Game of Thrones: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon

Chapter 739: Skeleton Brotherhood


   "When will you say we can go home?"

   More than a dozen ships with various flags docked at the port. This is a prosperous and beautiful town, but it is not popular, and the streets are empty during the day.

   The blue water, the calm sea, the white and soft sandy beach, and the endless woods in the distance.

   On a brig warship with a skull flag, a blond-haired, somewhat handsome pirate sat on the bow with his machete, staring at the calm sea in the distance, and then asked.

"how could I know?"

   On the other side, the one-eyed pirate named Romi, sitting opposite him, was a little drunk with a hip flask in his hand, and said impatiently.

   "Jack, you don't miss that chick again, do you?"

   "I tell you Lanna is Harlow's forbidden! You will find her secretly, sooner or later Harlow will chop off the following stuff!"

   ‘Blonde’ Jack and ‘One-eyed’ Romi are both members of the Brotherhood of Bones. This is a pirate galloping on the summer sea.

   Their most iconic is a black-bottomed skull flag. Merchant ships sailing on the summer seas are all horrified when they see this flag.

And this notorious brotherhood of pirate skeletons is entrenched on Fly Island in the Snake Lizard Islands not far from the island of Nass. The Snake Lizard Islands in Sosros is now a paradise for pirates. There are many large and small on it. There are dozens of pirates.

   The Harlow that the ‘one-eyed’ Romi said is the current leader of the Brotherhood of Bones, nicknamed ‘Cruel’ Harlow.

   He is tall and strong, seven feet tall, with red hair and a fierce face. It is said that he can eat alive people, so wherever the ‘cruel’ Harlow goes, it is daunting.

   But in fact, as veterans of the Brotherhood of Bones, both Jack and Romi knew that Harlow actually did not eat people, especially raw. It was just a reputation for being cruel to the outside world, so that it could better intimidate the enemy.

   And just now, "One-eyed" Romi mentioned a girl named Lanna, who was the hostage captured by the Brotherhood of Bones in a plunder of merchant ships.

   But because of his sweet appearance, fair skin and beautiful long blond hair, he was taken as his own by Harona, the pirate leader, and became his favorite concubine, and even gave him a son.

However, what the "cruel" Harlow doesn't know is that Lanna has been affair with her most trusted brothers all the time. Jack is only one of her lovers. Romi knows at least three more, but unfortunately only Ha Luo didn't know it himself.

   However, Romi still warned his good brothers and fellow villagers that it is best to avoid contact with women like Lanna, because he thinks this will be exposed sooner or later, even if Jack is not caught by that time, it may be implicated.

  Although Harlow does not eat people, he betrayed him and gave him a green hat. The punishment may not be better than eating raw.

   "I'm not talking about going back to Fly Island."

   However, a handsome young man named ‘Blond’ Jack, sitting on the bow of the boat holding his machete, directly interrupted the good brother’s words, and said without turning his head.

   Romi, the Cyclops with a blindfold on the other side, was slightly taken aback, but he didn't react for the first time.

   "I mean going home."

   "Return to Westeros."

   It turns out that Jack and Romi came from Westeros. They had a different life before, but in the end they ended up in the same way. They both fell to the remote Snake Lizard Islands and joined the pirates and became one of them.

  Jack is a member of the Lannister family. He lives in Lannisters, so he has an iconic blond hair. His father is a cheese merchant in Lannisters and his family is in a good family.

   even donated a ship in the war against ghosts for the wildfire explosion on the Green Fork River.

   However, after the end of the human war against ghosts, a civil war broke out. Their monarch was also the patriarch, Duke Tywin Lannister, who was defeated and fled back to the West.

The second war of conquest broke out. Prince Oberon of Dorn led a Targaryen army to break through from the south. Lien Chan regained victory. Another princess of the Targaryen family rode a giant dragon and set fire everywhere in the western sky. People in the west are panicked.

   Then the Lannister army encountered Euron's backstab, Lannis Harbor fell, and Prince Dorn led his army to kill in. However, at this time, the nightmare began.

Oberon ordered the massacre of the Lannister family members, and even developed to the point where all the blonde-haired people were arrested or killed, his parents were killed, and Jack fled himself by boat at that time. Hometown.

   And the one-eyed Romi who lost one of his eyes comes from the Iron Islands. He is the illegitimate son of the Merlin family, Romi Parker, and his father is the Earl of Pebble Array, a fat bald man.

   He left his hometown earlier than Jack. He fled his hometown by boat as early as when the aliens invaded Great Wake Island.

At that time, the island was in turmoil and there were dead people everywhere. His father, Medred Merlin, was pretty reliable. He thought of his **** and gave Romi a small boat for him to ride. The ship escaped, and it is unclear whether the Earl of Pebble Town himself escaped.

   Therefore, both of them are from the same country. Although they are in different places, they are considered to be one of the few relatives in such a remote place, and they eventually became good brothers.

   "Fuck you! Jack."

   And ‘One-eyed’ Romy Parker heard and suddenly said these words, was silent for a while, holding a hip flask in his hand, and finally suffocated a word, even feeling a little excited.

   "We can't go home anymore! Don't you know?"

Both of them joined the Brotherhood of Skeletons for various reasons, but it is easy to join, but it is not easy to quit. Once they join a pirate group, unless they are carried out and thrown off the ship if they are dead. Don't want the golden basin to wash your hands.

   If you sneak away on the island or the port, you will be hunted down, and death is a relief at that time.

   But while two young pirates were sitting on the bow and chatting.

   Suddenly, the sound of a horn came from the distant sea.


   The sound of the horn is bleak and melodious, and it spreads over a long distance and echoes in the whole silence of the sea.

   The two sitting on the bow of the ship quickly turned their heads, and then they saw a fleet with the three-headed fire dragon flag of the Targaryen family and the golden sea monster flag of the Greyjoy family in the Iron Islands.

   They don't know when they have spread all over the sea, and they are coming toward this side mightily.

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