Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 301 Heading to the Bend

The morning sun shone on the gray-white walls of Storm's End, making it reflect like gold leaf.

Samwell came to the backyard and pushed open the glass door of the conservatory.

Although it has entered late autumn at this time, the greenhouse made of natural crystals is as warm as summer.

The bright sunlight floods the entire room through the crystal dome, and a copper pipe surrounds the wall, and heated water flows inside, raising the temperature in the greenhouse.

The soft sunshine and warm environment make the roses in the greenhouse bloom extremely delicately.

And in this field of roses, Margaery Tyrell is wearing a sky blue silk dress, her eyes are bright and focused, exuding a demure and beautiful temperament, and her white and slender hands are taking care of the whole body in front of her. roses.

"Sam." Seeing her husband come in, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Samwell stepped forward to kiss her, and reached out to caress her slightly raised belly.

"I asked Ms. Melisandre." Margaery buried her head in her husband's arms and said, "She said it would be a boy."

Samwell remembered that the red witch said that she had lost the ability to predict, and she didn't know if she was just guessing or there were other ways to tell the gender of the baby.

"Both boys and girls are the same." Samwell said casually.

"How could this be the same. You are already king and need a male heir."

Samwell did not argue with her in this regard, and he also knew that Margaery was actually in a psychologically fragile period, looking forward to giving birth to a boy to consolidate her position.

"Dorne's prisoner exchange is over, and things are almost over. I'm going to the river bend..." Samwell obviously felt the body of his wife in his arms tense suddenly, "Do you have anything to say to the Tyrell family? ?”

"No." Margaret said, "Their betrayal is unforgivable! Sam, no matter what you do, I will support you."

"Okay." Samwell left a kiss on his wife's hair, then turned and left.

Outside the flower room, "Beauty" Brienne Tass came over and bowed to salute:

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

"Sir Brienne." Samwell ordered, "From now on, you will follow Queen Margaery closely and be responsible for her safety. No matter where she goes, you will follow her. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Saying goodbye to Brienne, Samwell left the conservatory and met Gavin Mander in the corridor, accompanied by a Dornish woman.

"Your Majesty, this is Miss Nymeria Sand, the emissary of Sunspear City."

Nymeria is actually no stranger to this young storm master, and has dealt with him several times before.

It's just that she never thought that one day this person would become the King of Stormland.

Looking at the ruby ​​Valyrian crown on Samwell's head, Nymeria hesitated, and chose to use the honorific title:

"Your Majesty Caesar, on behalf of the Martell family, I extend my sincerest greetings to you."

"I can't bear Martell's sincerity." Samwell didn't give her a good look, "Arianne sent you to bring back Doran, right?"

Nymeria said patiently:

"Yes, Princess Arianne said that you didn't make any request, and I can pick up His Highness Doran at any time?"

"That's right." Samwell said, "Come with me."

"Thank you for your generosity!" Although Nymeria wondered why the other party was so generous, she still saluted and thanked her.

The two went all the way to the bachelor's room.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled an indescribable stench, mixed with the smell of blood and herbs.

The fireplace in the room was burning hot, emitting a gloomy red light.

Nymeria's heart sank, and she quickly walked a few steps to the bedside, and saw Prince Doran lying on his back, in a coma, his face as pale as a fish that had been dead for many days.

"Your Highness!" Nymeria shouted a few times, but Prince Doran did not respond.

She jerked off the blanket on Prince Doran, and a pungent smell of blood mixed with stench came to her face, almost making her vomit.

"What did you do to him!" Nymeria turned around and asked angrily.

Bachelor Keben walked over with a cup of thick liquid, and said calmly:

"What does this have to do with us? His injuries were caused by the nobles of Dorne. Didn't they tell you?"

Nymeria froze for a moment.

She immediately thought of her cousin's detainment of a group of nobles who were well-benefited and brought them back to Sunspear City, and she believed in Maester Qyburn's words in her heart.

