Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 159: The loss of the leader

Seeing that everyone was engrossed, Lin Huai nodded, picked up a potion left by the young alchemist from the stage, and began to explain.

"The first step in refining the pill is to choose the right raw materials, the basic pill. Thanks to the special environment at that time, it has spread almost all over the world. I believe you all understand the composition of every medicinal material in the pill."

"If you are asked to choose the right ingredients, you may find it simple. You can just go to the pharmacy to buy with the list, but then you will miss a very important step."

"That's the quality of the raw materials. Originally, your technology is not very good. Coupled with the quality of the raw materials, both good and bad, the quality of the raw materials is uneven, the refining power will naturally be low.

"Now, I will explain from the first step, you can listen to me as much as you can understand."


An unprecedented, complete and detailed explanation.

The alchemists in the audience were fascinated. They concentrated all their energy on listening. The more they listened, the more excited and shocked their hearts.

The master's explanation, from shallow to deep, gradually progresses. Even a person who has not learned alchemy, after listening to these things, may be able to try to refine the pill.

Not to mention these alchemists who have studied in the field of alchemy for a long time.

The knowledge you hear and the experience in your mind are compared to each other, and mutual verification is made. Knowledge that was incomprehensible in the past and operations that could not be made become simple.

There are many details that have not been noticed by the master, from the beginning to the end.

So many details have not been considered, and they now understand how lucky it is to be able to refine a pot of pill.

No wonder there will be failures from time to time. Even if the refining is successful, there are not many qualified pills in the pill furnace, and even the principles and details of the pill refining are not understood. It is a strange thing to succeed.

These alchemists sometimes uttered admiring sounds of sudden realization, and sometimes waving their hands in the air wildly, as if making alchemy.

Some of them were attentive and contemplative, and some were struggling to write and write, and they were about to write down everything Lin Huai said without missing a word.

The alchemists are deeply intoxicated in this feast of explanation.

At this time, except for Lin Huai who was explaining on stage, no one else noticed at all. Two luxuriously dressed people with doubts walked into the courtyard gate.

Zhong Qigao, the leader of the alchemy master, was a little dazed. Although he did not like to show up, every time he appeared, many alchemists would definitely look forward to each other.

This is a consistent tradition at alliance gatherings and generally will not change.

But today is very strange, obviously when it was time for me to play, no one appeared at the gate of the yard that used to be one after another.

Did you remember the time wrong?

Isn't the alliance party at this point?

Guo Cang, who has been following Zhong Qigao, is also very confused.

The two looked at each other, still confused, and decided to go in first.

When they arrived in the yard, they saw the explanation meeting held by Lin Huai at a glance. Everyone was surrounded there, no one was left behind, and it was difficult not to find out.

Such scenes generally only appear when master alchemists explain their experience.

But even if it is a master-level meeting, some people will find it boring, and they simply don't listen to it and choose to practice on their own. Zhong Qigao has never seen anyone explain it, which can attract all alchemists to listen.

He looked at Lin Huai's face carefully, without any impression, he did not seem to be a famous alchemy master.

"Could it be that the rising star from the imperial capital or the magic capital has come to show superiority on our side?"

Zhong Qigao didn't doubt Lin Huai's level. Among the many people around, there were several senior alchemists who had been immersed in the field of medicine for several years. It was impossible to fool them all at once.

Even their faces are full of rewards, this middle-aged man definitely has his skills.

But no matter how much technology, can it still surpass me?

I'm a person with orthodox alchemy inheritance.

Zhong Qigao approached the crowd, wanting to hear Lin Huai's explanation.

Just after hearing a sentence or two, there was still some contempt, and immediately disappeared, very simply put Lin Huai to the same level as himself.

Don't look at just a few words, there are deep principles and knowledge in it. It is obviously an explanation of a basic pill, but it is a great inspiration for the master alchemist Zhong Qigao.

"It turned out to be like this, why didn't I expect it." Zhong Qigao slapped his thigh and laughed loudly.

From Lin Huai's words, he figured out the problems that had troubled him for a long time. With such a sudden feeling, he felt that his level of alchemy had risen by more than one level.

"Be quiet!"

"It's really unqualified. Didn't everyone listen carefully?"

"I want to shout outside, don't disturb us here."


Originally, the scene was very quiet, only Lin Huai explained clearly. Even if the others uttered admiration, their voices were very low, so Zhong Qigao's laughter was very harsh at this time

Many people frowned unconsciously, and there were a few hot-tempered people who cursed directly without turning their heads.

Being interrupted at this critical moment, the irritability in my heart is really self-evident.

It is as if in a tense college entrance examination examination room, a continuous uninterrupted, harsh whistle sounded outside the window.

But this low voice stopped when they turned their heads.

"Leader... why are you here?"

"Leader, is it you? Then it's okay."


A few people said haha, not even the follow-up greetings, as if they were afraid of wasting another second, they turned their heads altogether and continued to listen to Lin Huai's explanation.

No matter how important the leader is, it is not as important as this master's explanation.

As long as he learns this technique, he can refine the pill of extremely high quality like that young alchemist.

Therefore, at this time, how can they have time to deal with the leader who had been difficult to say before.

Such a disregarding attitude made Zhong Qigao feel a little uncomfortable.

There was something wrong with what he did just now, but these alchemists, who usually respect him so much, have become so indifferent now that he really can't accept it for a while.

But it was indeed not the time to think about this, he didn't think much, closed his mouth obediently, and also focused on Lin Huai, listening carefully to Lin Huai's lecture.

"My class, not everyone can listen to it for free."

Lin Huai looked at Zhong Qigao, and the corners of his mouth were drawn in a strange arc.

The photos in the information database, as well as the honorific titles of several alchemists, all proved that this middle-aged man who looked close to his lent was Zhong Qigao, the leader of alchemists.

Then the guardian next to him should be Zhong Qigao's bodyguard, Guo Cang, the strongest of the Alchemist Alliance.

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