Game of Gods

Chapter 30: 50,000 white crystals

Bai Jing is gone.

Exactly, it is exhausted.

Hagiwara Chenfei left 3,600 white crystals on the platform yesterday, and now none of them have been replaced with eight blood.

Yes, eight, because he received four last night.

Red Tongtong flashing blood!

到底 How many people were selling blood yesterday?

Would n’t there be a lot more just to stop because I had no money?

I'm still slow to make money!

Xuan Yuanchen wailed in her heart.

Making money is never enough.

The richer I am, the more distressed and the more sorry!

如何 What about psychologists?

He still has no psychological problems.

Annoyed for a long time, Yuan Chenfei decided not to waste time, hurry to sell materials and drugs to make money.

More monsters were hunted yesterday, so there are a lot of materials, plus the medicines hoarded in advance, and soon got more than 5,000 white crystals.

I used to leave one thousand, and the remaining four thousand all hung up.

As for the eight skill points, of course, all of them are added to the violent heart, so that the violent heart will be at level 10.

Then he went to fight with Li Zhanjun.

Li Zhanjun is at 4th level and the upgrade speed is good.

So he once felt that he could slap his wrists with Yuan Chenfei, at least he is not so afraid of the three fighting chickens now.

But he was still ravaged by Yuan Chenfei.

Because the original Chen Fei now has five.

Li Zhanjun didn't know that an animal trainer would need five levels to bring five full pets, and thought he could take five at level five, so he muttered “An animal trainer is powerful” “Animal trainer is abnormal” Career is too imbalanced "" I want to hit six each. "

For the benefit of Li Zhanjun's hard work, this time the competitive points have risen. In addition to the two thousand guarantee, there are even more than two hundred points.

I was really surprised.

However, this is still useless.

The original Chen Fei first, he won two thousand points without anyone winning.

No one really can afford this at this stage.

Hagiwara Chenfei continued the shameless mixed ranking. According to his estimation, the value of the arena may be discovered later than blood, and he should be able to easily mix more than ten or twenty champions. As for the latter, you have to look at the character, but when there are not many people, there should be a play in the fight.

"Hey." Yuan Chenfei was about to leave after the fight, and Li Zhanjun shouted at him.

"what's up?"

"I have a career in life. I am an architect. Is this profession useful?" Li Zhanjun asked him.

I heard it was a chef, Yuan Chenfei smiled: "Good job, you can build many defensive buildings."

"I originally wanted to learn to cook." Li Zhanjun said, "but thinking about giving up is useless."

Sugawara Chenfei replied: "Who says it's useless. As an evolutionary person, ordinary food will be increasingly unable to meet our physical needs. Have you recently discovered that your appetite has become larger?"

战 Li Zhanjun nodded: "Well, the more you eat, the more you eat."

"That's right. Now we can still rely on the amount of support, and we will not be able to support it in the future. We must eat foods rich in fairy energy. That is, the monster corpses that we can hunt and kill outside. Only the system-given occupation You can process these foods, and if you do well, you will earn a good income. Of course, architects are also good. It is the only occupation that can enhance the frontal combat power. Although it can only defend and requires materials, it is still very useful. "

"I chose this way of thinking, I still like fighting." Li Zhanjun grinned: "When you need to build a turret, remember to find me."

Hagiwara Chenfei knows that this is a good gesture to himself and a hint of team formation.

Sugawara Chenfei thought for a while and said, "Are you free tomorrow day?"

"Yes, you call me free!" Li Zhanjun nodded forcefully.

Hagiwara Chen flies, "That's all right, this time, I'm looking for you, I'll take you somewhere."

"no problem."

"That `s a deal."

喂 "Hey, if you still want to compete, please find me at any time."

"Not for now." Yuan Chenfei replied, turning and leaving.

Xuan Yuan Chenfei didn't know, Li Zhanjun looked at his back, but murmured softly: "No need? Why not? Why should you try?"

The money in his hand is almost full, and it is estimated that it will be full tomorrow to the fifth level.

He has long liked a five-level system boutique sword.

Is he buying a sword?

Or an invitation to buy an arena?

战 Li Zhanjun was hesitant.

No one is a fool.

战 Li Zhanjun is not a villain, but this does not mean that he has been used without his own ideas.

Why didn't Yuan Chenfei tell himself what are the benefits of arena ranking?

Why does he always find himself alone to compete?

Why would he do the same for a thousand white crystals?

Why is his strength so scary?

Is it really because the animal trainer's metamorphosis?

