Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 252 Civil Disturbance

With the end of the long summer, the flowers gradually withered, and Gaoting also shed her gorgeous clothes.

In the spacious and bright banquet hall, Duke Mace Tyrell is feasting the guests.

Since the hunting party that day, the Duke of Highgarden has been obsessed with banquets, music, and singing and dancing all day long, and he no longer cares about the affairs of the territory. Such freeing himself has made him a lot fatter than before.

Inflatable fish are more popular.

On the long table covered with gorgeous silk and satin, there are luxurious tableware and exquisite candlesticks. Of course, there are also rich delicacies and golden wine from Qingting Island.

Butterbread, the favorite clown of House Tyrell, is singing "The Bear and the Pretty Maiden" in a funny voice.

"Bear, bear, bear! The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush..."

The sound of footsteps came from far to near. Duke Mace put down his wine glass and looked up. When he saw the person coming, his face froze slightly.

"Mrs. Egwene, haven't you gone back?"

The Countess of Egwene Oakheart, wearing a delicate armor, strode forward and kicked the "Butter Pie" when she passed by it.

With this force, the clown exaggeratedly rolled several times, which caused a burst of laughter.

"Lord Mace." Madam Egwene said, "I am going to go to the battlefield in person to avenge my dead son."

The Duke of Mace was somewhat disapproving: "The murderer who killed your son is dead. I heard that Lando sent back the heads of those Stormlanders. You should be able to receive them in a few days."

"Not enough!" Madam Egwen gritted her teeth, "I want more people to be buried with my son!"

"Okay, okay." Duke Mace was too lazy to talk to this crazy woman, and just wanted to send her away as soon as possible, "You can go anyway, but I heard that Ran Dao and the others are going well, I hope that when you arrive at the storm, The Stormlanders haven’t surrendered yet, hahahaha—”

Madam Egwene looked at Duke Mace blankly, until the other party couldn't bear the gaze and stopped laughing awkwardly, then she continued:

"Master Mace, you will soon know how the Oakheart family took revenge."

"I wish you a smooth journey." Duke Metz said perfunctorily.

Lady Egwene turned and left.

The music sounded again, and "Butterbread" crawled out of nowhere, and sang loudly again:

"Bear! Bear! Jumping and turning, slowly walking towards the beauty! The beauty..."

But at this moment, a knight hurried into the banquet hall and said loudly:

"Lord Mace! It's bad! There are ironborn longships on the Mander River! The port is under attack!"

"What? Ironborn?" Duke Mace was stunned.

A knight attending the banquet stood up abruptly and said, "That's impossible! If the Ironmen invaded the Mande River, how could the Shield Islands have no reaction at all?"

"That's right!" Duke Metz also called out, "Is there a mistake?"

"Your Excellency, you can't be wrong! I saw with my own eyes that hundreds of Ironborn longships appeared on the Mande River, and the port has been covered in flames and blood. Quickly organize an army to support it!"

The Duke of Metz came to his senses and quickly summoned the vassal knights and ordered them to lead the army to support the port.



On the Mander River, the Invincible Ironborn cut through the raging waves and slammed into a ship flying a golden rose flag.

Amidst the flying sawdust, the flank of the rose ship was torn open with a huge mouth, and the sea water poured into it violently.

At the same time, rushing in, there were ironmen screaming strangely. They followed Victarion Greyjoy, the Iron Captain, with spears and axes.

The fighters of the Tyrell family are actually not inferior in number, but facing the crazy ironmen, they are completely suppressed in terms of momentum.

They are afraid of being drowned. Victarion looked at these Tyrell soldiers and thought contemptuously.

And the ironborn were not afraid.

Because, the dead don't die!

"Kill them!" growled Victarion.

He ignored the sinking ship and charged forward with a long ax in hand.

The soldiers of the Tyrell family shouted and surrounded them, but their eyes showed uncontrollable panic.

Victarion tasted their horror, and the great ax swung down, cutting off the arm of the first foe, and then swept again, smashing the second foe flying backwards, spitting blood at the mouth. The third fell, but was blocked by the pine shield in Victarion's left hand, and with one sudden effort he slammed it into the fool's face.


