Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 142: Mental breakthrough

   The genetic medicine of each stage of physical fitness is very concerned, but mental power is only involved in genetic medicine of level 5 and above.

   Therefore, Lin Huai has no good way to improve his mental power.

   Controlling a Xiaoqiang, so that all of his mental power is occupied, Lin Huai is also very helpless.

   He also wants to control more, but he can clearly feel that there is an invisible bottleneck in front of his mental power. If he doesn't break through, his mental power cannot increase rapidly.

   With the rapid increase of his strength, his mental power should also be able to usher in a rapid increase period, because of this bottleneck, his mental power has not moved for several days.

   still wondering if there is any way to puncture it, but I didn't expect the solution to come to my hand.

   Significantly increase mental power!

   Use this bottleneck all the time, and the effect should not be too good.

   Lin Huai cut off control excitedly, reached out and picked up the gray coal ball in Xiaoqiang's hand, and gently pressed it to the center of his brow.

   looks very ordinary, as if it really is a briquettes. Just touching Lin Huai's eyebrows gave Lin Huai a different experience.

   An icy breath that seems to be able to freeze everything, starting from the gray briquettes, following the center of the eyebrows, directly into Lin Huai's spiritual sea.

   made Lin Huai's spiritual sea stagnate for a moment, and then this cold breath, as if being melted by Lin Huai's spiritual sea, slowly became warm.

   At that moment, Lin Huai's brain was frozen.

   It's too cold, he doesn't seem to continue thinking when it's cold.

   Fortunately, coldness comes quickly and goes quickly.

   As the coldness faded, the breath flowing from the ash briquettes gradually melted into Lin Huai's spiritual sea.

   Although these auras looked small, the energy contained in them was so huge that they merged with Lin Huai's Spirit Sea, and Lin Huai clearly felt that the area of ​​his Spirit Sea had increased a bit.

   works well!

   Lin Huai continued to control the fusion of these breaths.

   The sea of ​​spirit has only grown a little bit bigger, without the slightest change, but as the aura merges, Lin Huai's mind has a feeling of bottleneck becoming stronger and stronger.

   Until a certain moment, there was a clear "pop" in my mind, as if something had been broken.

   In the next moment, a powerful wave of spirit sea surged, and the spirit power that spontaneously increased with the increase in strength and the spirit power transformed from the cold breath poured into this small spiritual sea in an instant.

   brought earth-shaking changes to this spiritual sea.

  The spirit sea keeps getting bigger, bigger, bigger...

   Its area is rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Lin Huai also feels that his mind is getting clearer and his thoughts are getting more and more smooth.

   Once the bottleneck was broken, the mental power blocked by the bottleneck exploded at the same moment, causing Lin Huai's upper limit of spiritual power to rise every moment.

   This crazy rise lasted for ten minutes.

   It wasn't until the gray briquettes leaning on the center of the eyebrows consumed the last breath and completely turned into a burst of fly ash, and the increase in mental power leveled off.

   Lin Huaixi smiled and perceives the change of mental power.

   Originally controlled Xiaoqiang's somewhat swollen brain, it was completely relaxed, and the mental power that was freed up was three times the previous mental power.

   It shows that if he really wants to control, he can still control three dementia masters like Xiaoqiang.

   It can be seen how exaggerated Lin Huai's mental strength is.

   After opening the bottleneck, the mental power not only increased in quantity, but also changed significantly in quality.

   He can clearly perceive that his current mental power is more tenacious than before.

  It can be imagined in the future. The mental power changes once and then becomes tough once. Sooner or later, the mental power can be transformed to the extent that it can interfere with reality without abilities.

   At that time, just using mental power, you could have extremely strong combat power.

   Actually, Lin Huai was talking about genetic warriors after Tier 5. In their level of battle, abilities are not all of the struggle, and the confrontation of mental power also accounts for a big factor.

   Of course, Lin Huai's current mental strength is tougher than before, but compared to them, it is still very weak, and there is no need to think about it for so long.

   The mental power is enough, so the mouse should continue to control it.

  Lin nostalgic thoughts, the dense soul chains came out, looking extremely terrible, these soul chains, passing through the special glass box, are very neatly linked to the heads of the mice that are eating and drinking.

   These little white mice shook their bodies, their eyes flashed red, and then they continued to do what they were doing before.

   "Fifty little white mice!"

   Lin Huai narrowed his eyes and was slightly shocked. It was not that he was lack of energy, but that there were only fifty white mice in the glass box.

   He didn't expect that he could control so many guinea pigs.

After   's transformation, the same amount of mental power can actually control one more white mouse than before. The tenacity of mental power seems to have other uses.

   These fifty mice didn't occupy Lin Huai's mental power at all. Another fifty mice would not be a big problem for him.

   But it's not necessary. Why do you need so many guinea pigs? Fifty, it is enough for him to implement various strategies.

   I have to reserve some space for the new cutie.

The long black legs of the Zerg picked out by    were taken out of the bag by Lin Huai.

   If there is only this leg, it would be really difficult to collect genes, but the remaining white meat in the leg makes this job much easier in an instant.

   Let the human flesh machine Xiaoqiang, breaking the leg with brute force, Lin Huai took out the white flesh that had dried up into a ball.

   There is no sign of mold, so it can be used.

   began to extract genes.

   After half an hour, Lin Huai successfully extracted the special genes in the white meat and made them into medicine.

   Zerg tribe is stronger than ordinary insects, because every worm of Zerg tribe possesses at least one kind of power, coupled with their ability to reproduce far beyond human beings, this has become the enemy of all mankind.

   This is a special gene for metal orientation of ants.

   should be the ability to purify metal or transform itself into metal. To be more specific, Lin Huai is not particularly clear, and can only be known after experiments.

   It took him a while to make ten copies of the special gene, making ten bottles in total.

  , of course, you need to be more careful when you drink it for yourself, but for other creatures, this cumbersome process will definitely save you.

   Therefore, the amount of impurities contained in these special gene transfer medicines is not much different from what he made when his strength was low.

   It's hard to get some special genes, and we must make good use of them.

   Lin Huai called Xiaoqiang, left the laboratory, and went outside to look for an experiment object.

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