General: Traveling Frog, Starting Blood and Following the Limit

General: Traveling Frog, starting with blood limit Chapter 560

"What is he doing? Pacifists are no match for him, but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry."

One of the men said curiously.

"He's playing!"

Spandam gritted his teeth: "Can't you see!"

"Whether we or the pacifists are just toys in his eyes, he is playing with these pacifists!"

After hearing Spangdam's words, his men were stunned.

That's a pacifist!

With a construction cost of more than one billion, a single pacifist can easily destroy a warship.

Such a powerful war weapon, in Bai Ye's eyes, is no different from a toy?

But when the subordinate looked carefully, he realized that Spandam was right.

Bai Ye is just playing!

"Why isn't it better yet?"

Spandam suddenly roared.

He said to the logistics staff: "Where's the cyborg!"

"Coming soon!"

The man in charge of logistics found that he could no longer take off his clothes, so he could only release a few biochemical people.

These cyborgs are more powerful than pacifists, and they are the latest technology so far.

On them, biotechnology and various machinery are combined to become real super biological weapons.

While possessing different superpowers, he also has a tough body and a flexible body.

Unlike pacifists, their height is not too exaggerated, basically around three meters.

The technology used by Germa 66 themselves is not as advanced as theirs.

"This is the greatest hope."! "

Spandam said nervously.

He looked at the cyborg walking out of the fortress: "Go ahead, kill Bai Ye!"

Bai Ye also saw these cyborgs.

Throwing away the approaching pacifist, he looked at the cyborgs up and down: "Hey, isn't this the weapon of Germa 66!"


Everyone in the monitoring room was shocked. No one expected that Bai Ye recognized the technology of Gilma 66 at once.

This is not ordinary, it shows that there is a lot of connection between him and Germa 66!

"What's going did you know!"

After enduring for a long time, Spandam couldn't help but turn on the microphone and asked.

Bai Ye said calmly: "There's nothing strange about this."

"I have seen the technology of Gilmar 66 before... I can only say that even if it is the most advanced, it still needs more research."

"In the eyes of real masters, it is completely inadequate."

His words made Spandam and others tremble with fear.

But Spandam still said stubbornly: "You are bragging! Die!"

With that said, with an order, several cyborgs pounced on Bai Ye!

At the same time, various superpowers burst out from their bodies.

Fire, lightning, frost!

Several completely different superpowers and extremely brilliant attacks surround Bai Ye's body.

Suddenly, Bai Ye's body was surrounded by elements such as explosions and frost.

Spandam saw this and smiled proudly.


"Have you seen it? This is the power of biochemical humans! It's really extraordinary!"

His men also laughed against their will: "Yes, yes!"

"After all, it is a product that is more expensive than the pacifist, and of course it cannot be compared to the pacifist."

The materials for these biochemicals cost more than those for pacifists.

It can be said to be a comprehensively upgraded version of the pacifist.

If the cost were not too high, Germa 66 itself could not afford such a high expenditure, and would not share its technology with the world government.

Spandam looked at the picture proudly: "Now, Bai Ye Bu Die must be seriously injured!"

He thought he had discovered Bai Ye's weakness.

"No wonder I have to be afraid of long-range combat and not melee turns out I'm afraid of elemental damage!"

"Let me tell you, how can there be people in the world who are not afraid of anything?"

The smoke in the field gradually dissipated.

Revealing the figure of Bai Ye.

In mint condition.

Not even a strand of hair was out of place.

"I let you down."

Bai Ye smiled faintly and said to the surveillance camera: "It's a pity that you need something more powerful to be effective on me!"

Spandam was stunned: "How is this possible!"

"Range is useless, melee is useless, even elemental damage is useless!"

"How can there be such a person in the world who is not afraid of anything!"

He quickly said to his subordinates: "Quick, quick, quick, if you have any other weapons, take them out and attack him!"

"there is none left!"

The man in charge of logistics said: "The pacifists and these biochemicals are our only trump card."

"Of course there is some security in the fortress..."


Spangdam refused.

The security in the fortress can only be used in small places like the inside of the fortress.

If it were released, it would be like delivering food to Bai Ye!

Although he was crazy and frightened, he did not completely lose his mind.

I know I can't waste all my troops here.

"Forget it, maybe the cyborg has something to do with Bai Ye!"

Spandam could only place his hope on the cyborgs at this time.

Unfortunately, the reality disappointed him.

Cyborg's elemental attacks are ineffective against Bai Ye.

He continued to use compound moves with elements.

Bai Ye is also familiar with this move. Members of the Vinsmoke family have such moves.

However, there is still a big gap in the level between the use of the biochemical man and the use of the Wen (Good Mano) Smoak family.

"It's half-baked, completely unsatisfactory."

Bai Ye shook his head and commented.

Flaming kicks, lightning punches...

Bai Ye could easily catch these moves that were neither good nor bad.

The biochemical people saw that such an attack would not work.

Suddenly he jumped into the distance, and then the figure disappeared.

"Here he appears! Invisible form farmer!"

Spandam said happily: "Now, there is nothing Bai Ye can do!"

"Haha, after you become invisible, let me see how you fight!"

Spandam laughed arrogantly.

Bai Ye just waved his hand.

He shot down an invisible cyborg in mid-air.

The cyborg fell from the air and lay on the ground, twitching a few times and becoming motionless.


Bai Ye looked at the camera with a sneer: "You don't think that this kind of invisibility is useful to experts, do you?".

Chapter 383: All the men betrayed

Bai Ye glanced at him, which made Spangdam's heart tremble.

"What's going on? How could this happen!"

Spandam watched in disbelief as several cyborgs were easily dispatched by Bai Ye.

It’s as simple as eating and drinking.

"That's invisibility! How did he break the invisibility?"

Spandam said incomprehensibly.

"It's about seeing and hearing, sir!"

One of his subordinates said: "Masters like him are very good at seeing and hearing things!"

"Many people can tell where the target is even without looking."

After hearing what his men said, Spandam suddenly realized.

"It turns out it's all about seeing and hearing..."

"Damn Admiral, why do you have so many powerful skills!"

Seeing Spandam's furious look, his subordinates did not dare to say that in fact many people in the sea had this skill.

Spandam himself is a complete useless person who has reached his current position purely through connections.

The consequence of being ignorant is that even things that everyone knows about sight, hearing and color are not clear to him.

"What should I do? No one can stop him!"

Spandam watched frantically as Bai Ye cleared away the obstacles and walked into the fortress easily.

"Quick, start the emergency procedures within the fortress immediately!"

Spangdam yelled.

493 He clicked a red button.

In an instant, a red light flashed inside the fortress, and sirens could be heard.

A very heavy alloy door fell heavily.

Block the white night outside the fortress.

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