Is there any other reason?

Li Zhanjun must not want to.

He would love to try it.

But when he wanted to try, Yuan Chenfei told him not to use it.

Why is that?

Why didn't he need it again?

If it is a reward for competitive ranking, it should be talented every day.

Since the original Chen Fei is gone, is it a net loss if he goes again?

It made him hesitate, 彷徨.

The day passed quickly.

There are more and more professionals, and there are more and more monsters that have been immortalized and nourished.

Even the promotion monsters are increasing.

Has begun to appear third-level monsters.

因此 People therefore find that monsters are getting harder to fight.

Those who missed the early stage, the harder it gets to get to the back.

For those who seize the opportunity, good times slip too fast.

Especially people like Yuan Chenfei who know the next change-I really feel like I don't want to stay!

Once the monster naturally grows to the fifth level, the door of the other world will open, and then the monster will be stronger.

I can say that before the fifth level is actually the adaptation period that the gods give everyone, as much as possible to give everyone a buffer period to adapt to a new life.

When the time comes, new challenges will come whether you adapt or not.

New opportunities will also come.

What Sugawara Chenfei has to do is lay a solid foundation for herself as much as possible before that.

Looked at the platform again before going to battle at night.

I received five more blood.

I'm so cool!

Now two times a day, one morning and one night to collect blood, has become the happiest time for Yuan Chenfei.

I brought the violent heart to the fifteenth level, and met the Shenfeng trio as usual, and took everyone to continue to work as an elite, destroy the leader, and go all the way.

Because there are already three level monsters, the leader elite also has three levels.

This is a good thing.

Because materials will be more valuable, there will be more money to acquire tomorrow.

Of course, there are disadvantages.

Fighting chickens are getting weaker and weaker.

The elite's advantage is being offset by the level, and the five war pets are becoming normalized.

Well, normalization is not good, I really swelled, Yuan Chenfei thought.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Yuan Chenfei still won the prize.

He smiled when he saw the reward Yuan Chenfei first.

50,000 white crystals.

Twenty-five thousand white crystals should be considered the worst in the championship reward!

But it was in the late period. In the early days, when the blood was a few hundred yuan, it might be the best reward.

With this money, Yuan Chenfei can buy a bunch of blood.

Another good news is that the rare bow materials of Duan Feng are all available. Yesterday's luck was good. I got the rein materials and drawings continuously, and I can ask the alchemist to make them.

Although it is second-level, it is a rare bow!

Looking at the tower area, the boutiques have not come out yet. Li Zhanjun is still saving money for a fifth-class boutique sword.

Feng Duan Yue can't support it.

Ebihara Chenfei introduced Han Feiyu to him, this boy is really obedient, and is still a first class.

I heard that there were rare bows made, and he was very happy. As for the drawings, it was naturally his salary.

飞 Han Feiyu does not suffer. At this time, no one will make rare weapons. He is the first.

After half an hour, Bao Gong arrived.

That beautiful shape and tight bow body make Duan Feng put it down ~ ~ gently stroking, as if touching his lover.

"I have a rare bow, and my strength is also considered a grade. I happen to have an appointment with a friend, and I want to go to a good place, I can't see you go with me, too." Yuan Chen flying.

"Okay!" The three agreed.

I met the time and place to meet. Yuan Chenfei went to sell the materials first, and then went to mention the blood, but today's blood is not much, only three.

精英 At this stage, the elite monsters and the leader monsters are still in the rising period. It is impossible to beat the blood.

Sugawara Chenfei moved in his heart and carefully searched for transaction platform acquisition information.

Sure enough, other acquisition news appeared on the platform, and the price was not cheap, one of 350 white crystals.

So, has anyone realized the preciousness of blood and started to buy it?

I'm not surprised.

I just realized that this is still not enough. Most people do n’t even know blood or skills.

They only know that they are lacking, but they do n’t know how to make up, let alone how much it takes to make up.

Even people who have already started bidding don't know this.

"Well, now that there is competition, it is time to enter the upside." Yuan Chenfei's hand waved gently, and the three hundred white crystals became six hundred white crystals.

I have sold materials and medicines, and 60,000 Baijing has smashed into the trading platform.

Want to play a price war? Bring it to the end!

I have to see who is more capable of making money.

For those who are struggling to level up, they can now have a thousand white crystals in their hands. Considering that we have to add some equipment to ourselves, six hundred white crystals are also very expensive for them.

As for the three blood, he added to the skin strengthening.

Always add some defense.

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