Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 234 The Mark of the Glutton

After waking up, Leonor listened to a lot of information.

He learned about Rhaegar's attack on the Three Women's Kingdom and the news that the Stepped Stone Islands were about to win.

With a dragon returning to the continent, rebellion among the princes of the Riverlands will be no problem.

"Lord Leonor, please pay attention to the injury."

Rhaegar looked at the other party's bloated figure worriedly.

Leonor patted his chest and coughed twice: "My body is fine."

Strong family.

As soon as you hear the name, you know that all the members of the family are strong and healthy.

Except for his second son, Larry Strong.

It was a deformity with a crooked foot, and he was born frail and sickly.

Seeing that his body was still strong, Rhaegar said seriously: "The rebellious princes are led by the Blackwood and Bracken families. I mean suppress them with iron blood."

Blatant treason must be paid in blood and fire.

"Prince, your idea is not wrong."

Leonor shook his beard and thought: "However, the two families have lasted for thousands of years and are deeply rooted in the Riverlands. Too much killing may cause a backlash from other nobles."

Nobles are a strange bunch.

They usually fight back and forth, fighting to the death.

If the royal family takes action to overthrow a big noble, it will immediately cause waves and make other nobles fearful.

Rhaegar understood this and asked, "What is your proposal?"

"Be polite first, then attack, so as not to be offended."

Leonor's eyes flashed, and he muttered: "First send people to negotiate with the two families to see their respective attitudes."

The Blackwoods still had their sanity and only had a conflict with the Riverrun army.

This is a family that can be won over.

The Brackens are crazy and regard the law as nothing.

They will be severely punished without credit.

Through the hatred of both sides, one fights against the other, and the rebellion is put down with minimum loss.

Rhaegar agreed with this view and thought about it for a moment: "Samwell Blackwood, the heir to the Blackwood family, is familiar with me and we can win over him."

Speaking of which, Robb Rivers, leader of the Second Sons, also comes from the Blackwood family.

He is also the half-brother of Samwell Blackwood.

The illegitimate son of Earl Blackwood.

Later, Rhaegar and Leonor discussed specific strategies.

It wasn't until late at night that it gradually ended.

After leaving the camp, Rhaegar stretched.

Looking up, the night is dotted with stars, and a bright moon emits fluorescence.

Rhaenyra and Helena walked out hand in hand.

"Rhaega, go and rest first."

Rhaenyra took Rhaegar's hand and looked at him with concern.

Helena leaned against Rhaegar's legs, put her two chubby hands together, and watched quietly.

Except when she is riding a dragon, she has a relatively reserved temperament.

"Okay, you two share a tent and take care of each other."

Rega's eyes were soft and he took the initiative to take Helena's little hand.

When sleeping in the wild, the sisters are safer together.

Rhaenyra glanced at Helena and took her hand helplessly.

Ever since she tamed Dream Fire, this girl has become more courageous day by day.

I don’t know if Allison would be so anxious when he learned that Helena had sneaked out of King’s Landing.


Under the night sky, the screams of gluttons sounded, flying from the direction of Harrenhal hidden in the night.

The dragon flew overhead, and the moonlight was temporarily blocked, making it dark.

Rhaegar squinted his eyes and watched the glutton's movements.

This giant dragon, which usually sleeps whenever he can and never moves much, is actually a little restless.


After circling twice, the glutton landed on the shore of Divine Eye Lake, its huge body covering the heads of the three siblings.

The broad wings were spread wide, the dragon's head was raised high, and it flapped its wings and swayed its body.

"Man, what did you find?"

Approaching the glutton's hind legs, Rhaegar patted the scales and was keenly aware of its abnormality.

The glutton leaned down, the dragon head as big as a house arched over the driver, and a pair of green vertical pupils stared straight at the Divine Eye Lake.

Rhaegar looked along the line of sight.

The lake surface was dim in the night, with occasional moonlight scattered and causing slight ripples.


The glutton roared dullly, and the dragon's head was powerful, signaling the driver to climb up its back.

It smelled an unusual smell.

Just near this blue lake.

Rhaenyra looked at the calm Lake of the God's Eye and said suspiciously, "Rhaegar, your dragon seems to be looking at the Isle of Thousand Faces."

Dragons' height and field of vision are different from humans.

Even if the sky is dark, it is still clearly visible under the vertical pupils.


The glutton raised a thick hind foot and carved a ravine of dragon's claws on the lawn beside the lake.

The vertical pupils stared at the driver, expressing his meaning.

Rhaegar glanced twice, and the memory of not long ago came to mind.

Helena tamed the dream fire, and the brothers stopped at Thousand Faces Island.

When the glutton left, he left traces of dragon claws on the land of Qianmian Island.

After comparing the two sides, Rhaegar realized the key point and said fiercely: "Mark!"

After many years of contact, he knew the habits of gluttons.

He has traveled to many places in Westeros and Essos, and has rich experiences and broad knowledge.

Thanks to the wisdom of dragons, which is not inferior to humans.

Gluttons have excellent memories. They not only hold grudges, but also remember the places they have been and the wonders they have seen.

However, I never have the habit of leaving marks.

"Qianmian Island..."

