Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 147: Control the beast

"I naturally have my way, but you are the one who recruits a novice, and it will take a long time to train."

Fermoussen continued to speak loudly.

"Take care of your own business first, you don't need to worry about training." Wu Wenguo replied.

The two argued for a while, then stopped talking, Wu Wenguo snorted, and continued to walk inside with Lin Huai.

"Most of the abilities of the three teams are recruited from the society. These people have more thoughts. You must pay attention in the future and don't take it lightly."

Wu Wenguo talked to Lin Huai as he walked.

It's completely treating Lin Huai as a little cute.

"it is good."

Lin Huai responded with an innocent smile very cooperatively.

The three came to an office with a registration desk at the door. Wu Wenguo shouted out a young woman with a blank paper in her hand, and then took Lin Huai to the first floor, a remote one full of animals. room.

As soon as I opened the door of the room, a strong smell of animal feces and urine came on my face.

"The live poultry that we buy every day in the Alien Management Bureau are locked here, just to test your abilities. Remember, we must do our best, so that we can have a better understanding of your strength and You are assigned to the most suitable position."

Lin Huai: "..."

Chickens, ducks, geese, sheep...There are so many tricks.

Lin Huai's expectation was that there was such a place in such a brand-new building.

It's all here, so let's show it.

Lin Huai pointed at a rooster with his right index finger and hooked it back.

The rooster did not move, but its face showed a humane struggling expression. After a few seconds, the struggling expression on the rooster's face disappeared, and it ran towards Lin Huai at a happy pace.

He ran to Lin Huai and rubbed his head lightly against his trouser legs, as if he was very attached to Lin Huai.

Wu Wenguo nodded, and looked good.

"Try fierce beasts, light energy is useless to control ordinary animals." The young woman said to Wu Wenguo without writing.

"Yeah." Wu Wenguo replied.

He also felt that he should test whether Lin Huai's abilities could work against the fierce beast.

This kind of supernatural power is very strange. Lin Huai's supernatural power can only have an effect on ordinary animals, and it is not impossible, so no matter what, it must be tested.

Wu Wenguo walked out of the livestock room and opened the door of another room next door. As the door opened, the roar of the fierce beast came out clearly from the room.

"This house contains many fierce beasts caught by our alien management bureau. It's a pity to eat them directly, so we simply use them as our usual practice objects."

I said why I bought so many live poultry? Feelings are fed to them.

Lin Huai looked at the various cages in the room, only then did he understand the role of so many birds just now.

There are many fierce beasts held in cages, and each cage is closed with one. Each of them has fierce eyes and strong aura, and they are very difficult to provoke.

There are many types of fierce beasts. There are golden lions, leopards with lines all over, giant dogs with salivating mouths, and wild cats with sharp claws.

But no matter how powerful they were before, they are extremely annoyed and resentful now in the cage.

There are more or less scars remaining on each fierce beast, some of them are more miserable, either missing arms or broken legs.

This cruel beast is the goal of their trip.

Wu Wenguo led Lin Huai to a terrier with two broken legs. With only two legs left, he was still moving around in the cage, still very energetic.

When several people stood in front of it, they still had the strength to yell at the crowd.

"This is the weakest fierce beast here, Lin Huai, try to control it."

Wu Wenguo pointed to the native dog and said: "If you can't do it, don't force it. Pay attention to what you can."

Lin Huai stretched out the index finger of his right hand and made the previous movement. The next moment, the face of the dog showed the same struggling expression as a rooster.

This time the use of the power was not as smooth as the last time, the dog had been struggling, Lin Huai's face was getting worse and worse, and the cold sweat slowly remained.

When he saw the struggling expression on the face of the dog, Wu Wenguo wanted to stop, because this kind of struggling expression had actually proved that Lin Huai's abilities had an effect on the beast.

But before he yelled out, he was stopped by the young woman. She felt that Lin Huai might be able to give everyone a big surprise.

Sure enough, when Lin Huai's face was as white as white paper, the movement on the dog's face finally disappeared. It supported its body with its only two legs, and lowered its proud head towards Lin Huai from a distance.

"Successful." Lin Huai smiled miserably at Wu Wenguo, his body faltering.

The play is finally over, so tired.

"Without mental training, you can control a fierce beast?" Wu Wenguo showed a shocked expression on his face, and his body immediately stepped forward to support Lin Huai.

Seeing Lin Huai's haggard appearance, he complained a little: "Isn't it for you to do what you can, why are you so desperate."

"I just want to try, my ability, can tame a fierce beast, it seems that it didn't disappoint me." Lin Huai's pale face showed a smile, and he was very happy to see it.

Well, in fact, as soon as Wu Wenguo mentioned the task, this native dog was controlled by Lin Huai's soul chain. Controlling such a disabled dog shouldn't be too simple for Lin Huai's mental power that has broken through the bottleneck once.

He worked hard to make this scene, not only wanted to show some talent, but didn't want to be too conspicuous.

This kind of upper-middle status can be properly cultivated. It is too enchanting and will only be squeezed out.

After Lin Huai's test, the young woman was very happy. While she said, she quickly wrote on the paper with her right hand Beast Taming ability, no damage, no defense, no speed, control power C+ , Comprehensive rating D+, intensity: initial stage. "

After finishing writing, she smiled and said to Wu Wenguo: "Brother Wu, this time you have found a baby. The ability of D+ level evaluation is not much in our Jiangbei Province Alien Management Bureau. Waiting for this student to use his mental power The intensity has increased, and your team will have one more Titan."

"Hahaha, wherever, it's all luck."

Holding Lin Huai, Wu Wenguo laughed from ear to ear when he heard the young woman's praise.

"No, it turned out to be a D+ rating. How does this make my G-level olfactory ability live!" Ke Xinlong heard what the young woman said, feeling that the whole person was not good.

Originally, I wanted the newcomer to be called Brother, but I didn't expect the newcomer to climb on top of him at once. D and G are simply the difference between heaven and earth!

"What is it called? If you don't have the ability, you can practice martial arts well. Use your ability to find elixir in the mountains. The promotion won't be too slow. Don't complain about myself here."

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