Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 397: Failed attempt

The rescue of the little milk cat has won the full screen of the audience. The silk blood escape has always been the most book-worthy deed in the game world. If the silk blood anti-kill is added, it will be better. Up~~

However, the real masters obviously don't pay attention to the matter of "not dead". The so-called layman watching the excitement and the expert watching the doorway, the ability of Agat and the excellent response of Shen Chen and others are their points of attention!

All the Raiders groups are asking themselves: "In the face of the changes and attacks just now, what should we do? What means will the team use tomorrow to ensure that the battle will not be reduced!"

"Charge and Totem are both enhanced skills, the specific ability is unknown, but the effect is really good!"

The white scholar, who had been silent for a long time, stood up again at this time and analyzed the battle in detail to the audience:

"Now, everyone should know the usefulness of the three demon hunters! Depending on the demon hunters' specializations, they can act as hunters and play the role of pulling monsters. In an emergency, the demon hunters have powerful functional spells—— The seal can be used to protect and limit the enemy at the same time;

Although we have learned from professional instructors, many late professional also have similar skills, such as the protection and sacrifice of knights, the tree armor of Xiaode, etc.; the magic seal upgrade effect of the demon hunter can still be said to be against the sky! "

The white scholar turned the topic to Agath again, "This ratman leader can be said to be the most powerful BOSS he has seen since he entered the world of gods and demons! Compared to Hogg, who stumped countless guilds, the dead mine is full of ground. The van Cleef mirror image of the mobs is not a level at all!

In addition, we can compare the shadowfang castle of the same level, which has stuck countless undead, blood elves, and the old ash burial of the tauren guild. The guy has a little more pressure on treatment and needs to press DPS into raging. Testing machine.

And like Agat, the assassin-type leader with the ability to damage, control, and dodge is really disgusting!

In addition, I don’t know if everyone notices that Agat’s shadow is not there. She has created two phantoms, and when the poison gas was injected, the shadows also lost a slightly smaller range;

In this way, this will be a sports BOSS battle against the shadows. Because of insufficient data, it is difficult to analyze Agat's other abilities for the time being, but the pressure will inevitably be on the side of the team tomorrow. It depends on how they respond! "

Another wave of intelligence-rich analysis by Bai Scholars has attracted the attention of many judges and guilds, but also successfully attracted Minerva;

As Shen Chen’s queen steward, although she was having fun, Shen Chen asked her to do business, and Minerva still fulfilled her duties with due diligence. Whether or not she talked about war on paper, Bai Xue always showed the ability to be a raider and at least a team command , This kind of talent is also urgently needed by the Shen Chen team!

The battle in the prison was still unfolding fiercely. Agath, who had fought three strikes, stopped her swift offensive for a while, fought with Shen Chen, and seemed to be brewing the next attack.

Shen Chen noticed the inconspicuous energy and skill bar at the bottom of Agat's status bar. Obviously, Agat also has a skill mechanism similar to that of thieves: energy value skills are stored, and then burst!

Due to the huge pressure of the previous wave and a shadow created by the headhunter glory, the number of shadows on the scene soon reached four, and the pressure on the venue suddenly increased.

"We fought a wave of outbreaks and pressed down the bloodline. Except the tanks, everyone else concentrated on their positions; Liu Wei, you will protect and treat for a while, and you will come back when you know that you are changing tanks. In addition, Vesemir, in DPS Only you are the fleshiest, harder, once I am charged, you need to withdraw to protect the rest of the DPS!" While playing, Shen Chen thought about a set of styles roughly.

"There is no problem. Although I am not hard enough, it is okay to respond to an emergency!" Liu Wei eased the tension in the team, facing Agath, and said: "Don't be afraid, the boss will come over later, and feel at ease. Just sell me!"

Agat coldly looked at the humans who were obstructing her mission. For the assassination failure just now, a strong sense of shame surged in her heart. She has been in her heart for a long time, and she hasn't been able to cut it off once. The head of the enemy!

However, the strength of the enemy further aroused her intent to fight. Only such an enemy would have the pleasure of collecting their frightened faces and hanging them in their boudoir!

