Gao Wu: F-level Talent at the Start Evolve into SSS

Chapter 480 How to get the magical power!

Chapter 480 How to get the magical power!

He called out the system and the virtual universe plus the elf, which had been the basis for all his problems, and asked the system first.

The system explained: "Ding... the other party is composed of the heavens of the world, and its whole body is only composed of the ordinary spiritual power between heaven and earth, but because the other party is a rule, it can directly define the world, so I want to study a body that is Pretty simple thing.35

"Four Three Zeros"

"And there is no need to consider the loss at all. He is the energy between the heavens and the earth, and this is his energy. He can use as much as he wants, and use it as long as he wants."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao felt a little disappointed in his heart, which means that this is the other party's special ability, and his own words cannot be imitated or copied.

If so, wouldn't he lose a formidable combat power? Ling Xiao continued to ask: "Then if humans want to achieve this level, is there any other shortcut?'99

System, replied: "Ding... Yes, if you want to achieve this level, you need to improve your understanding of Dao Yun to a level that surpasses that of all humans.

"Become the most powerful person in the world who understands Dao Yun, control the rules of the world like the world of heaven, and then use your Dao Yun as a prison of spiritual energy, fix it in a shape and a state, and let him be your own. Vector, an armor.

"Or use it on the aura armor of the move, it's a very good way.

Ling Xiao listened carefully, and his heart became happy, so there is hope, but there may not be a chance to do it for a while.

Because his understanding of Daoyun is of course far inferior to that of the world, but he believes that as long as he is willing to do it, there is nothing he can't do.

This is his belief all the way, and it is also his motto. In this way, he has found his goal for this period of time. Even though he has cultivated his spiritual power and physical power to a certain level, it is difficult to regain quality in a short period of time. promote. Why not take care of Dao Yun, which has been on hold for a long time.

Dao Yun brought him a lot of help, especially the line of cause and effect. This kind of thing that he had never heard of, had never seen before, and had transcended a certain level of realm. No matter how strong the powerhouse was, the attack could not be resisted.

This is actually a huge amount of energy, but it doesn't have the attacking ability of spiritual power and magic power, it looks so conspicuous, and no one uses it in normal battles, so I ignore it in terms of ideas.

He thought about it, this is also a mistake, and now that person's sudden appearance has made him realize how much potential this energy can bring.

He doesn't want to give up easily, this kind of energy naturally has to try hard, if he can do it, he will make a lot of money, and if he can't do it, he has nothing to lose.

Anyway, he has become the highest powerhouse. If he wants to continue to improve, it is only a matter of time. He has time.

In this world, there is no one who can compare with his lifespan, and it is basically impossible for others to kill him.

In such a situation, he has become the first person under the Heavenly Dao of the world, or considering the rules of the Heavenly Dao in the world and the restraint of the Heavenly Dao in the world, he is the person who can freely dominate the power of 4.5 in this world.

At this point, what is there to be afraid of? Bravely trying everything he wants to do is the most correct choice for him now.

He stroked the muscles he had cultivated in his body. Others might find that there was no difference between him and other people's bodies, but he understood how terrifying the energy it represented. It seems to be ordinary and unremarkable like other muscles.

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