Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 569: Fight each one (part one)

The man under the tree shadow seemed to have accepted the challenge and walked out of the tree shadow slowly.

His two eyes are deeply sunken and round, but his eyes are extremely sharp, and he seems to be able to clearly capture any movement in the lightning fast movement.

He looked at the demon ape and said, "Unexpectedly, after waiting for so long, he would wait for an ape...but, you ape seems to be very strong!"

He could feel the strong aura from the inside out of the devil ape, which was definitely not weaker than the "Ten Rakshas" level. He immediately put away even the slightest contempt, and solemnly said. : "Since I can have such a strong opponent, then I have not waited for nothing. Listen well, I am your opponent in this field, the sixth Raksha Jaka Jack, I will try my best to tear you apart!"

For an instant, Jakajack's killing intent was like the wind in the wilderness, sweeping through Cyclonus, breaking the branches and breaking the grass.

The demon ape felt the opponent's killing intent, and immediately aroused infinite fighting intent. There was a roar, and the fighting intent was overwhelming: "If you want to fight, you will fight!"

In the next moment, the ape and the other person said nothing, and rushed towards the other party!


Zhao Yicheng walked slowly in the No. 4 channel.

When he walked into a strange room, he couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart: "The Great Raksha Sect is really amazing. Is this AR (augmented reality) technology, space transformation, or ecosystem simulation? It really doesn't matter..."

Although the room he entered was also a scene of the Philippine prairie, it was not the same as that of Passage 3.

There are more wetlands, many muddy puddles, and sandy river beds.

A man lay lazily on a sandy river bed, basking in the sun. His upper body was naked and his face was covered with a straw hat, as if he were vacationing on the beach, very comfortable.

When he heard Zhao Yicheng's footsteps and talking to himself, he sat up slowly, shook the mud and sand on his body, took off his hat as a fan, and sat there, fanning the wind leisurely, and said lazily: "You Coming? I thought there would be no one on my side. In that case, I could relax a little, sleep and finish work. Unexpectedly, things were counterproductive, but some people would not let me take it easy..."

I saw that it was a middle-aged man, a lazy, unshaven uncle.

She is not tall or even slightly short, but she is strong, with firm skin, and she has abdominal muscles.

In comparison, Zhao Yicheng, who is also a middle-aged uncle, looked down at his greasy belly, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

However, Zhao Yicheng still greeted the people with a smile, and greeted them politely: "Hello, gentleman. To be honest, I don't like to fight and kill. I am too tired to fight with people, so everyone sit down and drink. Tea chat, how comfortable..."

"Yawn--" The uncle on the other side yawned greatly with a straw hat covering his mouth, and then said, "Oh, who said no? It's a pity that I don't have tea here..."

Zhao Yicheng smiled and said, "It's okay, I have it here."

After speaking, I found a cool place, took out a small square tea table, a set of simple tea sets and a tube of tea from the briefcase, set it up, lit the small alcohol stove, and in a short while, the "gulugulu" water will be boiled. NS.

Zhao Yicheng sat on the ground, made two cups of tea, and said with a smile, "Xiongtai, please."

The shirtless uncle did not move.

Zhao Yicheng laughed and drank a drink to show that it was non-toxic.

The shirtless uncle came over, sat casually, and drank the tea in front of him, smacked his lips and said, "I don't understand tea, and I can't taste good or bad. In comparison, I prefer to drink."

Zhao Yicheng laughed and said: "Middle-aged people have no choice but to drink tea. It's best to add some wolfberry."

With that said, I really took out a small bag of goji berries and added it to the teapot.

Continued: "Invigorate the kidney."

The shirtless uncle asked: "Is this really good? The other channels have been warned, and it is likely that deaths and injuries have been caused, but we are drinking tea here..."

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