Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 571: The dark-eyed past

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Shen Chen was shocked, he turned sideways and backed half a step, and said in surprise: "How did you know!"

"Sure enough!"

Student Ma seemed to have confirmed his guess, and his expression quickly became gloomy: "Did the invigilator just remind you to keep this secret strictly and not let others know."


Shen Chen's gaze shifted out unconsciously, as if he was observing whether Yan Lu's invigilator was still nearby, "Ma students know the inside story, Liu Wei obviously didn't say anything, how did he guess it!"

Seeing Shen Chen's suspicion, Classmate Ma immediately explained: "For most classmates and players, this is a deeply buried secret, but for us, order is dark eyes..."

"Hey! What a pity!" Ma sighed suddenly.

"What?" Shen Chen became very interested in this. He took a step forward and took Classmate Ma by the arms, "Please tell me, maybe I can find some clues!"

With another sigh, Classmate Ma hesitated for a moment and asked the members to step back further. Then he said, "I told you this secret because of the possibility of you becoming a legend; of course, if you become the chief of Dongdi Raiders , You should also be qualified to understand this history."

"You said, I'm listening." Shen Chen's eyes flickered. He also learned a lot of information about Order Dark Eye, but he couldn't really understand it. They fell completely into darkness; it was just the depravity of individual members in such an organizational structure. A tight place will not produce today's results.

"The Dark Eye of Order, in addition to being divided into three eyes, is also divided into four parts because of the relationship between different countries and races; this is compared with the initial establishment of the shadow eye under the crown of light and shadow (king), although it is very powerful Many, but the strength is indeed scattered!"

"Under the crown of light and shadow?" Shen Chen asked, he was very curious, "Is this the king's game name?"

"No." Student Ma shook his head slightly, and then on the ground, using the jewel base of the stick, drew a few times on the ground. He probably could see that it was a road character, and then he raised his head, "It seems that you want to understand something. There are many more, but if you don’t understand these, you can go to the strategy without restraint!"

He paused, "The biggest difference between Kings and Legends is that they have closely linked their magic power to the rules through their legendary abilities; they can perceive everything related to them, conspiracy, calculation, and even use; Even the safety of his immediate family members."

"So, is it the name? I think the game name of Fragment World is also in it." Shen Chen immediately woke up, this characteristic also often appeared in his previous life.

Classmate Ma gave a teachable expression to the child, "Light and shadow represent the king’s legendary advanced rules: where there is light, there is shadow. If the light is too strong, the shadow will be hidden immediately. The weaker the light, the shadow will be indifferent. Trace. So he turned his guild shadow eye into the current dark eye of order."

"Where order and light exist, darkness and shadow will grow together!" Shen Chen said the original declaration of Order Dark Eye, but he was even more puzzled, "So now?"

Student Ma pulled back the topic: "It's just that under the crown of light and shadow, he used to be a person from the old age (the era of magic without cultural fragments). In the initial disaster, corrosion has eroded everything about him; although the king-level strength can suppress corruption, But...In short, this subordinate was finally unable to resist corruption. His last effort was to transform himself into the abyss of shadows, a trial field where only people with an orderly mind can obtain shadow power!"

Shen Chen's heart jumped. Generally speaking, the boss is dead. Even if he deploys many methods during his lifetime, he will definitely not be able to suppress this huge organization; he immediately asked: "Someone has corrupted this trial field. , Or is there someone who covets or fears the existence of order and dark eyes?"

Classmate Ma raised his hand to signal Shen Chen not to be impatient. He just continued slowly: "Not so. Even in the first few years of death under the crown of light and shadow, the dark eye of order has flourished. The problem lies with us, or Say it was an accident!"

"The nature of light and darkness is one, and those who can use them often find it difficult to understand, tolerate, and tolerate each other; what's more, in any organization, there will be all kinds of evil deeds for self-interest, strength, money, and rights. People. Conflict, hatred and resentment, with the passage of time, gradually intensified.

