The sun gradually rises and the time reaches noon.

Throne Hall.

Viserys sat on the Iron Throne, and all the Lord Chamberlain stood on either side of the hall.

Leonor held a letter in his hand and chanted aloud.

"The Bracken family secretly moved the boundary markers and secretly grazed cattle in the Blackwood family's territory at night..."

The letter comes from House Tully of Riverrun.

Just a few days ago, conflict broke out again between the Blackwood and Bracken families.

The two families mobilized soldiers, and Chen Bing was at the border between the two sides, preparing for a big fight.

Old Tully of Riverrun was shocked, and quickly sent someone to mediate, and rushed the news to King's Landing.

Viserys was shocked when he heard this, and interrupted: "Just tell me the result, will there be a fight?"

He really didn't understand.

The first ten years of his tenure were good and the kingdom was peaceful.

It just happened to catch up with this time.

First, the Three Women Kingdom invaded the Stepped Stone Islands, and then the Gaoshan clan in the valley rebelled.

At present, the pirates of the Three Women Kingdom have just been repelled, and the movements of Dorne are unknown.

Troubles ensue in the Riverlands.

I am so worried about this young king.

Leonor paused and said hesitantly: "The fighting started. Thousands of people were dispatched from both sides, and there were many casualties."

"Bastard thing!"

Viserys immediately cursed and said angrily: "It's not like we just had mediation, but the Stepstone Islands War has not yet ended, and they broke the agreement!"

Leonor had cold sweat on his forehead and explained: "Your Majesty, this is something that is inevitable."

"The two families did agree to a truce and sent troops to support the kingdom's operations."

"But the hatred between the two sides has been passed down from generation to generation, and it cannot be easily erased."

Viserys said loudly: "Then what do you think we should do now? Do we still need to send someone to mediate?"

The last time it was Leonor who personally came forward to mediate.

Before two months were up, the two families were at war with each other.

Leonor hesitated for a moment and said helplessly: "For the current plan, we can only continue to mediate."

The Blackwood and Bracken families are some of the most powerful families in the Riverlands.

Both sides occupied fertile territory and supported thousands of soldiers.

The kingdom was at war and needed their help.

Viserys' veins bulged with anger, and the words were stuck in his throat.

Both families began to suffer casualties.

Wherever it is said that mediation can mediate.

The hall fell silent for a moment, and you could clearly hear a pin drop.

Viserys's chest heaved, and the sounds of heavy breathing fell on everyone's ears.

The imperial ministers remained silent, and there was no good solution.

The nobles of Westeros adopt a feudal system.

The king entrusted the territory to the nobles, who were the owners of the territory.

When two nobles clashed, the king had no legitimate reason to intervene as long as innocent people were not affected.

At most, it would be to mediate.

And it depends on whether the nobles give them face or not.

If you don't give face, you will continue to fight when it is time to fight.

As for the kingdom sending troops to quell the chaos?

What is righteousness?

Disobey the king's orders or start a war privately?

This sounds very bluffing, but it doesn't work.

The nobles of Westeros believe in the survival of the fittest and the strong.

The reason why knights are respected is because of their powerful force.

Force can be exchanged for equivalent status and honor.

As a king, nobles are not allowed to fight. How can the knights at the bottom be promoted?

Is there any royal method?

Seeing her father furious, Rhaenyra touched Rhaegar's hand and whispered: "Rhaegar, can you think of a way?"

Rega was stunned when he heard this, his eyes were innocent.

Does he look like a wise strategist?

The War on the Stepstone Islands was not over yet, and he was still thinking about the defenses on Bloodstone Island and Gray Gallows Island.

Dorne's side is ready to make a move, so be on guard at all times.

How could he care about the bullshit in the Riverlands?

Rhaenyra leaned close to her ear and said, "Don't you have many spies in the Riverlands?"

Rhaegar glanced at his superior father and whispered, "Everyone who can evacuate has withdrawn to King's Landing. Besides, the eyeliners can't care about the fight between the two great nobles."

The Blackwood and Bracken families have been enemies for generations.

During the Age of Heroes, House Blackwood was originally a kingdom in the Riverlands.

The Brackens are vassals of the other party.

Times have changed, and the Blackwood family has become increasingly lonely and unpopular.

The Bracken family rebelled, overthrew the king's rule, and started a feud between the two families.

For thousands of years, the two families have fought countless wars, reconciled and intermarryed countless times.

Their lords also intervened many times to mediate, but the hatred still could not be resolved.

Rhaenyra was familiar with history and gave her a look: "What should I do? How about I ride Syrax to mediate."

Ever since Aegon the Conqueror established a unified dynasty, Westeros has had an ambiguous attitude towards the Targaryen family.

Sometimes close, sometimes indifferent.

Sometimes they are loyal and sometimes they rebel.

This situation lasted until Jaehaerys I's later years, and then gradually subsided.

Viserys accepted his grandfather's political legacy and ruled relatively peacefully.

After so many years, the nobles of Westeros began to feel lonely.

Then it was time for them to meet the Targaryen dragons.

Rhaegar raised his eyebrows and said: "We cannot ride on a dragon to forcefully stop the war between nobles."

Unless you are determined to kill a certain party.

