Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 408: Explosives, dosing, filth and hate rats!

Shen Chen didn't follow Nerez's suggestion. Instead, he slowed down further. He recorded all the surrounding scenery. After all, the Rat Man City was the first in the world of Gods and Demons and even the entire Gaem World!


Shen Chen said as he walked: "According to Minerva's request, everyone should be careful and don't miss the details. Let's record the scenery of this corrupt kingdom, let alone make a detailed record of the ratman underground city tour. , Even if it's a research paper on the rat race, maybe it can be done!"


   "I am very conscious indeed. I really like this world more and more." Vesemir was also very excited. He followed Shen Chen to see the wider world. Up to now, he is extremely satisfied.


   "It's too dirty, I don't like it." Xiao Nian Miao looked at the ruined fur on the slave rat not far away, rubbed her nose uncomfortably, and was slapped by sister Luo Luo.


   Neriz had no choice but to urge: "We should hurry up. Although these guys are not strictly guarded, there will still be a patrol team every half an hour!"


   "Then don't you say it earlier!" Shen Chen cursed secretly, and then said dissatisfied: "Forget it, speed up, there are still business affairs to be done!"


Everyone passed from the edge of the city and saw the corrupted hatching pond full of viscous slurry. The rat people were originally viviparous; but the Pestilen clan gained brand new production and transformation through the research of biochemical power and the technology of the lizard people. technology!


They transported all kinds of corpses and decaying meat here, added the plague reagent, and then threw the normally bred rat people into the corruption pool; originally, a litter can only produce 10 slave rats, but now they can get a few Clan rats are even plague monks!


   This is an extremely important addition to the power of the Underground Ratmen of Stormwind, who must pass through thorns to reach!


   At this time, Shen Chen had bad thoughts. He had seen how the Ratman dealt with the companions who fell into the sewage, and he had killed them before they mutated.


   Then he smiled: "Wait a moment, I thought of a great idea!"


   When everyone saw Shen Chen's appearance, they were also excited. Every time Shen Chen's appearance was good or had a plot.


   But this time it is slightly different. Shen Chen said: "Suibo, you are the only one with invisibility in our team, I beg you!"


   Shen Chen said as he took out several kinds of waste solutions left over from alchemy, and poured the waste liquids collected after the previous battle with Nerez into several large medicine bottles.


   Seeing this filthy but colorful potion and the boiling incubation pool in the distance, everyone smiled appreciatively, and even Nerez, who had just gotten rid of the sewage, showed the same deep smile.


"It’s good to understand~~" Shen Chen explained: "In this way, the incubator is hatched from the bottom wave, but I don’t know what the ghost is. We can also have enough time to build a big underground space. movement!"


   Waiting for the wave to return, Shen Chen and the others continued to move forward, passing a wooden building built on the rock wall, and once again saw the Stormwind City sewer.


   Of course, they did not climb up the stairs with rat-man handles, but took the water-jet elevator once through the control of the water flow by Neritz.


"Here we are!"


   This is the end of everyone's trip, at the junction of the Master District and the Trade District, and the Stormwind Canal is just below the core plot of the Stormwind business plan that Shen Chen thought!


   "Since you have reached the destination, then we...?" Although Nerez was still thinking about further removing the pollution in his body, Shen Chen at this time made him a little scared, "What the **** is this guy doing!"


   Shen Chen didn't talk to Nerez, but said, "Wait a minute."


He took out the Dancing Star brand salt bomb prepared in advance. This bomb was half a fist size, combined with Shen Chen's engineering skills, the understanding of the witcher's alchemy and explosives, and the basic analysis of the bomb ratio. Enhanced engineering bomb!


This bomb is the size of a fist, engraved with a range enhancement inscription on it, and attached with a layer of sharp reaction enchantment; although the dwarf and goblin technology are not reliable, it can be increased by 50% under the precise calculation of Minerva. Reliability, at least before reaching the destination, did not explode~~


   Shen Chen glanced at the rat-man who became agitated below his eyes, and knew that the "Ten Quan Da Bu Pills" he had cast with the wave had taken effect.


   immediately inform Minerva, "The data has been passed to you, hurry up, I am afraid that there will not be enough time for that side!"


