Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1548: across the continent


"What do we do now, these... pandaren don't seem to be enemies." Halford had heard of the existence of pandaren, but it was limited to gossip among his colleagues, and the discussions were all very Can drink, looks weird.

It is the first time for not only Halford, but also many alliance fighters and players to face the pandaren face to face. The players don't mind. The pandaren are a race that is easy to talk to at first glance, but they don't know what the task rewards are. I hope they don't. Penny-pinching like a goblin.

Humans are more cautious. Halford needs to find out the pandaren's attitude towards them, and think about how the alliance interacts with this new force.

But now the Lord of Tomorrow seems to be quite familiar with the pandaren, or these pandaren have an inexplicable affection for Tomorrow, and to fight against the corruption of Pandaria, I am afraid that it would not be possible without the help of these local snakes.

Shen Chen also noticed the concerns of Halford and Switz. In his memory, the alliance entered Pandaria, and because of a fight with the tribe, the initial impression on the pandaren was not good. After realizing this, the alliance actively wooed The Jinyu people fought for them.

The end result is that Yu'lon's withered statue was destroyed due to the war between the Alliance and the Horde, releasing the sha and further intensifying the inner demon; although the four supreme gods still believe that outsiders can bring changes to Pandaria , most of the pandaren who can be affected, it is impossible for the alliance and the tribe to have much favor.

Now history seems to have turned a corner again, Shen Chen is very proud that he came to Pandaria early, not only gained the favor of the panda people, but also gained the friendship of the elemental spirits.

Even if bad things happen again because of the inner demons of human beings, the Pandaren will still compare the Heart of Order with other races like Shen Chen and the players who explored in the early stage defeated the demons.

But now, because of the common enemies, the Thor from the Island of Thunder, the mantid from the Dread Wastes, and the yet-to-be-shown Enzos, presumably even the alliance can make the Pandaren feel sincerity.

After confirming this, Shen Chen said to Halford: "Our task now is to destroy Thor's domain, so that our main fleet can enter this sea area, and we only have two warships, and we have no ability to support the battlefield in other directions. "

These words were not only spoken to Halford, but also explained to the Xianglong Knights. It seemed that they were a little depressed but quickly adjusted.

"But now, we can still help you deal with these flying dragons." Shen Chen ordered a team of rotorcraft to catch up, and under the attack of the firepower net, they quickly shot down most of the flying dragons, but there were a few that were alert. See The situation is not good and quickly escapes at low altitude.

The Xianglong Knights did not pursue, they told Chen Chen, "Next we have to go to the Setting Sun Pass for support."

It is more important to prevent the mantid from entering the pass than the Sha they have suppressed for thousands of years. As for Thor, the pandaren have now reactivated monk training. If you want to reach the level of platinum and diamond, it may only take a few months~~

I just hope they can sort things out before everything gets too bad.

Shen Chen felt the uneasiness in the pandaren's heart, and he comforted him: "Although these enemies are powerful, you can try to trust us. The army of the alliance is outside the mist. With our help, these enemies will definitely be defeated!"

"I hope it's as you said."

After parting from the Knights, the fleet set off again, and the sky over the snow field of Kunlai Mountain was also filled with darkness, and the Sha of Rage was releasing his anger.

It seems that because of the mogu's attack, although Xuen failed to hit hard, the result was to release the sha.

At this time, the incarnation of Sha of Wrath was on the plain of Kunlai Mountain, spreading his corruption of anger to all directions. Fortunately, because the incarnation could not be too far away from the flesh and blood of Enzos, it did not spread to a further distance.

"It seems that we are still in time." Thor Storm Spirits rushed out directly. He had defeated Shamo once, so naturally he would not be afraid of defeating him a second time. No shot.

When the warship flew over the evil cloud, the battle of the storm spirit had ended, and the incarnation of the evil spirit was scattered.

Large pieces of gray and black clouds scattered in all directions. They did not completely disappear because of the destruction of the avatar, but instead created a large piece of corrupted land within the entire range of Kunlai Mountain.

"It seems that the Sha Demon has not been destroyed." Halfer saw the problem, and couldn't help worrying: "What the **** is this thing?"

"The Pandaren and the Sha have fought against the Sha Demon for tens of thousands of years. If they are so easy to be wiped out, then they are not the flesh and blood of the ancient gods." Shen Chen joked.

At the same time, he was also thinking, when the Titan killed Y'Shaarji and split it into flesh and blood pieces, why didn't he think of building a sealing facility to preserve the flesh and blood.

Sensing the disappearance of the Sha Demon Avatar, Xue Nu roared at the White Tiger Temple to express his gratitude. At this time, the battleship adjusted its course and headed due west, quickly crossing the Great Wall.

Niuzao Temple is in the southwest of the route, and Shen Chen can also see a large area of ​​mantid attacking day and night, but at this time they are not going to support them. On the other side of the ship, they seem to know the destination of the alliance warships Well, Thor will definitely not let humans attack his lair just like that.

The original flying dragon frantically tried to pass through the firepower net formed by the battleship with its flesh and blood, and the battle went into a frenzy from the very beginning.

Before the two air warships set off, they had already replaced all the ammunition, half of the basic and special ammunition, with all high-end ammunition.

Facing the attacking flying dragon at this time, Halford ordered the use of high-energy armor-piercing projectiles.

This kind of ammunition uses level 6 penetrating enchanted Saron iron to create bullets, fills the warhead with elements or magic essence, and then activates the highest level of high-energy magic crystals as propellants.

Chen Chen has tried the power of this ammunition, using the information in the log, it ignores 70% of the basic armor and 20% of the damage reduction effect, and when the defense is broken, it can produce 0.5 seconds of damage, so that the ammunition that hits the same area next All get special effects that ignore 50% of the defense attribute!

The multi-attribute penetrating damage caused, and with bleeding and wounding, continues to stack 10 layers of effects, and the damage of a single bleeding is as high as 10,000 points, and the healing effect is reduced by 75%!

Even Shen Chen himself, if he didn't move and dodge, and turned on various damage reduction to deal with it, under the concentrated fire of dozens of artillery pieces, he would still feel a huge defensive pressure, no less than a king's full output!

The original flying dragons are enduring such terrifying But they don't seem to care about the casualties, but use their bodies to force the alliance's warships to be unable to go straight to the Island of Thunder.

"Is Thor delaying something?" Shen Chen felt that something was wrong, the fleet hadn't even sailed into the sea of ​​thunder, and it would be much better to fight the alliance in the area and domain under his control than to sacrifice a large number of air combat forces here in vain, right? !

But no matter what, since Thunder God has revealed his intentions, Shen Chen naturally wants to focus on the attack.

Halford also understood. In the arsenal of the battleship, almost all the high-grade ammunition hoarded by the Alliance in Booty Bay was brought out. If it were not for the insufficient capacity, it is estimated that the entire Thunder God Island could be fired with the power of two ships. Baptize again!

He ordered: "Order the gyroplane not to spare the ammunition, and the warships are arranged in a zigzag pattern facing each other, and move forward at full speed!"

Since the battleship has a king-level battle force sitting on it, and at the same time the gunner of the artillery fire is calibrated by a mage player, the two battleships will not be hurt by their own firepower, so they don't have to follow the naval drills May exert full attack power.

Cannonballs were woven into a net in the air like rain. No matter how many flying dragons were sacrificed, it seemed that they could not stop the alliance's will to move forward. Lei Hai had already appeared in front of the fleet. At the end of the lightning, the outline of Thunder God Island was already very clear.

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