The Dark Eye of Order does not have the protection of the king's power, but it does not have the tentacles to constrain its own power. Although the king-level dismisses them, it does not mean that no other forces have coveted this powerful force. "

Shen Chen thought about it, "There is no dragon to match and guard Treasure, so the end is basically doomed."

"No." Classmate Ma seemed to see what Shen Chen was thinking, "but the fuse is not the case. This must talk about another king's crown, the reality of arcane law; his king ability is to be able to see all spells clearly. , The truth of the mystery, the Dark Eye Organization of Order is essentially light and shadow, but the name, power, and tentacles of this organization have invaded his domain of power."

"When this one was promoted to the king, it represented the failure of the successor (Legend) of Dark Eye of Order! Not only that, they had conflicts in the past, and a member of the subordinate team was because of the secret. The actions of the eyes die in the calamity and corruption.

Not only that, the king who controls this authority, as his insight into the legendary ability is promoted to the real, the members of the hidden eyes of the dark eye of order are undoubtedly revealed in his eyes. Mianxia didn't do much. As his status changed, he wouldn't take a dark eye on the order. He just used his own ability to expose a branch of the Secret Eye in the East Emperor! The purpose is to purify the deteriorating part of the dark eye of the order, and take revenge for friends by the way! "

Shen Chen can predict what will happen afterwards. The words of the big ones will always have more interpretations in the eyes of the little ones; plus secretly dissatisfied with the order and dark-eyed forces to instigate discord...

"There are dozens of associations, and nearly a hundred families that have been dazzled by profits; the dark eye of the Eastern Emperor suffered a heavy blow that day, of course, the main loss is the members of the hidden eye!"

Student Ma suddenly laughed at this moment, his expression seemed to be mocking: "The Austrian crown quickly stopped the massacre, but the damage caused is irreversible; but the dark eyes members of the Eastern Emperor's Order mistakenly thought that they had been side by side The fighters betrayed them, thinking that the world abandoned them!"

A teardrop appeared in the corner of Ma’s eyes at some point. Obviously, Ma knew all of this. It was not just that he came from a big family. His voice was choked: "The Broken Alliance is also called the Break of Light and Shadow!"

"At that time, the disaster army struck again. At first, everyone thought it was just an ordinary defensive battle. With the concerted efforts of everyone, this army would be easily repelled. At this time, the members of the dark eye of order , Received the message of being attacked; the domestic mediation team has not arrived yet..."

Student Ma suddenly became irritable, and the veins of his fingers violently, "But in this high-level game, people who don’t belong to this dispute are the ones who sacrificed in the end! The dark-eyed betrayal of order caused the line of defense to collapse. In order to protect the large forces, The masters can only stand behind the palace, and none of them came back during that battle."

Shen Chen could roughly feel that, perhaps, among the people behind this battle hall, there is a close relative of Classmate Ma.

However, what Shen Chen didn't know was that UU reading www.uukānshu. Com also has a copy of Ma’s family; in all kinds of coincidences, another close relative of Ma’s decision killed his son.

Therefore, not only did Classmate Ma have a dark eye for order and full of hatred and contradictory emotions, but also the compensation of the family and his own hateful efforts made him come to the present.

His understanding of the Dark Eye of Order is far beyond Shen Chen. He warned: "The Dark Eye of Order is completely different from the past. They are beginning to use any means for their ends, and at all costs to improve their strength! But at the same time, as A former espionage organization, their strategy is more profound than you think! If they really target the wasteland, then their plans and goals...the college will never satisfy them!"

"What could it be?"

Classmate Ma’s words reminded Shen Chen and gave Shen Chen a lot of thoughts, “At the beginning, these guys were able to abandon or even betray the line of defense, so extreme. Do they want to destroy and avenge the Eastern Emperor? The disaster in Zhongdu was a disaster. An accident, or an artificial experiment or a conspiracy?"

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