Deng Deng Deng

Renice's leather boots stepped on the corridor and made a crisp sound. The valiant little queen was wearing a black and red cloak, and disappeared at the end of the corridor like a burning flame.

Soon there was a loud dragon roar above her head, and Renis rode Rego to patrol the entire Great Wall of Despair and the fortress north of the Great Wall.

The three dragon knights of House Targaryen now take turns riding the dragon on patrol, lest the White Walkers and the Legion of the Dead suddenly appear at the foot of the Wall and catch them off guard.

The Imperial army now stands firmly on top of the Wall, learning the lessons of the last Human and White Walker war.

In the face of an enemy like the White Walkers, the protective human soldiers who left the city walls are lambs to be slaughtered, and buildings are the advantage of humans over the White Walkers. Do your best to stop the enemy.

Now the entire Great Wall of Despair is in full swing. More than 30,000 Imperial soldiers are stationed on the 300-mile-long Great Wall, and more than 100,000 troops are gathering in the rear of the Empire, coming from all over the country. , Dorne, Valley, Westland, etc., they are continuously gathering towards the north. :.

When the empire's army of more than 100,000 gathers at the foot of the Great Wall, coupled with the eight dragons of the Targaryen family, the Great Wall of Despair will become the most impregnable barrier in the human world.

If the White Walkers want to forcibly break through from here, they must pay a great price.

At the other end of the corridor on the other side, the silver-haired girl in a long snow-white dress and a white fluffy cape looked at the back of Renice as she left, her lavender eyes slightly saddened.

She now regrets more and more what she said impulsive at the beginning, but what she said is like spilled water, and it is difficult to take it back.

Therefore, when Daenerys faces Renice's lovely smiling face, she will feel a little guilty in her heart, and she can't help but avoid her eyes.

It was only then that Renise realized that Daenerys had become a little strange.

However, while Daenerys was thinking about the railing, she suddenly felt a shadow appear under her feet.

The silver-haired girl was startled and woke up suddenly, but when she looked up, she saw the elder brother she was attached to standing in front of her.

Daenerys has no parents since she was born. Her father, Aerys II, died before she was born, and her mother, Queen Layla, died because of dystocia when she gave birth to herself. Therefore, for Daenerys Viserys was all she had.

The thing she feared most was that Viserys would leave her.


Then Daenerys hugged the silver-haired young man in front of him tightly, and Viserys also hugged his sister. He could sense that the girl in front of him was hugging his arm very hard, and she didn't seem to want to let him go.

Then Viserys sighed and began to stroke her hair slightly.

"Danny, can we talk alone?"

Day after day, the sun rises from all directions as usual, and he hangs with some dead people every day. Bunyan feels that he is about to become one of them, and he wanders around in the big army without purpose. I don't know where to go.

Fortunately, Bunyan also had a companion.

Lyanna is still awake because of the little black stone Rhaegar gave her. She occasionally accompanies Bunyan to talk, but most of the time she has to stay away for fear of causing other White Walkers. 's perception.

Gu/span> After all, apart from the two of them in the entire army of the dead, the rest are murky monsters, and even the more advanced White Walkers are also marionettes, at least in Lyanna's view.

They will only act according to the Night King's orders, without their own opinions, without their own thoughts, and without knowing who they are.

If this group of White Walkers knew their identities, they might not choose to fight for the Night King. After all, many of this group of White Walkers are ancestors of their Stark family, kings of the North, many of whom are famous. generation.

"Lyanna, where are we now?"

The thin sunlight above his head penetrated the snow with difficulty, and Bunyan saw the gray-white-haired woman walking towards him, and hurriedly stood up from the snow and asked.

In order to prevent other White Walkers from becoming suspicious after seeing them, after all, the ghouls are cannon fodder, and the White Walkers are the commanders of the cannon fodder. Although the White Walkers do not communicate on weekdays, they at least have the ability to communicate. And a White Walker and a ghoul all day together would make other White Walkers suspicious anyway.

Therefore, every time Bunyan and Lyanna secretly 'date', they will leave a mark in advance to imply each other, and then one of them will quietly leave the team, and the other will follow.

Leaving the team is a very common thing in the army of the dead. After all, not all ghouls are strong and strong, and there are many old ghouls, whose bones have been loosened, and they accidentally lose their legs after a long journey. It was broken, so they could only follow the team by crawling with their broken legs in the back, while others crashed into trees and damaged themselves, or simply lost their way.

Of course Bunyan would not self-mutilate, even though he is now a walking corpse, but he also cherishes his body very much.

In the past few years, he followed the army of the dead to go south and north and experienced countless battles, and at the same time, he also saw the magnificent scenery and all kinds of strange monsters on the polar ice field.

"have no idea."

However, facing Bunyan's question, Lyanna turned her head left and right to look.

Now there is a vast expanse of white everywhere, perhaps because the sun rarely appears in the extreme north, and the wind and snow temporarily stopped for a while, just as they were talking.

Then Lyanna simply shook her head.

"But I think we may be on our way According to Lyanna's identification, they are likely to be heading south at the moment, and they have been heading north before, I don't know how far they have gone.

"Is it?"

And Bunyan sank slightly when he heard Lyanna's words.

"Does that mean we may be attacking the Great Wall soon?"

The gray-haired woman was silent. She also remembered that when she was just recovering, she killed an unknown number of humans, and even shot Robert an arrow to avenge Rhaegar.

But Lyanna didn't want to kill Robert, maybe because she knew that the other party really liked her, but she also knew that Robert wouldn't just love her.

Therefore, at the last moment, the crosshair shifted slightly, otherwise, with Lyanna's archery, that arrow would directly kill Robert.

"Let's go with the flow." To provide you with the fastest Game of Thrones: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon update, Chapter 784 of the Arctic Icefields is free to read. :.

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