These spiritual objects in the necessary positions can be replaced with some very simple materials.

Lin Huai, who also has a deep research on materials science, has come up with at least two common materials that can replace a spiritual object in a key position in such a short time.

Take some more time, and even ask No.1 to help with the analysis. Lin Huai feels that he can reduce the cost of this pill tester to a very low level.

Since you have this ability, should you spread low-cost testing instruments?

Touching his chin with one hand, Lin Huai fell into thinking again.

Of course, what makes him entangled is not copyright, privacy issues, and with his extremely self-interested character, he will not care about such inconsequential things. As long as he is good for himself, he can do more excessive things. .

What Lin Huai thought was that the popularization of this kind of equipment would be a good thing or a bad thing for him.

At the beginning, he planned to train these people outside the hospital so that each of them could barely refine the pill, and then dump these garbage pill to the Martial Arts Association in exchange for a lot of merit points.

Anyway, the Jiangbei Provincial Martial Arts Association will purchase as long as it is a pill. The quality is good or bad, and the purchase price is not much affected.

If the pill tester is popularized and the concept of quality emerges in everyone's mind, it will inevitably cause a great blow to the low-quality pill market.

At the time of introduction, it is very likely that there will be a phenomenon that one ratio corresponds to one price.

The profit margin of the sale of inferior medicine will definitely be affected.

But one thing can’t just be looked at. Popularizing the medicinal pill tester can’t have only disadvantages, and its benefits are obvious.

The price of high-quality pill will definitely rise like a rocket.

The scarcity is the most expensive. People didn't pay much attention to the medicinal pills when they were almost the same. But now, the medicinal pills are clearly graded.

Those who are rich and powerful will definitely not continue to take inferior pill like ordinary people. They will chase high-quality pill crazily. This is not only for their bodies, but also a manifestation of their status.

With their participation, the price of high-quality pill will become very precious.

High-quality is so precious, what about the super-quality pill that Lin Huai refined?

It is impossible to imagine what prices can be achieved.

It might happen to be bought as a collectible.

Thinking about it this way, it seems obvious how to choose.

of course:

Want it all!

Lin Huai stroked the silver-white pill tester, as if touching a mountain made of spiritual things.

He wants to master the high-quality pill market, but he also does not want to give up on the low-quality pill market.

It is not impossible, in fact, as long as the ratio is lower than 40 or 30 when the tester is produced, it is enough not to display.

In this way, price differences will still exist, but the impact on inferior products will not be as strong as before, and at the same time, it will not delay the development of high-quality pill.

These things will be done later. The top priority now is to let Zhong Qigao learn and master his alchemy skills first. He does not want him to do exactly the same as himself, but only to achieve a half, or at least one third.

In this way, Zhong Qigao can easily undertake the task of teaching and alchemy.

It seems that training must be strengthened.

Lin Huai looked at Zhong Qigao, her eyes flickering.

"Did you write down the techniques and steps I mentioned just now."

"Take it down."

Zhong Qigao replied honestly, Lin Huai's order, he would definitely complete meticulously, of course, the purpose he remembered carefully at the beginning was to point out Lin Huai's shortcomings after the alchemy ended.

The memory just now has become a good thing. These shortcomings are actually the differences between him and Lin Huai in refining Suyuan Pill.

He wrote them all down, which meant that he had met Lin Huai's requirements on a theoretical level.

"Do it again as I said." Lin Huai pointed at the alchemy furnace and ordered.

No matter how good it is, it is useless. It's a mule or a horse, or you still have to pull it out.

Zhong Qigao hurried forward to operate.

Except for a few places that need to be changed, the rest are very proficient. It can be seen that he usually spends time on this kind of alchemy.

Lin Huai nodded with some relief.

Zhong Qigao's performance was better than he expected.

After only teaching it once, he was able to correct all the mistakes in his actions correctly without major omissions.

This kind of student who only needs to teach once makes him very comfortable.

If Zhong Qigao behaves like that group of idiots outside, he is likely to consider changing to the chief alchemist he appointed.

Fortunately, Zhong Qigao, who was able to pass the heavy examinations and entered the Imperial Capital Pill Medicine Research Center in the early stage, was not a mediocre in his own right. His talent in Pill Dao must have played a lot of role along the way.

Just look at the steps, don't need to look at the Lin Huai knows that the quality of this elixir will not be bad.

Sure enough, Zhong Qigao took out the pill and placed it on the detector for a test.


Seeing this data, Zhong Qigao's hands were shaking.

I... I actually... can reach this level!

This this this! ! !

After obtaining this instrument, he has a lofty ideal, and he has been aiming to make 100% pill. Although he knows that it is impossible, the feeling of getting closer to the goal step by step still makes him very fulfilling.

But now... his goal is gone...

The pill he made under Lin Huai's guidance not only reached 100%, but even exceeded 1%. This kind of strong contrast made him feel a little empty suddenly.

"Although it's a bit far from the level of my casual refining, it is barely okay." Lin Huai also expressed his approval.

"I will continue to show you the next pill. You still look good and learn it as you did before."


As soon as he heard Lin Huai's continued guidance, that little negative emotion in Zhong Qigao's heart instantly disappeared, and his whole body became excited.

With one instruction, he can master more than 100% of the pill. How could he miss such a good thing that is rare in a century or even a thousand years.

In the next few hours, Lin Huai taught Zhong Qigao in detail the refining methods of 6 high-level pill and 30 low-level pill.

The refining process of low-level pill is very simple. Zhong Qigao is also very familiar with these pill, so he can master it very quickly.

"This...I have mastered so many high-quality, even super-quality pills?"

Zhong Qigao put down the furnace lid that he didn't know how many times he had operated before, looked at his rough hands, and muttered in disbelief.

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