Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1343: father and son

Shen Chen gained the trust of everyone, and as a friendship to help the Vanir Protoss, Freya arranged for him a room at the bottom of the tree hole.

Arrange Luanda to heal Frey, and at this time the Scroll of Fate shows: A node of fate has changed! You weave entirely new fragments of destiny.

Then the Scroll of Destiny was recharged, and with the previous battle with Heimdall, the recharge was over half!

"Atreus! Come here!" At this moment, Kratos called his son aside, as if he had something to talk about.

Atreus lost the previous excitement at this time, and lowered his head in response, turning his head three times at a time seemed to be sneaking glances at Freya, and the two reluctantly walked into the shadow of a tree trunk.

"What are you doing again!" Kratos asked suddenly.

"I, I just want to the Warner Protoss!" Atreus paused, seemingly uneasy.

These words further angered Kratos. He whispered but suppressed anger hidden in his voice: "We have agreed! Help is fine, but you have to follow me!"

"I..." Atreus didn't dare to look up, he just defended in a low voice, "Isn't the plan going well?"

Kratos thought of the countless accidents in this operation. If Heimdall finds Atreus first, and if he is entangled by Heimdall, then Atreus may...

Thinking of this, "Luck won't favor you every time! I promised to accompany you and complete your weird ideas because you promised me too!"

"But you still don't believe me, you don't recognize my ideas and abilities!" Atreus' emotions were also aroused at this time, "Facts have also proved that even if you are not around, I will be fine!"

"that is because......"

With his powerful sense of hearing, Shen Chen keenly heard the conversation between the two.

Obviously, Kratos is still very worried about his son, not only worried about his safety, but hoping that he is safe; more importantly, at this time, he believes that Atreus' strength and maturity are not compatible with his Ideas to match!

Once Odin changes his mind, his situation will be fraught with danger; but Atreus still goes his own way, and it seems that he has not grown and changed at all.

Scroll of Fate: You have discovered an anomaly of fate!

"An abnormal fate?" Shen Chen immediately noticed this.

This means that on the original "correct" time and fate line, the relationship between Kratos and Atreus is not like this, or worse, but it is more likely that the two have already settled down, after all, they are father and son ! And they both love each other!

I just heard Kratos say earnestly: "You have a secret, I trust you, but I hope you can think about your own safety and stop taking risks at will."

Obviously, Kratos is old and tired, so Heimdall, what will happen to the Asgardian gods if he provokes himself? Will they finally attack him because of Atreus' behavior?

"I told you, those secrets are to protect you!" Atreus was a little anxious.

"I also said that I don't need your protection!" Kratos quickly suppressed his anger, and said patiently again: "You want to find Tyr, I will accompany you; you are looking for prophecy, I did not stop ;You go to Asgard, I will finish it for you! We have already agreed upon coming to Vanaheim!"

This conversation seems to expose more information, Tyr, prophecy, Asgard... These are the experiences of the father and son after the Winter of Fenbul. In short, Shen Chen feels that he can sort out Clues, rather than blindly looking for the connection between fate.

"..." Atreus did not return, but responded to Kratos with stubborn eyes, and finally: "I am no longer a child! I have self-confidence and the ability to protect myself."

"We need to take Frey to Cinderella's hut!" Freya suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two, and she said, "It's not safe here."

This relieved the tense atmosphere in time, and safety is also the most important thing for Kratos, "Let's go immediately."

Lifting Frey, several people entered the gate of the realm, Shen Chen also raised his heels, Kratos did not refuse, and Freya thought about it, but didn't say anything.

Between the boundaries is a mist surrounded by light blue and purple, and between the mist is a path built by the branches of the world tree. Passing some kind of boundary stone, they soon arrived at a door shining with the power of space.

The energy of the Scroll of Destiny increased by a small amount, and after that, Shen Chen once again stepped into the place where he first arrived at the Nine Realms.

Put Freian on a recliner, and Freya immediately went to her room to prepare a healing herbal decoction.

Everyone gathered around, wanting to know what happened in this battle.

After finishing speaking, Freya immediately said: "We can no longer be passive like this, we must take the initiative!"

Frey also agrees very much, "Odin has already noticed our movements. Our allies are attacked one after another, and if we sit and wait to die, we will only be the same as the giants in the past!"

"Odin promised peace." Tyr stood up from behind, "Besides, you didn't kill the Aesir in this battle, so he should keep his promise."

"I rejected his deal," Kratos said.

"We can't trust Odin's promises!" Freya seemed to be recalled, "Don't be fooled by his lies! Odin's promises never last!"

Frey went on, "He is preparing, and by the time he arranges everything, it will be too late!

We have to find a way to get ahead of Odin! To defeat him in one fell swoop! "

"No..." Kratos is not interested in defeating Odin or the Aesir, all he cares about is Atreus, his growth and safety.

Atreus stood sideways from Kratos at this time, and he said: "We still have that mask! No matter what kind of knowledge it can unlock, that is what Odin wants most!"

After a pause, Atreus looked at Kratos, "If I can return to Asgard, I can use..."

"Go back?" Kratos could hardly suppress his anger, "You want to go back! You never take my words to heart? Who can guarantee your safety!"

"But last time, Odin didn't hurt me!" Atreus responded forcefully.

Tyr also interjected at this time, "It is believable that Odin can put everything aside in order to find true knowledge."

Mimir also agreed with this, Zuo Zheng said: "It's like he can hang himself up and lose an eye for wisdom and prophecy..."

"So if I can finish half of the work." Seeing the support of others, Atreus became more confident, "Wake up that mask and get the answer... Maybe that's how we get rid of it completely." approach to this crisis.

I have to start as soon as possible, before the Asir are ready! "

"No, I don't agree." Kratos didn't even think about it, "You've gone home and disappointed me, I won't let you take another risk!"

"It may not be safe here." Tyr said: "Odin needs Atreus, help him find the mask, so he will do whatever it takes..."

Atreus hurried to follow: "No matter what, Odin needs me, and he trusts me! I'm the safest there!"

Shen Chen listened to the conversation, and the Scroll of Fate continued to complete charging, and it indicated that the plot was proceeding correctly.

He couldn't help but say: "This is the best choice, Kratos." He saw Kratos' concern for Atreus, also, as a father...

"Atreus should learn to face the future alone. Under the wings, he will not get any growth. Since Odin will not hurt then this is a good opportunity." Chen Chen mentioned growth, This is another element that fathers value in their sons.

Kratos was moved, and Mimir immediately added: "This is indeed our best choice now. It can distract Odin's attention."

"And it can also plant a pair of eyes in the enemy's hinterland."

When Shen Chen heard Tier's words, he felt suspicious in his heart, "Why do I always find his words a bit strange?"

"But..." Freya was worried, "If the infinite source of knowledge really exists, you must not let Odin get involved!"

"Once he gets what he needs from you..." Needless Mimirdorga reminded, "Then I will lose the bargaining chip." It also means that Atreus is no longer safe in Asgard.

He looked at Kratos and asked again: "Father."

"I can do it, a young eagle will always spread its wings and fly."

Kratos denied again, "No, let me think about it." He turned and left the hall and walked into the room.


Scroll of Fate: If you fail to complete the Fate node, you can only get 50% of the power of Fate from here.

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