Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 514: Residence, start of school

Get on the shuttle bus of Dongdi Raiders and take advantage of the starlight to come to the main campus of Dongdi Raiders.

Along the way, Bai Xue introduced the background of this college to everyone.

After the empire regained the northern capital, the original Shendu strategy was the main body, and the newly-built Beidu Fragmented Technical University and the East Imperial War College were merged.

A comprehensive empire's top academy with comprehensive game strategy and corruption war as the core, data research, fragmentation technology actualization, and fragmentation world culture research is established; it has the reputation of the four pillars of the Eastern Empire.

Not only that, compared to Beidu University in the center of Beidu, Shenghua University which is separated from us by the wall, and Dongdi Royal College in the capital of God, we are also known as the garden embellishment in the wasteland!

The strategy department you are studying in is the top academic department in the country and even in the entire game world.

"Your reporting procedures will be completed for you later. Let's go directly to your future residence now?"

Shen Chen hummed.

Soon, the group arrived at the north gate of the Dongdi Raiders. An unremarkable entrance opened in a deep woodland, which seemed very quiet and peaceful.

"Uncle Liu, we are back!" With a few mischievous steps, Bai Jian jumped to the edge of the woods, next to a wooden dwelling, smiled and greeted the young man who looked like he was young.

"It's a junior scholar, here are the juniors and younger sisters of this year, they look pretty good!" The young man gently rubbed the smooth white hair of the white scholar, his eyes swept away like Shen Chen.

Shen Chen felt that he was being stared at by a fierce beast, but fortunately, it was only a moment, but the expression on his face changed slightly, venting a bit of platinum magic.

"Platinum!" The young man was startled at first, and there was hope in his eyes, but then he fell down again, lying back on the chair, Shen Chen faintly sighed.

Then, the young man seemed to become impatient, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go, don't disturb my peace here!"

The white scholar stuck out his tongue and whispered: "Go, go~~."

Walking out of the deep woods from the path, it took about a quarter of an hour to see a large lake with three rounds of moonlight reflected in everyone's eyes.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, the lake showed a rather mysterious and distant green, but shimmering blue, and Shen Chen could even feel that the lake in front of him was like a sea of ​​magic, with countless elements jumping in it. , Feiwu.

"Bypassing this lake, it is everyone's dormitory. The three of you have a complete villa; as for the team you brought, you can only live in the small team building behind the villa."

Bai Jian pointed to a row of not-so-small garden-style buildings behind a dense tree line on the other side of the lake, "By the way, this time your residence, I will help you choose it next to me, if you don’t like it... You can also apply to change."

Shen Chen nodded and walked around the lake; under the bright moonlight, the vast scenery that should have been appreciated, but almost no people can be seen, but sometimes only one or two people can be seen, rushing past them .

"Ah, since you took Grim Batol, the school brother, the school atmosphere has become tense and intense, and many seniors have chosen to transfer to the world of gods and demons!"

Bai Xue said with a smile, and seemed to want to see the president’s joke: "Tell you, even juniors, Lu Yang, Zhang Jiang, and Cao Ying, who are already diamonds, have decided to enter the world of gods and demons and want to compete with you. Down; and I heard that several other colleges, platinum and even diamond guys have already moved!"

"Is that so?"

Shen Chen did not panic because of this. Although these seniors who are stronger in the real world can have faster upgrades and equipment accumulation in the world of gods and demons, but... "Friendship with those plot characters , The layout of the world and the understanding of the plot; I am not afraid to compete with them!"

"This is your residence." Bai Xue, stopped in front of a white stone villa.

"This building is built with white jade magic stones. Its greatest effect is that the building itself is a magical manifestation device. These white jade magic stones will always absorb the magic stones placed near the foundation of the building for students in the building to practice! Not only that, in any corner of the room, whether you are standing, sitting, lying or lying down, you can descend~~"

She picked up a few stones on both sides of the gate that were laid on the soil with the roots of plants, gardening and flowers, and Shen Chen noticed that outside the entire building, all the pebbles used for decoration were all magic stones!