Victarion was about to chop off the head of the idiot in front of him, when he felt that someone hit him from behind, and when he turned around, he saw a man poking a spear into the gap in his armor, and there was a faint pain between his shoulder blades .

With a roar, he turned around suddenly, and the giant ax split open the enemy's helmet and skull, and the bright red mixed with milky white flowed all over the ground.

At this time, the rest of the ironmen also eliminated their opponents one after another. On the sea, they were invincible existences, the incarnations of death.

"Go back to the ship and land!" Victarion shouted the order.

The ironborn left the sunken ship screaming strangely, and before leaving, they did not forget to set a fire to light the mast.

At this time, there were countless broken ships floating on the surface of the Mande River. The water surface between the hulls was like a pot of stew, dotted with countless corpses, broken wood and blood.

With the help of a favorable wind and rising tide, the ironborn steered one longship after another straight onto the gravel beach, then plunged into knee-high water and charged ashore.

There are panicked and helpless fishermen, helpless merchants, and countless trophies waiting for them.

They will follow the old way and pay "iron money"——

People in the green land use money to buy things, but the Ironmen use swords made of steel, that is, "iron money".

The battle started again.

Victarion likes to fight and is obsessed with fighting. The Drowned God created this "Iron Captain" to spread fear and bring death.

Enemies came from every quarter, but Victarion feared not. Those slender steel swords could not cut through his heavy plate armor, nor would he give them a chance to find a weak point in his joints.

Soon, the harbor was covered with piles of dead bodies and dying Reach people.

However, before the ironmen could breathe a sigh of relief, another riverbend army with hundreds of people came to support them.

But there were also more longships with golden kraken banners rushing up the beach, bringing more ironborn.

"Kill them!" roared Victarion.

"Kill them!"

Countless ironmen responded and rushed to the river bend army.


At the top of Highgarden, the captain of the guard, Sir Aegon Levill, looked at the Tyrell army that was leaving the gate of the city below to fight the ironborn at the port, with a serious expression on his face.

While in a trance, the soldier came to report:

"Sir Aegon, all the troops leaving the city have already left, do you want to close the city gate?"

"No hurry." Sir Aegon looked back from outside the city and turned to the castle, as if waiting for someone to appear.

Soon, Countess Egwene Oakheart climbed to the top of the city.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the determination in each other's eyes.

"Where is your army?" Ser Aegon asked in a low voice.

"It's just outside the city." Madam Aiwen said, "You will see two thousand elites soon."

"Okay." Sir Aegon nodded, "Most of the gates of this city are my people, so it is not a problem to enter the city later. After entering the city, let your people follow me, don't worry about other things, go straight to the city. The main castle, as long as the inflatable fish and his eldest son Vilas are under control, then this castle will be ours."

Madam Egwene nodded, did not speak, just squinted and looked at the garden maze outside the city, until she saw the Oakheart family's gold-bottomed oak-leaf flag, she was refreshed and said:

"My army is coming!"

"Okay!" Ser Aegon held the hilt of his sword, and reminded again, "Try not to kill too many people later, our purpose is to force the inflatable fish to change positions, not to really fight the Tyrell family forever."

"I know." Madam Egwene's eyes flickered, "I know very well who my real enemy is."

"My lord! There is an army approaching outside, do you want to close the city gate?" The soldier hurriedly came to ask.

"Not off."

"No?" The soldier thought he had heard it wrong, but just as he was about to confirm it, he saw Sir Aegon had drawn out his long sword.

The surging silver light engulfed him instantly.

"Action!" Sir Aegon roared, and his trusted soldiers drew their swords.

Madam Egwene also winked at the dozen or so knights behind her.

The knights of the Oakheart family also drew their long swords and entered the battlefield.

The rest of the defenders didn't understand what happened, they were at a loss, and then they saw their companions slashing at themselves with swords.


A thought suddenly popped into their minds——

House Oakheart and Ser Aegon have betrayed Highgarden!

The fighting sound gradually became more intense.

When the other guards in the castle realized that there was something wrong with the city gate and sounded their horns, the battle here was basically over.

The Oakheart family's army also quickly rushed into the castle through the open gate.

Lady Egwene found Ser Aegon Levill, covered in blood and murderous looks, and declared:

"Mace Tyrell first betrayed the Oakheart family and the Reach. Now, let us correct this mistake."

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