Chapter 482 Golden Pearl Medicine

Ling Xiao felt a sense of exhaustion, and immediately returned to his room, wanting to sleep comfortably to relieve his fatigue.

At his realm, most of the fatigue brought about by cultivation does not come from the body, but more from the feeling of burnout in the soul, which makes him just want to sleep comfortably.

At this time, many people will choose to use a shallow cultivation state instead of the sleep state, so that they can recover quickly and can improve their cultivation all the time.

But Ling Xiao didn't do that. He felt that it was completely unnecessary. One minute of cultivating in an awake state was much better than cultivating at a shallow level for 1,800 years.

So there is really no need to embarrass himself, he just wants to follow his own habits, his own thinking, and let himself sleep.

When he returned to his room, he felt that it was rare to be able to stay in such a highly civilized world. He planned to take a good bath and relax. Even if he was not really tired, he would still want to experience what he had not participated in for a long time. of various activities.

He came to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and the nozzle sprayed a stream of water with a suitable temperature, one after another from the top of his head and down his body, bringing him moderate relaxation and pleasure.

Ling Xiao washed a little, then lay down on the bed and put down the barrier before going to sleep.

They thought that they were so low-key, safe and quiet, that they didn't notify anyone else, but they didn't want to be discovered by some other powerhouses.

On the second day, he received a notice of a visitor, and the waiter said: "Someone wants to visit the gentleman in this room, and said that you will definitely want to see him~". 99

After listening to Ling Xiao, his face was expressionless, and he didn't want to see him. Obviously, there was no one he knew who wanted to come to him. At most, there was someone who felt his breath and wanted to meet him for a while.

Ling Xiao didn't give him much face, and answered directly: "No, I will never see such a person in the future."

The waiter moved, and then took out something from his side and said: "This is given by the gentleman. He said that if you can't tell him, he will show you this thing."

Ling Xiao reached out and took a look at it. The waiter handed over a slightly old but finely crafted wooden box. It looked very small and exquisite, and could be held with one hand, but it was heavier than he should have been. Many inside.

It seemed to be full of mystery, Ling Xiao was curious at this moment, and without hesitation, reached out and opened the box. It's useless to even search for consciousness.

He had an inexplicable feeling, believing that this person just wanted to attract his attention, just wanted to add two more mysteries, and didn't mean to hurt Ling Xiao.

Sure enough, after opening it, there was a small golden pill hidden inside. Ling Xiao squeezed the pill in his hand, and could feel a strong spiritual energy from his hand.

This aura was going crazy, and he wanted to drill into his body from his fingertips. Ling Xiao probed it, and after realizing that the aura didn't do any harm to him, he let go of his resistance.

Let the golden aura burrow into his body, the aura has been wandering in his meridians since (well, okay), but the unexpected is not disgusting, on the contrary. It's a wonderful comfort.

Ling Xiao suddenly seemed to understand something, he knew this pillar

What are the beads used for, but he still summoned the system, wanting the system to give him a specific data.

After the system detection, it showed: "Ding...Golden Pearl Medicine, 18th-grade low-grade, healing props, can be cured very quickly, and it can be worn for a long time for fresh eyesight.

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