"This is too... the wealth is rich!" Even with Shen Chen's current knowledge, he couldn't help but open his mouth slightly.

It is only a slight estimate that the magic stone laid around is worth tens of millions, not to mention the white jade magic stone used for its construction, the geographical location of the East Emperor, and the blessing of the lakeside scenery~~

"By the way, we have restored the furnishings in the room. You can buy them with credits on the college forum." Bai Xue seemed very pleased with Shen Chen's reaction.


Shen Chen had known for a long time that all the benefits in the academy were obtained by credits. Even if he was the top pick in the capital, he only had an initial score of 50.

However, Su Yutong's expression did not change along the way, and he didn't seem to be surprised.

"Okay, I'll send it here. Do you have any needs or questions? Just come to find you next door...'Senior Sister'~~" Bai Xueyan waved his hand and didn't mean to go in and sit down.

Shen Chen also waved goodbye. Before leaving, he asked one more sentence: "Right, that Uncle Liu just now?"

"Oh, you say him!" Bai Xue thought for a while, and said, "I don't know his identity, just because he is guarding the north gate, and he is familiar with him when he comes and goes. He has a quirky temperament and changes in mood. Some seniors said that the guy with the least strength is the pinnacle of the master, it is very likely that he is a legend!"

"Hey, the key is that our dormitory is quite far away from the other doors of the college. If you want to think of the school, the relationship with Uncle Liu must not be too bad, otherwise..." Up.

Shen Chen did not carry out any night activities and went to bed early.


Opening Ceremony.

Su Yutong rejected the newly appointed new student representative because of her talent and identity. Instead of showing up on stage, it would be better to talk to Shen Chen in the audience.

Like most opening ceremonies, the principal or a certain leader talks about school life and looks forward to the future, encouraging students to study hard, work hard, and defend their homes in the future.

With the blessing of "Senior Sister Genius Baixian", and the powerful atmosphere of "Don't mess with me" around Shen Chen, there is no one who has no eyesight coming up to provoke.

At most, the seniors who watched outside the field complained about "another flower was torn away in advance; as long as you work hard, there is no corner that can't be digging."

Su Yutong didn’t realize that she didn’t want to go in for strangers, and coupled with the unique temperament of the elves, she drew 10,000 tons of hatred to Shen Chen on the first day of but she knew Shen in advance. With Chen platinum level strength, most of the "rivals in love" are still on the sidelines, not daring to take action easily.

As a senior student and an important member of the Hall of Fame, Bai Xue pretends to be a freshman standing with Shen Chen, "That is Huang Yu, the number one scholar in Western Province, that is Liu Nanxing, number one in Hecheng, and that is Woofy, a transfer student from the Western Kingdom. Children; they are all contenders for your credits and the best student of the year."

Shen Chen listened, but didn't take these so-called champions in his eyes, one step behind, step by step, and now his competition target is those seniors. The peers, since there is still a big gap from platinum, they have lost the capital to compete with him!

However, tactically defied, Shen Chen turned around and said to a group of new Hall of Fame members (day students brought into the university) behind him: "See those guys! Your spirits should be higher, since you have joined In the Hall of Fame, your goal is to beat those who crushed you in the college entrance examination to get high scores! Understand?"



"I can only say, I try my best."

"Most definitely."

There are not many confident members. After all, they haven't been in the Hall of Fame long enough; in high school, the result of being crushed by a student for three years has made many people lose their absolute confidence.

Shen Chen also knew this, but the people recruited now were the best group; after all, the real academic bully had long been poached, or he had established a strategy team and guild.

However, Shen Chen is full of expectations for this. He knows that these members are not short of talent and hard work.

The Hall of Fame will become an important ladder, waiting for these members one day to stand on top of the previous winners.

At that time, his hall of fame will be a blockbuster!

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