With the main force of the Hewan South Route Army also withdrawing to the fruit wine hall, this place has completely become a huge military camp.

The cold and murderous air began to hover over the castle and gathered, but it was always short of breath and could not take shape.

In the castle hall, a military meeting was being held at this time.

Madam Olenna sat on the high seat of the Fossoway family. She looked a little haggard, her eyes were fixed on the ground, and she didn't know what to think.

Earl Landau Tarly and Earl Matus Rowan sat on both sides, the former expressionless, while the latter did not hide his anger and hatred at all.

Samwell stood beside Earl Randyll, looking at the noisy nobles of the River Bend below, but his eyes were out of focus.

"You must not compromise with the rebels!" Viscount Leonard Weber of Coldmoat yelled angrily, "If the betrayal is not punished, who will keep the oath in the future? Who will serve for High Court? Who will respect House Tyrell?"

"But if we don't compromise, are we going to storm Highgarden?" Earl Gonza Green asked worriedly.

"I think it's time to attack Highgarden! Not only Highgarden, but also Ancient Oak City! We should kill all the traitors of the Oakheart family!" Earl Eustace Osgrey said loudly, "This is the only way to kill the traitors of the Oakheart family!" It is the counterattack that should be given in the face of betrayal!"

"If you want to kill people, you might as well start with the Cider Hall and the Longtable." Earl Gonsey sneered, "Both the Fossoways and the Marilynweiss participated in the betrayal, so you might as well take the lead in killing these two families." .”

"The Marilynweiss family has renewed their loyalty!" Countess Tanya Marilynweiss hastily stated her position while looking at Samwell.

The man gave her a comforting look.

Immediately inspired, she puffed her chest out and said, "I also support the storming of Gaoting! Only when the rebels know our determination will they be willing to sit down and have a good talk."

Gunsell immediately objected: "Assault on Highgarden? What about the Duke of Mace in the city? What about so many members of the Tyrell family? You have also seen that the rebels really dare to kill people! This time they sent Arran Tyrell's head, whose next time will it be?"

Unfortunately, his remarks attracted more opposition:

"Who else dare the rebels kill? Do the Duke of Mace dare to kill? Or Vilas? Garland? If they dare to touch the main branch of Tyrell, the feud will never end!"

"That's right, if you compromise with the rebels this time, everyone will learn from them in the future. What prestige does the Tyrell family have?"

"Yes, we must fight back hard!"


At present, after all, the Horse Party is gaining power in Hewan, and the backbone of the Deer Party has joined the rebels openly and secretly, so it is not surprising that such a situation appears in the hall.

Seeing that the crowd was excited and wanted to take tough measures against the rebels, Earl Matus Rowan said:

"Lady Olenna, what do you think should be done?"

This is to incite the atmosphere, to set up the queen of thorns, the method is simple, but effective.

Mrs. Olenna stared at Count Matus for a while with her small eyes, then slowly swept across the hall, and finally said:

"As an old mother and grandmother, I only hope that my son and grandson can return safely. So, don't talk about storming Highgarden. Once the rebels are cornered, they will do anything You can figure it out. You don’t want to bear the infamy of forcing yourself to be a king, don’t you?”

"Lady Olenna." Earl Landau said at this time, "You are right. It is best not to attack easily in High Court. But a tough attitude must be displayed, otherwise the rebels will not have a good talk with us. How about this, I suggest besieging Highgarden first, and then sending envoys into the city to negotiate with the rebels."

The suggestion of besieging the city is less radical. Mrs. Olenna's expression softened slightly, she nodded and said:

"Okay, just do as you say. Remember not to provoke the rebels."

Earl Randall exchanged glances with his son, both a little disappointed with Lady Olenna's attitude.

Earl Matus suddenly asked: "Lady Olenna, where is Earl Paxter now? Why can't the Ironmen wreak havoc on the Mander River, but the Arbor Island fleet can't even see a shadow?"

"You probably haven't come back from the storm yet..." Madam Olenna's tone was a little weak.

I'm afraid she also guessed that her nephew was likely to be involved in the rebellion.

"We didn't see the Arbor Island's fleet in the Stormland." Earl Matus snorted, "Also, I don't believe that Paxter will bring all the warships in the Arbor Island to the Stormland."

"I will personally write a letter to Qingting Island, requesting the Redwyne family to send troops." Mrs. Olenna said.

Earl Matus also closed his mouth at the right time.

His goal has been achieved, so there is no need to keep Mrs. Olenna from stepping down.

This rebellion was essentially a battle for the right to speak between the Horse Party and the Deer Party. Earl Matus would not miss this opportunity to attack his opponent.

Especially the backbone of the Deer Party like the Redwyne family on Qingting Island.

"Okay, let's get ready." Madam Olenna said, "Loras Tyrell will be in charge of this operation. Matus and Randall, you two should assist him well."

"Sir Loras has never commanded such a big battle." Earl Matus questioned.

