned to us ran away within a few days. The students lacked guidance and resources, and there was no opportunity for improvement.

"I chose to do this this time, also in order to win back some resources for our White Horse High School, so that we can hire a few decent coaches to improve our education environment."

Ji Cungang did not move the knife, but frowned and said: "The assigned coach ran away? Why did they run? Didn't you continue to send people there? Also, you have been crying here for the poor, and the education funds distributed to each city every year It's not a lot. Where did all these funds go?!"

At this point, the principal of White Horse High School simply explained the situation of White Horse High School:

"Our high school is too poor to come up with the resources needed by the martial artist. They just ran. We are in arrears of wages. Of course, no one wants to come over. I heard that even if the distribution is compulsory, people would rather be punished than come. "

"As for the education funds that should have been used to pay wages..."

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