She glanced at Shen Chen, who was obstructing her in front of her. This guy named Mingri was full of order and the smell of holy light, which made her particularly disgusted.

But Shen Chen was as hard as she was the only one who failed her mission, that white lion guard!

She couldn't help but licked the plague-stained fur on her arm with her red and purple tongue, and the scent of people in it stimulated her madness.

Then this guy stays at the end to solve it, as for the others... Agath first looked at Sister Lolo and Vesemir who cast shield spells. These two guys prevented her execution ability from being used. .

"Only you two!" Agat's eyes flickered. At this time, the 3 skill points and energy bar were already filled, and the four shadows on the field were eager to try!

"not good!"

Shen Chen suddenly remembered where Agath's system came from in his previous life. After being in the Gaem world for so long, he felt that his reaction was a little degraded, and he had never noticed this!

But it didn't mean that Shen Chen had a way to deal with this skill immediately. When Agat waved his hands, the shadow killed the two targets she had longed for.

"Pay attention to self-protection, try not to trigger the headhunting glory! The pressure on the team is a bit heavy!" Shen Chen tried to stabilize his voice, he can't mess, otherwise the leader will really be unable to fight.

It’s just that Agath’s explosive phase will not change because of this. With the addition of new skills, Vesemir relies on the powerful body of the Demon Hunter to barely escape the disaster. Sister Ke Luoluo does not have this good luck. While being seckilled, a cloud of phantom was left in place!

"Withdraw! The other group is destroyed here!"

Shen Chen knew that this attempt had failed, and immediately commanded, especially Vesemir and Vanessa. Although they became followers, they could be resurrected; but the death penalty was much greater than the player!

Agat naturally didn’t want to let the prey he got from him slip away, but Shen Chen decisively used the method of selling pets. Leaning on Barber, Liu Wei at the back of the palace withdrew to the gate of the dungeon. When the defensive circle set up by the prison guards, there was still one left. Bloodskin, anyhow, stopped the damage.

She stared at Shen Chen for a few moments, not daring to rush into the guards, squeaked sharply, and chose to withdraw.

"I love to hear... the omnipotent God of Tomorrow, has the strategy finally failed once!"

"Even so, it's still amazing. After the treatment, I can decisively lead the team to withdraw, and none of them died!"

"Didn't you sell a dog~~?"

Sister Luo Luo was resurrected from the arms of Sister Angel and returned to the prison dungeon after a few minutes. The team atmosphere at this time was undoubtedly a bit heavy.

In their first strategy, they could not even kill 10% of Agat’s and they could only run away in a hurry. The most important thing was that they couldn’t deal with her high outburst. Once the headhunting glory appeared Attrition, the battle will not continue!

"Or, let's practice leveling first, and when everyone reaches 25, there will be no level difference debuff, come again?" Liu Wei suggested.

Shen Chen glanced at his experience bar, and refused: "No, our game level is already at the same level as reality. In other words, without the additional experience bonus and the leveling speed is greatly reduced, there is no way to do it. Reach 25 within 2 days! Even if you reach this level, your attributes are not improved much, and there is no essential improvement in equipment, facing the damage of Agat, you still have the same problem!"

"Then what to do? This task only lasts for 3 days. We have no place to obtain equipment and skill upgrades. As long as Agat plays 25 special effects, he will inevitably show a shadow. With such a large treatment and field pressure, I am afraid that we will try more Nothing can be done this time!" The wise mage lowered his head helplessly and said.

"Yeah, Agat's difficulty has improved a lot, and it feels like we have reached our bottleneck!" Daidai followed.

When Shen Chen heard this, his expression became serious. It wasn't because of Agat's difficulty to fight, but because the team was too smooth in the past, but instead lacked the spirit of group destruction that should be possessed when the Raiders dungeon.

If it is other guilds, it should be gathered together at this time to discuss how to try, discuss the leader's skills and combat details; rather than being slightly pessimistic, talking about the difficulty of the leader!

"It seems that I should let go of the team for a period of time, let them try more on their own, attack the dungeon by themselves, and improve their skills and mentality in the group destruction..." Shen Chen's expression remained unchanged, but he had an idea in his heart: " However, the first problem is that there is still a hard enough tank!"

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