"This fire burned away the usurper's ambition to invade Dragon Stone Island in the next five years."

   The old Sir standing beside the boy gave a light cough, and then spoke.

   Veserys turned his head slightly and glanced at the little old man standing next to him. He didn't know where the other party's five-year data came from, and whether there was any evidence to support it.

   But he also understood that the burning of this fire really made Longshidao temporarily safe.

   The war of usurpers is not over yet, the fat man of Baratheon, oh no, the future is a fat man, the throne he sits on is not so secure yet.

   The War of the Usurpers has changed abruptly since the death of his elder brother Rega. Targaryen has not won a battle, defeated one after another, and finally lost the Iron Throne directly.

   And now, this fire of Viserys is regarded as a beacon for the long night of the Targaryen family's future, at least slightly boosting the morale that is now depressed to the extreme.

   However, in fact, the relationship between this fire and Viselis is not very big.

   In fact, his most fundamental purpose is to rely on the superiority of the foresight and not want the Dragon Stone Island fleet to be buried in the storm.

   So I want to let the fleet escape the storm vortex of Dragon Stone Island.

   However, I did not expect that the almost bold advice given by a child would be adopted by mistake.

   Sir Jeffrey finally decided to race against the storm and assault Wind's Breath.

   Then, when Stannis didn't expect it, the Targaryen fleet sailed out of the storm.

   directly hit him by surprise, blocked all the Baratheon fleet in the harbor, and completely set off the fire.

  In the future, it is even destined to become one of the most classic cases in the history of the Battle of Westeros.

   However, Viselis actually only gave a suggestion, which played a very small role. The subsequent command, combat, and raid had nothing to do with him.

   He just stood beside the little old man and blew the sea breeze, and got a heavy rain.

   Although Veserys took the initiative to ask to stand outside to watch the battle, I don't know why the old jazz didn't drive the kid in the way back.

   Instead, he took the initiative to bring him by his side, even Veselis stood aside and listened in the battle meeting.


   And at the head of Feng's Breath Fort.

   Stannis held the cold battlements in his hands, his face was tight, his body was straight, and his broad shoulders carried the mountains.

   At this time, his whole body was wet with rain, and his heart was as cold as the rain.

The young heir to the Iron Throne watched the fire rising into the sky in the distant port, clenched his fists, his five fingers grabbed a thin stone dust on the cold and hard battlements, and his fingers were also worn out unconsciously, the white of the city bricks. The scar was stained with blood.

   However, Stannis was completely undecided about the pain at this moment.

   He only felt that his breathing was a little bit short, his chest was constantly rising and falling sharply, and then the vision in front of him was gradually blurred, and he couldn't really see it.

   Then the world revolves around.

"grown ups!"

   The guard beside him exclaimed.

   then hugged Stannis quickly, did not let him faint and fall under the city wall.

   Otherwise, if Stannis, the one-hundred-foot-high wall of Wind's Breath, stumbled and fell, it would really be a dead end.

   The king’s own brother, heir to the Iron Throne, fell from the wall and fell to his death. It really became a joke.

   "Where is Christen's Bachelor?"


   "Hurry up and find a bachelor!"

   The guard yelled while holding Stannis who had fainted.

   Then there were other soldiers hurriedly ran into the castle, looking for Bachelor Christen who served the Baratheon family.


   At the same time.

   on the remote Longshi Island.

   The outside world is a terrifying sight like the end of the day. The gloomy sky and thick dark clouds almost press down on the ground, and the strong wind is mixed with heavy rain.

   The heavy rain pours down and slaps on this solid castle, and the ‘dragon’ on Longshi Island roars up to the sky, seeming to be fighting this terrible disaster.

   As the center of this unprecedented huge storm surge in Westeros, Longshi Island stands high above the rough sea, letting the terrifying waves hit the cliff, making a huge roar.

   The sky was gloomy and terrible, and the waves became irritable and arrogant.

   Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the giant dragon standing still in the huge waves.

  In a flash, the sky and the earth lit up.


   and thunder also sounded.



   The outside world is like the end of the world, but inside the Shigulou is heavily guarded.


   "Block the water here!"

   The soldiers on the entire Longshi Island were almost all concentrated in the castle, and they were highly nervous about flooding and fighting disasters.

   The former Red Fort coach put on his armor again after more than half a year, holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, and personally guarding outside the gate, but his face was slightly ugly.

   This bad weather inspired the old wounds on his body. The old wounds that had almost been penetrated through the abdomen by a sword in such a thunderstorm were like countless ants lying on it and eating like itching and pain, almost unbearable.

  As the acting lord of Dragonstone Island designated by Rega, Sir Shad, the illegitimate son from Dorn, also appeared outside the door. He sat side by side beside Sir William, with some erratic eyes.

   Everyone is nervous.

   Because the Queen Laila, who was pregnant, finally had a reaction today, she hurriedly sought the help of the midwife and several maids, and now her Majesty the Queen is giving birth in the house.

   while in the house.

   The lightning, thunder and wind and rain outside undoubtedly affected the mood of the mother.

   The long silver hair was scattered on the bed, and Queen Layla's consciousness had gradually blurred.

   The woman spread her legs and tried her best to give birth to her own child, but not everything in the world will be smooth sailing.

   A woman giving birth is undoubtedly one of the hardest things.


   "Stop the bleeding!"

   The midwives with inexperienced in the house and the queen's maid hurriedly helped the queen to give birth.

   But at this moment, the blood under the queen's body was flowing down as if it couldn't stop.

   In addition, Queen Layla herself is already an elderly woman who has become a grandmother. Even though Viselis has been urging her to exercise more, the woman's body still can't bear such torture.

   finally gave up resistance.


   The woman's consciousness has been completely blurred, her will collapse is no longer in resistance, and her chapped lips lightly recite her past names.



   Leila seemed to see her life in front of her eyes, and she was re-screening quickly.



   "I... my children..."

   A crystal teardrop fell from the corner of his eyes.


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