Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2123: Tang Yin's Ambush

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But Zhou Zekai and the others had already arrived at the door, but there was no sound of Happy Travel!

When Tang Yin was looking for the exit of this guest room, he had already realized the direction the exit door was facing. At this point, Tang Yin still couldn't guess the intention of Samsara. The sound didn't go out. He returned to the changed direction of movement, returned to the switch position of the boiler room that was just turned off, and turned it on again.

Then I saw Tang Yin slightly manipulated the character to test the edge of the flame, and looked at the slightly decreased HP...

It turns out that the temperature in this boiler room is too high to cause damage to the character, and it is not a short time to continue to return from the chimney.

Tang Yin looked at the debris around him, whoever found a place to hide Xiaoyaoyou, and at the same time said on Happy's public channel, "Grab the high point!"

High Point? Isn't this high point useless? Why grab it now?

At this moment, all the audience were dumbfounded.

Although the division of the boiler room has been closed by Tang Yin once again, and his Xiaoyaoyou is indeed on the side, but you must know that the three main players in Samsara are suitable to kill them directly. With such a lineup, how can Tang Yin be alone? Stop it? Block it with your head? This time, it's not a place that can be defended by one person, right?

However, the audience at the scene quickly reacted. They knew that Tang Yin was in a very dangerous situation and might face the siege of three great players. All of this was because they had the perspective of God. But what about Tang Yin? He has never been out at all, so it is naturally impossible to know the arrangement of the Samsara team in this regard. So now he is staying here by himself, and it seems like a very good choice for his teammates to grab some good points.

After all, aside from God's perspective, after getting it, the current incinerator is indeed under his control, even if it is later discovered that the other party is three people coming together, this place can't stand it, then he can go there At that time, I was reminding my teammates to give up this high point, and it was indeed too late.

Xingxin's four people are now very close to this side. After receiving Tang Yin's message, Ye Xiu and the others did not hesitate. Zhang Jiale took the lead to leave the team and rushed towards the warehouse.

Warehouse exit.

The current Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, and Sun Xiang's three core main forces in Samsara have formed a double-team situation outside the door, but even now they still haven't seen their opponents show up.

Because it is a long-range occupation, Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer is now located further back, and he can see the highest point of smoke from this position. At this time, he found that the smoke from the smoke had become very thin. .

"Close." Zhou Zekai's message on the team channel was as concise as ever.

But everyone in the Samsara team understood what their captain meant and knew that the incinerator was closed again.

The boiler room is closed, so it is natural to grab the high point now, but now the three Samsara outside the boiler room door have no intention of guarding against the highest point above.

"Come in!" Jiang Botao secretly calculated the incident and said directly on the team channel.

Following Jiang Botao's message, Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf rushed in first to open the way, followed by Jiang Botao. The two attack ranges form a complementary state. In the end, Zhou Zekai entered after being cut off. After the three entered, they were not separated directly, but entered the warehouse in a more concentrated way.

One left, one right!

Sun Xiang and Jiang Botao, who had just rushed into the boiler room, acted surprisingly in the same way, one turned left and the other turned right. All possible line-of-sight angles at the door were directly included in the field of vision, and then the two of them made sure that the surroundings were safe and directly started various operations behind the debris on the left and right sides to test, but they did not find any voice of the other party.

"Come in!" Jiang Botao sent another message.

The support of the three characters began to disperse, and each began to take a route, but they all went hand in hand, and the action was very slow, without making any sound. In this way, the scattered people started to approach the boiler little by little.

After walking about half of the distance, Zhou Zekai's shot through the cloud jumped up directly. Instead of continuing to walk, he jumped two times on the garbage heap. With the help of the relatively high angle of view here, he scanned the position. This sweep, At once

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I found Tang Yin who was squatting and communicating.


But Tang Yin, who was already in ambush for a long time, was ready to attack, and the Barrett sniper rifle was aimed at him the moment Zhou Zekai jumped onto this garbage heap. When Zhou Zekai saw Tang Yin, Tang Yin had already fired and grabbed the first mover.

The audience was also a little surprised by this. They didn't expect that under the siege of three people, it was Xiao Yaoyou who launched the attack first. Only after watching the replay did I know that Tang Yin had been waiting with a Barrett sniper rifle for a long time.

Zhou Zekai's reaction was really fast, but after all, it wasn't his body. The speed of the sniper rifle's attack was too fast for the distance between them. In an instant, Barrett's bullet had penetrated Zhou Zekai's left eye. But it can also be seen that if he were faster, Tang Yin's blow could really be chopped off, but there is no "if" in the professional arena.

The left eye was hit, and Zhou Zekai's uncontrollable head turned towards the sky, and Yang entered a state of dizziness. Although the character could not move, Zhou Zekai still adjusted the angle of view again at the first time, but Tang Yin was no longer there.


In the next moment, including the pile of **** under Zhou Zekai's feet, it could be seen that Tang Yin's location and the top of the mulberry **** pile all exploded together. This is the long-range C4 of the ammunition expert skill that Tang Yin had already buried. After he shot Zhou Zekai in the head, he directly detonated the small C4 placed in these positions while moving.

For a time, Zhou Zekai's **** was flying around, and all kinds of **** were blown up everywhere by these four simultaneous explosions, and finally fell like raindrops.

And Zhou Zekai, who was still in a daze, was directly blown up, and after he landed, he was buried by all kinds of garbage from the sky, watching Zhou Zekai's handsome character and cool windbreaker being submerged in garbage, even if it wasn't Samsara Fans look a little distressed.

Bang bang bang!

However, Zhou Zekai didn't make them feel bad for too long. Here, Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer was blown up and lying on the garbage heap. The next moment, he had already relied on the stun effect of the Barrett sniper rifle that he touched with his hand speed, and got up. A few positions that Tang Yin may move is a burst of output. All of a sudden, the piece of junk was smashed all over the place.

But Tang Yin is no longer in these places.

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