The dragon flames of Balerion's fury devoured several ancient gods, but after a breath, the dragon flames dissipated, and under the distorted space and the melted fragments of God's Domain, the ancient gods remained intact.

The Red God, who had been silent all this time, calmly withdrew his hand at this time. It turned out that he was the one who blocked Balerion's dragon flame just now.

"Damn it!"

The black dragon hovering in the sky saw this scene, its huge scarlet eyes were full of burning anger, and then lowered its head and roared at a **** in the distance who had been caught in the melee.

"Your Majesty, help me!"

As for the current battlefield above the Shivering Sea, even though the Shivering Sea is vast enough, it still seems too small to be the battlefield of the gods.

Attis and Edric shot out of the sky, seeming to go straight to the end of the world that will never see the sun, and the rest of the gods also chose their own opponents, and Diana originally wanted to help other gods, but He was blocked by his younger brother again, and then the two also played the core of the battlefield.

And on the battlefield, a goddess with a graceful figure and a beautiful face, except for her dark skin, stood barefoot in the void, her eyes scanning the entire battlefield, and a golden veil fluttered on her body.

He is Arianne, one of the three queens. She is not good at fighting head-on. Instead, she plays musical instruments to buff the other gods or confuse the enemy. This ability comes from her priesthood, manipulating people's emotions .

Originally, Arianne's ability would be a great killer on the battlefield of the gods, but now facing opponents controlled by evil energy, they are confused and have no sanity, only the instinct to fight.

Therefore, Arianne's ability was directly reduced, and she could only add benefits to her own gods.

And Arianne's is just right for the current Balerion. The goddess in the golden dress is now hundreds of miles away, and she slightly raised her head when she heard Balerion's growl from afar.

"Belerion, be careful enough."

"Don't get out of hand."

Arianne saw Balerion's furious look, her dark eyes narrowed slightly, and she reminded her.

Immediately, the slender fingers flicked lightly, and the vibrating strings of the harp sent out an aftermath visible to the naked eye. Balerion, who was heading towards the distance at an extremely fast speed, was approaching in the blink of an eye.


After receiving the buff given by the Queen of Heaven, the eyes of the Black Dragon God immediately became more tyrannical, and his anger burned like substance. White smoke spewed out from his throat, and the surge of divine power became more active. It looked at the three people below. God, said in a deep voice.

"Sure enough, you are not really resurrected."

The strength of the three gods is weak even in life, and the strength of the Drowned God may make Balerion take a look, but it is not enough to compete. R'hllor, Lord of Light.

Fortunately, 'Catastrophe' Klamdy didn't bring out the old god, otherwise even Balerion would not be able to help but despair. After all, the old **** in full bloom was the one who hid the most deeply and was the most terrifying one. Pulled back from the brink of destruction, all creatures in the world have experienced a cycle of life and death.

However, although there is no most terrifying old god, even the red **** in front of him is also the king of the gods of the previous generation, and his strength should not be underestimated.

However, Balerion still found out the details of these ancient gods in the attack just now. They were not really resurrected, but the traces of their existence in this world were given to them by "disaster" Klamdy in some way. It has been manipulated, and it has not reached the strength of the heyday at all. Otherwise, the Red God R'hllor alone is enough to stop the Black Dragon God, and no one else is needed to help.

"The dead shall not be profaned..."

"I'm here to help you out."

The ancient black dragon **** whispered, but his voice was as loud as thunder.

He has been in charge of the underworld since 20,000 years ago, using the ability of another ancient Valyrian god, assisted by Jaime Lannister, the soul and demigod refined by Viserys himself, to rule the underworld. Outraged at teasing the dead.

Immediately, his gaze once again overlooked the three ancient gods below, and a bright light appeared in the depths of his throat again, and even more surging dragon flames poured down.


The sky collapsed on the battlefield of the gods, and the whole world was immersed in the aftermath of the melee of the gods. The color of the world changed, just like a doomsday scene. Countless creatures still staying on the surface ran away, but they didn't know where to hide. will be safe.

For these creatures, the power of the gods is an irresistible force, not to mention all the gods in the whole world are fighting together at the same time, it is useless for them to escape, it is better to stay where they are and wait for their fate choice.

The whole world fell into despair.

In the hidden underground human coalition government, the video conference is full of leaders from various countries. As the speaker of the coalition government meeting, Mrs. Daniella Targary is also sitting in danger.

Although humans have given up most of the surface facilities and completely moved underground, the basic key facilities still remain, such as communication networks, electricity, maintenance of weapons and equipment, and so on.

"Commanders, we have received definite The real war has begun, and the gods have begun to fight against our enemies."

"The location is off Ibben, above the Shivering Sea."

During the video conference, the leaders of various countries with different skin colors remained silent, while the gray-haired female speaker spoke with a solemn face. In the meeting, high-level commanders from various combat command centers participated in the meeting, with a bullet on her shoulder. A star shines.

The war has begun.

Some time ago, the mercenaries who suddenly attacked the camps in various places have been found and destroyed. The Faceless Organization, which has been against the Targary family for tens of thousands of years, has been confirmed to have led these attacks and has become the public enemy of all mankind. To hit hard, close to doom.

And it wasn't until this time that the top leaders of the coalition government were astonished to realize that many human countries had been controlled by the enemy, including Braavos, an important country on the continent of Essos.

But fortunately, many secret projects of the coalition government were not fully disclosed in the parliament, but were concentrated in the hands of the old lady Daniela Targary. They were all secrets known only to her and the project host country. There is no connection between a project and another project.

But Daniela's whereabouts have always been a secret, and it is even rumored that there is a **** who protects her secretly, avoiding all assassinations.

Compared with how much the evil **** camp attaches importance to human beings, it is obvious that the lawful gods pay more attention to it, so the cooperation between humans and gods has been able to continue to this day.

"Now, the final decisive battle has arrived."


"It's time to show our role to the high gods!"

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