Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 500: Dragon Soul Form, Grim Batol

Except for his wide mouth, Shen Chen trembled all over, such a huge improvement! Such a terrifying potential!

The bloodline witcher mentor, this means that his foundation among players is stronger, and the profession of the witcher, unsurprisingly, will become the key to his success in the player community!

As for the increase in lifespan, it goes without saying that you know its role. Because it is still human, this leads to an increase in the ascension period, a longer peak period, and a longer decline period!

Whether it is becoming a legend or climbing to a higher level in the future, it will be easier!

The mutant Demon Hunter bloodline allowed his attributes and attributes to grow by a large amount, with a total growth value of 0.4. Even if he was just level 30, it was equivalent to 12 points ahead of other players, almost half of the equipment. !

The dragon bloodline is just a passive one, and it is not weaker than talent in bonus!

Needless to say, the dragon’s fire resistance and dragon’s breath resistance;

The key is: the conversion of 20 to 22 health points directly increases the health value of 260 points, which is close to 10%, on the attributes of his physique over 130 points!

With additional armor, magic resistance and toughness, these defensive attributes have been further improved, allowing Shen Chen to see the hope of single-handedly facing the leader in the future!

As for the last 20% of the treatment effect, I want to treat all milk T, so I have one more big skill!

However, this is still not the biggest gain of the bloodline mutation!

The dragon wing retracted into the body, and the dragon pupil gradually disappeared, similar to the [Dragon Soul Form] that the druid transformed into! Will become another vital hole card for Shen Chen!

[Dragon Soul Form]: Activate the dragon power sleeping in the body and become a real "dragon" knight! (The skill duration is 3 minutes, and the cooling time is 48H.)

You need the blood of the dragon's essence to help complete the transformation; or get the blessing of the dragon again to permanently activate the skill! (Minerva’s family reminder: Black dragon or red dragon blessing is the key to your successful bloodline mutation)

In the state of transformation, you gain the following skills:

[Dragon Wing Form]: Stretch out a pair of dragon wings and gain a flying posture with an extra speed of 150%! (You should practice more how to fight in the air!)

[Order Dragon Breath]: Attach the hot sacred/order attribute dragon breath to the weapon. Your attacks and skills will gain an extra 15 yards range; it will cause extra damage to the target and all enemies in the 45° area in front of you. 30% holy/fire damage!

[Twilight Fog]: A layer of fog will be released from under your scales, causing real damage of 1% of the maximum health (not exceeding your intelligence*3) to all enemies 5 yards around you!

[Blessing of the Titan Guard]: Not yet triggered, and the effect is unknown!

"This transformation is not weaker than the eruption of a small universe!" Shen Chen is very satisfied. As for the dragon essence and blood required for transformation, there are many orc players who need bloodline mutations. With the help of alchemy that has been raised a step, I believe it will be soon Can accumulate enough!

Shen Chen, whose strength has greatly improved, still stayed in the White Claw Camp for a while, and only after the fragments of the Demon Hunter NPC had learned to make bloodline potions, he was relieved to let go.


the other side.

The battle in Twilight Highlands went smoothly.

I don’t know that it’s the Twilight clan, the power lost by Thornymaw Canyon was too much before, or depending on the pressure of the army, the power behind Twilight may be exposed and decisively sell the relationship with the Dragonmaw clan.

The army of Kul Tiras had arrived at their final destination, Grim Batol.

Before the start of the attack on this ancient city of dwarves, Shen Chen also brought a group of black dragon spies sent by Earl Catalina from Stormwind to the raiders team, and arrived at the instance gate.

Looking up at the closed gate of the Obsidian dungeon, Grim Batol, once the kingdom of the Wildhammer clan, began to sink under the curse of the Dark Iron Dwarf Emperor Thaurissan, his first queen Mordgood.

Because the Red Dragon Queen was imprisoned, the angry Red Dragon Legion swept this place into ruins with dragon's breath after getting out of trouble!

After that, the Black Dragon Legion represented by Nefarian found the Dragonmaw Clan and occupied it again; but now, it's time for them to pay the price!

The morale of Kul Tiras's troops was extremely high. After mobilizing the powerful force of the two fleets, even using the Sea Tide Sages, the entire east side of the high ground became a piece of Ze Nation.