"Okay, give him this to drink." Maester Qyburn handed the cup to Nymeria.

"What's this?"

"Of course it was something that saved him." Bachelor Qyburn shrugged. "If we were to kill him, would he still be alive?"

"You think I'll believe you!" Nymeria smashed the cup to the ground, letting the white liquid flow out.

"Whatever you want." Maester Qyburn sneered, "You'd better move fast, or I'm afraid he won't even be able to survive Sunspear."

Gritting her teeth, Nymeria looked at Samwell at the door, and growled:

"If His Royal Highness Doran dies, we will definitely make Storm's End pay the price!"

"I advise you to find out who made Doran like this first." Samwell responded lightly, "If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask those Dorne nobles."

"No matter how much you quibble, His Highness Daolan was also hurt under your roof. He is your prisoner, and you are obliged to protect his safety!"

Samwell retorted: "I was an ally of Doran on Blood Reef before, but he arranged for the Faceless Man to kill me. What qualifications do you Dornish people have to accuse others of breaking the rules."

Nymeria couldn't speak for a moment, so she had to turn around, carefully put Prince Doran behind her back, and walked out.

"Your Majesty, the Dornish people may still blame us for Doran's death." Bachelor Qyburn said.

"Trust is like parchment. If you rub it and then spread it flat, the wrinkles on it won't disappear." Samwell said lightly, "Even if the Martell family is sensible enough not to hold the Dorne nobles accountable, But can they still trust their vassals as much as they used to?

And those Dorne nobles who had Doran's blood on their hands really believed that the Martell family would not hold them accountable?

Once a seed of doubt is planted, it takes root. "

"What you said makes sense." Bachelor Qyburn nodded, and then laughed again, "And that woman, Arianne Martell, may not be able to maintain her sanity."

A sneer twitched at the corner of Samwell's mouth, and without further words, he turned and went downstairs, heading straight for the dungeon.

The warden, holding a torch, led him to where Loras Tyrell was being held.

Opening the cell door, Loras squinted his eyes and took a while to get used to the changing light before seeing the person coming.

"Caesar." There was bitter guilt and a hint of helplessness in his tone, "What do you want to do to me?"

"Take you back to Highgarden."

There was an unbelievable light in Loras' eyes: "You...will let me go back to Highgarden?"

"What do you think?"

"I..." Loras struggled a bit, and said, "For the sake of the past, for the sake of Margaret, I hope you will be more merciful..."

"Merciful?" Samwell smiled coldly, "You were not merciful to me on Blood Cay Island before."

Loras was speechless for a moment.

This time it was indeed the Tyrells who had betrayed Caesar, which he could not deny.

Samwell urged: "Let's go, there is still a good show waiting for us at the river bend."

Looking at the cold light in Samwell's eyes, Loras felt a bad premonition in his heart. He struggled to get up, walked out of the prison, and said again:

"Can I meet Margaery?"


Loras had no choice but to lower his head and follow Samwell out the door. The sunlight coming from his head made him squint his eyes after he hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

When he got used to the light again, he saw that Samwell had already mounted the white dragon.

Loras stepped forward and said:

"Caesar, be nice to Margaery, she has nothing to do with this."

"She really has nothing to do with you." Samwell said coldly, "She is my queen now."

Loras didn't say any more, and was about to climb up the dragon's back, but saw the white dragon suddenly flapped its wings and jumped into the air.

Just when Loras was in a daze, a dragon claw came over, grabbed his waist, and took him high into the sky.

Margaery in the greenhouse seemed to sense something, and when she raised her head, she saw the figure of the white dragon leaping into the sky.

There was a flash of struggle in her eyes, and she finally lowered her head and continued to play with her roses.

Although Storm's End is magnificent and strong, it lacks vigor and vitality. Margaery is determined to plant roses all over the castle.

I believe that sooner or later, this place will be as beautiful as Gaoting.

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