It's not that Shen Chen doesn't follow the principle of sneaking into the village and not shooting a gun, but the rules of the game world. Once the bomb is taken out, the Ratman can easily smell the underground world, just like putting a freshener in a rotten garbage dump. Smell.


  According to the game terminology: "Your actions have aroused the rat people's vigilance. They will continue to send people to interfere and hinder you from planting bombs. Please resist for enough time!"


   And the world of gods and demons is no better than the previous game, the rat people here will not come in three or five~~, once they appear, they must be large-scale, and heavy forces will press in! It's just that something went wrong with the incubation pool. Compared with the peripheral harassment, it is already obvious which is heavier!




   The other side, corruption in the hatching pond.


  Shen Chen’s "tonic" is mainly composed of waste alchemy medicines, but according to the conflict of medicine properties, a few attribute strengthening medicines and some rat-man oil developed by Vesemir are added.


   This naturally made the mouse human embryos a little weak and inadequate. Most of the filthy rats could not withstand Shen Chen's supplements, but there was only one that survived by devouring the lives of identical brothers.


   In the rapid growth of the hatching pond, this filthy rat grew rapidly, and soon digested into a part of itself together with the mother.


   When the plague monk on patrol arrived, a pool of blood in the incubation pool had been absorbed by the dirty rat, revealing its huge body!


It looks a bit abominable in the pits of hell. It has four sturdy rat feet that support its slightly bloated body. Its body is covered with rotting pustules, splashing with blood from time to time. Appalling.


   Compared to its sturdy body, its head is somewhat uncoordinated, probably because of insufficient nutrition. The rat head and rat brain are still retained, with only three layers of jagged fangs.


   filthy and abominable mouse-Ni·Glutton·Pestillon, this is the name that Minerva summed up after Shen Chen saw it again.


   At this time, this abominable rat was slapping up the corpse of a plague monk and greedily stuffing it into his mouth; the size of the corpse was several times the size of its mouth, and the picture was extremely uncoordinated.


   Although there is no mutation in the head, Kenny’s ability to eat has been strengthened to the extreme. The outer teeth easily cracked the plague monk's steel-like bones, and with a light tear, the lower limbs of the corpse were also removed.


   And the inner teeth, in the closed space of the outer layer, squirmed and swallowed their lower limbs, and in the blink of an eye, they had already entered the belly!


   It’s just that this doesn’t satisfy Ni’s appetite!


   Sewage makes the dirty rat have an insatiable hunger and thirst. Kenny, its larger body and smaller mouth make it have no choice but to be greedy for the body and everything that can be eaten all the time! !


   The rats at this time didn't understand all of this, and the initiator Shen didn't even know the changes he brought to the entire underground world.


   Ratman discovered that there was a problem with the incubation tank, and immediately blew the horn. Numerous ratmen poured in like a tide, and soon a dark green ripple was formed around the hatching tank.


   Niss didn’t take it seriously. There was no fear in his mind. From his point of view, this was a treasure, which could make it a little bit hungry!


   I saw the nun eating the struggling clan rat with one hand, and easily smashed a plague monk into mud with the other, letting the back throw it down, his huge body, sitting down!




   This corpse can be easily eaten! Saved a lot of time in Nigeria!


Although the rat man is powerful, he can face such a monster, but he has no way. Ni’s skin is extremely hard. The magic resistance is also not to be underestimated. The special effect of the rat man oil is added, which is harmful to plague, destruction and toxicity. Extra resistance! What's more, when eating, Ni also has extra life regeneration!


If the same huge abomination and scavenger trolls are there, there may be a great power, but with the existence of thorns, the elite scavengers under Stormwind are not enough. They soon discovered that they had completely sent their bodies to the hunt. The eater's mouth also sent half of his head under the smelly teeth!


Rat people are not brave warriors. Fear is their instinct. They have already begun to retreat before they even launch a general offensive. But Ni also lacks wisdom and does not know the principle of storing food. He just enjoys his body and has piled up into mountains. Pile of rat people!

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