Many relatives and friends of the Third Fleet could hardly contain the excitement and sorrow in their eyes when they looked at the Dragonmaw Orcs who were about to fall into the end.

However, the orcs were unwilling to let Grim Batol's honor fall into the hands of humans, and they asked to fight.

The two sides could not dispute, and Shen Chen also discovered that hidden in the Twilight Highland, another Yang plot arranged by the ancient **** or the black dragon!

"Now, the orcs clan and Kul Tiras have almost equally divided the Twilight Highlands. Humans do not want orcs to continue to grow; and the orcs are probably not reconciled when they see humans occupy the land owned by their clan. , The contradiction is bound to deepen!"

Shen Chen frowned and looked at the two forces arguing over who was the vanguard in the camp. In this confrontation, friction and contradiction have already appeared!

"It's just that I can't easily fall to either side!" Shen Chen secretly said.

As a member of the Kingdom of Stormwind, the Orcs and the Kingdom of the Sea, he only needs to complete the task; joining at this time, if the two ends are not human, it will also lead to the dislike of the Kingdom of Stormwind!

However, this does not mean that he does nothing!

"Thar, Twilight's Hammer easily gave up here. I have always felt wrong. I think that the basics of the orcs are in the wetlands. The refugees have not resettled to their new homes, so they should be careful!" Shen Chen did not have much That said, it didn't mention the contradiction between orcs and humans.

On the other hand, he immediately approached Dai Lin and persuaded him: "Did the kingdom’s naval forces feel powerless to mobilize the fleet to the Twilight Highlands? At least the newly born Lordaeron, who has lost the support of the fleet, must be under pressure. ."

"Of course I know, but this is the best time for us to suppress the orcs." Dai Lin said.

"You can't think of it like this. If Lordaeron is defeated by the undead, then the northern part of the Eastern Kingdom will be in chaos again, making the threat of the undead no less than the orcs!"

Shen Chen saw Dai Lin's intention to move, and continued: "I think that the interests of mankind in Lordaeron are far greater than that of occupying half of the Twilight Highland. We must be alert to the enemies in the dark! What's more, once Lordaeron really If something goes wrong, then Arathi will also suffer tremendous pressure, and the orcs will have the opportunity to expand northward!"

"But none of this has happened yet, isn't it? Although Lordaeron is weak, the rebuilt Silver Knights, as long as they control the main roads in Alterac Valley, it is not difficult to defend Nanhai Town!" Dai Lin did not. Think so.

"What's more, the hatred of the Forsaken and the and the group of Scarlet Crusades, these forces are entangled and can't threaten Lordaeron at all!"

Obviously, these reasons of Shen Chen are still far-fetched, and they cannot completely convince Dai Lin.

"Father, I think it makes sense tomorrow." Jaina stood up, and she also didn't want the people of Kul Tiras to be entangled in Twilight Heights.

She said: "Even if you occupy the Twilight Highlands, in a short time, it will be detrimental to the orcs. When Grim Batol is broken, the remaining Dragonmaw clan can only rely on the Twilight clan, and they will inevitably have other orcs. Conflict; you know, there are hundreds of thousands of refugees among the orcs, and there is nowhere to go, and the previous refugees have not been fully settled."

"If the orcs want both sides, they will inevitably be embarrassed, just to buy us time to restore Lordaeron. After that, even if the orcs calm the dispute, we can use the power of the entire continent to coerce the two places , They can't make any waves!"

Shen Chen nodded, Jaina’s words were more useful than his, "But if we stay, the orcs will be under pressure and unite against us! Only two fleets can’t completely suppress the orcs. The gain is not worth the loss!"

Dai Lin had no words, but from his expression, it seemed that she was still hesitating. Shen Chen blinked at Jaina, indicating that she didn't need to say any more. Some things, too anxious, would be bad.

"You feel different from before." Walking out of the camp, Jaina looked at Shen Chen curiously.

"Is the nose the same as a dog?" Of course, Shen Chen knew that his dragon bloodline must have an impact on the surrounding elements. As a great mage, Jaina wanted to feel very simple.

He smiled and said: "Learning a few hands from the druids, with the help of Krasus's power, it is an improvement!"

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