Lei Jia murmured and searched through his mind to find the records about Thousand Faces Island.

Twelve thousand years ago, there were no humans in Westeros.

The continent is ruled by the children of the forest and the giants.

Later, the ancestors of the First Men could not stand the oppression of the old Valyrian people and invaded the continent of Westeros from the Arm of Dorne.

A war between the children of the forest and the ancestors officially started.

The war between the two sides is called the "Dawn Era" in history.

No one knows how long the Dawn Era lasted.

Probably two thousand years, or more.

In the end, wise people from both camps made an oath of alliance on Qianmian Island.

stipulations of the oath;

The ancestors owned the coasts, plains, grasslands, mountains and swamps, but the lush forests were always owned by the children of the forests.

And no more weirwood trees are allowed to be cut down in the entire kingdom.

To celebrate the hard-won peace, every weirwood tree on the island was carved with a face to allow the Old Gods to witness the signing of the oath.

Since then, the ancestors and the children of the forest have maintained peaceful coexistence for four thousand years.

Known in history as "The Age of Heroes".

Later, the ancestors of the Andals, who were also invaded by Old Valyria, left their homeland, landed from the Five Fingers Peninsula, and launched an attack on the valley.

The Andals had more advanced iron tools, more etiquette, and were more barbaric.

They killed all the children of the forest they met and burned the weirwood forests to the south.

The belief in the old gods was abandoned and the belief in the Seven Gods was brought about.

This disaster led to the death of a large number of children of the forest, and the peace contract with humans was broken.

Due to various reasons, the children of the forest stayed away from the south of the continent and moved to live north of the Great Wall.

Since then, there has been very little news.

Become a record in history books.

Thinking of this, Rhaegar was shocked and sighed: "The Free Fortress Empire is really powerful."

Even as powerful as the Targaryen family, they are only in the middle and lower reaches of the forty Dragon King families.

The exile Aenar Targaryen said that he followed the prophecy of his daughter Denise Targaryen and migrated to Dragonstone Island in advance to take refuge.

It is better to say that the family power was suppressed and was exiled to the outpost of Dragonstone Island.


The glutton was impatient to wait, so he pushed Rhaegar hard, staggered, turned around and crawled down.

Rega steadied his steps and said carefully: "Don't be impatient, we'll come soon."

Climbing up the ladder to the back of the dragon, Rega looked at the two sisters and asked, "Are you going back to rest, or are you going to Qianmian Island with me?"

"I'm going!"

Helena raised her little hand, ran to Glutton's side, grabbed the ladder and climbed up.

Rhaenyra pushed her little butt up and climbed up, also very interested: "Go and have a look."

The three of them climbed onto the dragon's back, and the glutton was satisfied, flapping his wings and flying across the God's Eye Lake.

Rhaegar gave up the saddle to his sisters and stood alone on the neck, his silver hair flying in the evening breeze.

The glutton glided at low altitude, and the dragon's tail drooped on the lake, causing ripples.

Not long after.

Three people and one dragon arrived at Qianmian Island and landed in the core area of ​​the island.

"I'll go check it out first."

Rhaegar jumped off the dragon's back and saw several thick gray-white weirwood trees.

Weirwoods are relatively rare in the southern belt.

Nobles who believe in the old gods usually plant a weirwood in the godswood.

Only on Thousand Faces Island can you see multiple weirwood trees at once.


These weirwoods grew very thickly, and their branches were twisted like the fingers of a witch in a fairy tale.

Lush red leaves cover the crown of the tree, whistling in the breeze.

Slightly dark and harsh.

As if the old witch was about to cast a spell, she clapped her hands excitedly.

Especially the human faces carved on the gray tree trunks, with bright red tree oil leaking from the eye sockets, look creepy.

Rhaegar touched the hilt of the Dragon Claw sword with one hand and looked around to make sure there was no danger.

He took out a torch to illuminate it and said, "Come down, there is no one."

Rhaenyra and Helena climbed off the dragon's back one after another, and each shared a torch.

Looking around, except for a few weirwood trees that add to the eerie atmosphere, everything is covered with vegetation.

"Glutton, what's here?"

Rhaegar touched the rough bark of the weirwood horn and asked tentatively.


The glutton really responded and snorted dully.

Immediately afterwards.

Its wings on both sides were propped on the ground, and its thick and long dragon tail swung, sweeping across the vegetation on the island.


The climate in the Hejian Land is warm, the water and soil are fertile, and shrubs and tropical flowers and plants grow on the islands.

The gluttonous dragon swung its tail and suddenly cleared a large space.

It hasn't stopped yet and continues to clean up.

Qianmian Island is located in the center of Shenyan Lake and is a rare island in the middle of the lake.

The island is quite large and covers a larger area than an ordinary castle.

But it can't stop the huge glutton from wreaking havoc.

In a short period of time, it was completely ruined.

Rhaegar allowed it to act, and he was not idle either.

There are seven weirwood trees on the island, and Rhaegar explores them one by one.

When touching the last and strongest weirwood.

A sharp voice interrupted suddenly:

"Stop, Prince Targaryen!"

Rega made a move and turned around warily.

On the dark hillside, a short figure with a stooped body and a cane emerged.

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