The siblings' whispers fell into Viserys's ears.

The old father snorted coldly and said displeasedly: "Rega, if you have anything to say, say it in front of me."

He spared his daughter Rhaenyra.

After all, girls are thin-skinned and can just take out their anger on their son.

Rhaegar clicked his tongue and glared at Rhaenyra, who looked apologetic.

Bracing himself to walk out of the queue, Rhaegar put his hands in front of his lower abdomen and said nothing.

What could he say?

Will the troops of Riverrun be deployed to scare the two families?

After thinking for a while, Rhaegar said softly: "Father, the two families cannot mediate. It is better to ask Old Tully to send troops to intimidate the two families."

Despite the fact that the Tully family in Riverrun has some embroidered pillows, they look useless.

After all, they are the Duke family of the Riverlands.

Although the management of vassals is a mess, the soldiers and armaments are still ahead of all the nobles in the Riverlands.

Viserys rubbed his eyebrows and said angrily: "It's so simple, I don't even need to ask you."

Every noble family is like an ancestor.

Only by drawing them together can they contribute at critical moments.

Once offended, if you don't get angry at the time, you don't know what little tricks you will do behind your back.

His great-grandfather Aenys I, great-uncle Maegor I, and grandfather Jaehaerys I all suffered from this.

He was tricked by those xenophobic local nobles.

Rhaegar shrugged and retreated to the team.

He was thinking about the Stepstones and Dorne all the time, and couldn't focus on the Riverlands.

Viserys lost his temper for a while, and the royal ministers remonstrated.

In the end, Otto's proposal was adopted.

"Indulge the two families to fight for a while first, and then intervene to mediate when the fighting is almost done."

Otto is worthy of being a former Prime Minister, and he is very good at playing with mud.

Don't tell me, that's what Viserys is doing.

If you can delay it for a day, it means there is no trouble.

Rega slapped his forehead and looked bitter.

The matter resolved, Viserys adjourned the meeting.

He originally planned to let Rhaegar get in touch with the Dorne envoys, but he was in a bad mood and did not have time to summon the Dorne envoys.

Postponed by one day.

Dragon's lair.


Menghuo lay on the ground, stretched his neck, yawned, and flicked his tail in boredom.

"Meng Huo, get up quickly and take me flying around."

Helena rode on the dragon's back and patted Menghuo's back.

The little girl is wearing blue clothes, and Menghuo's scales are also blue, making one person and one dragon appear to be one body.

The old dragon dragon man stood in front of Meng Huo, with a half-human-high saddle at his feet, and said in fear: "Princess, please get off the dragon's back."

Meng Huo has a bad temper.

Long Wei wanted to install a saddle, but he couldn't get close at all.

Helena didn't know where she got the courage, so she climbed onto the dragon's back along one of Menghuo's wings.

After some ups and downs, she really succeeded.

Helena grabbed one of Meng Huo's back scales, her little face flushed with exhaustion, and urged: "Meng Huo, listen to me."

She couldn't figure out why Meng Huo was so disobedient.

Unlike her, she listens to her mother very much.


As if sensing the little girl's thoughts, Menghuo neighed disdainfully, closed his eyes and planned to sleep.

Helena looked at this scene angrily and raised her small fist to hit Meng Huo on the back.

Bang bang twice, Menghuo didn't notice it, and her little hand was red and swollen.

"Menghuo, just take me flying around and let them know that I'm not someone to be trifled with."

Helena burst into tears and climbed to the top of Meng Huo's head using her hands and feet.

She lives an unhappy life.

Everyone thought she was mentally ill and there was a lot of talk behind her back.

Her brother Aegon hated her and always teased her or ignored her.

Her sister Rhaenyra also disliked her and pinched her face very hard.

Although she didn't say it, the sensitive Helena could still feel it.

and father Viserys.

In the eyes of his father, there are only sister Rhaenyra and brother Rhaegar.

Occasionally, you will notice Aegon taming Sunfire, or Daeron beating the clever little one.

She and Eamond were sandwiched among brothers and sisters, a pair of little transparent people who were not liked by others.

Helena lay next to Meng Huo's dragon horns, sniffed and said firmly: "Brother said I can become a dragon knight, I will definitely be able to tame you."

In her young heart, Rhaegar was the only one who cared about her and encouraged her.

If her brother says she can do it, she will do it.

Even if it doesn’t work, it has to work!

"Meng Huo, fly up for me, fly up!!"

Helena stood up suddenly, hugged a dragon horn that was bent backwards, closed her eyes and shouted.

At this moment, she devoted all her courage.

She wants to tame the Dream Fire to prove her existence.

She is also a Targaryen no worse than her brother Rhaegar, sisters Rhaenyra and Aegon.


Menghuo raised his head, his tail slapping against the black stone floor, and turned his head to look at the little girl above his head.

It finally felt inexplicable.

It doesn't understand what that feels like.

But its last owner, Rhaena, felt this way.

After shaking his body, Menghuo slowly climbed up from the floor, fully opened his wings, and flapped twice tentatively.

"Dream Fire, fly!"

Helena's trembling voice came again.

At this moment, she was squatting on top of Meng Huo, her hands and feet tightly wrapped around one of its dragon horns, so scared that she couldn't even open her eyes.

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