Mrs. Olenna frowned, and was about to speak when Earl Randle said:

"I also think Sir Loras is not suitable. He is too young and inexperienced, and there are all his relatives in the city, so it is inevitable that he will be tied up, so we should choose someone else."

Mrs. Olenna's face darkened visibly, she looked at her little grandson, and said:

"Loras, what do you think?"

"I..." Loras Tyrell stood in the crowd, but his expression was extremely struggling.

He wished he could tear the rebel army into pieces, but he was extremely worried.

This time the rebels sent Yalan's head. If they besieged the city, whose head would the rebels send?

Garland's? Vilas's? Or father's?

What should he do then? Attack or retreat?

Loras didn't dare to think about it.

For a moment, Loras was at a loss, and already had the intention of shrinking back: "Master Landau is right, I may not be suitable..."

Mrs. Olenna glared at Loras with a look of hatred, and looked at the others:

"What's your opinion?"

"I think Earl Landau is the most suitable." Earl Matus spoke first.

"I also think Lord Randyll is suitable."

"Yes, Lord Randyll is a famous general in the River Bend, and he is fully qualified for the job."


There are more and more echoing voices.

Samwell also said: "Mrs. Olenna, please rest assured that my father will definitely help the Tyrell family regain Highgarden."

Mrs. Olenna looked at him: "What about my sons and grandchildren?"

"We will also ensure that they are safe and sound." Samwell said solemnly.

Mrs. Olenna stared into his eyes for a long while before finally nodding:

"Okay, remember your promise."

The meeting is finally over.

While Earl Landau was going to rectify the army and was about to leave for Highgarden, Samwell came to the Hall of the Seven Holy Ones.

Arran Tyrell's coffin lay before the statue of the Stranger, and the Silent Sisters tended to her body.

Since the rebels only sent her head, the silent sisters made a body out of silk clothes and placed the head on it.

In this way, Yalan still looks like that beautiful and moving girl in High Court.

Margaery knelt in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary, touched and prayed.

Samwell stood behind her without speaking.

After praying, Margaery slowly got up and turned around:

"Is the meeting over?"

"Yes." Samwell nodded, "We will send troops to besiege High Court, and then send people to negotiate with the rebels."

Margaery looked sad: "Is this useful? The purpose of the rebels is to kill you! If you don't agree to this condition, they won't let you go."

"I can do it." Samwell embraced his fiancée in his arms, only feeling that her body was like a thin petal, which would shatter when touched, "You have to have confidence in me."

"Well. I trust you."

The two hugged each other for a long time, silent.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Samwell finally let go of the girl gently.

Margaery suddenly hugged him tightly, as if she was afraid that he would leave.

But after a while, she let go of her hand.

"You must come back safely!" she urged.

At the same time, he took the man's hand and placed it on his slightly raised belly, "My baby and I are waiting for you."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Samwell seems to be able to feel a weak heartbeat.

"I will." Samwell tried to put on a relaxed expression, "When have I let you down?"

Margaery nodded, stood on tiptoe, and gave a kiss.

Ice cold, with the taste of tears.

It took a lot of perseverance for Samwell to turn and leave.

Margaery watched the man's back disappear outside the door, and finally couldn't hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

She suddenly remembered the old lady she met at Bitter Bridge, and those seemingly gibberish dreams——

Roses will drop dust from their boughs, drowned in sorrow and tears...

Is that what it meant?

Margaery can only pray to Our Lady for mercy, that her sorrow and tears will stop here.

Turning around, Margaery came to the coffin of her cousin.

The Silent Sisters were sprinkling rose petals into it, and some bright red spread all over Yalan's body in a messy way, making her pale face less terrifying.

At this moment, that gentle and shy cousin seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

smile at her.

The memories of the past came to her like a mountain, making her almost unable to stand still.

A resounding bugle sounded from outside the city, accompanied by bursts of shouts of "For Gaoting", which was extremely exciting.

But Margaery couldn't cheer up.

She knew how tricky this rebellion was, and even though Samwell had made a promise, she still couldn't dispel her worries.

For a moment, she suddenly regretted it.

It's not that he regrets choosing Samwell, but that he regrets why he was brought to Highgarden in the first place.

If they had fled Westeros after leaving Sky and City, to the other side of the Narrow Sea, to a place that no one knew, would they not be involved in these power struggles?

Perhaps this is the punishment of the gods for their ambition.

Margaery suddenly didn't want to be queen.

The voices outside the city gradually faded away, and the army set out.

If Yalan was still alive, he would definitely go to the top of the city to watch.

In the past, every time there was a large army in Hewan, she always liked to hold a bouquet of roses, wondering who to give it to.

But she was too shy and never had the courage to send it out.

"Give her a bouquet of roses." Margaery said.

The silent sisters nodded silently, went to find a bouquet of roses, and placed them in Yalan's "hands".

Margaery's vision was blurred again, and she choked up and said:

"It looks better this way, doesn't it?"

The Silent Sisters did not answer.

They are the messengers of death, the wives of the Stranger, who never speak to the living.

But it is said to be able to communicate with the dead.

Margaery was suddenly jealous.

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