Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1209: kill

Chapter 1239 Killing (for subscription, for recommendation)

Of course, it wasn't them who suffered the most in the void, but Li Xun, who was beaten by the Xingxin crowd at the beginning, and is now being suppressed and beaten by the steamed buns.

Of course, if it was only Baozi, although his health was indeed unhealthy, he wouldn't be beaten, but Baozi still had Mucheng's support. Now Mucheng's main target is Li Xun, except for Yang Haoxuan who interfered with her. Go help Tang Rou when you have free time.

It can be said that the current Void formation has been completely dismantled by Happy, and the momentum of defeat has been fully revealed, and Happy's Tang Yin accounted for the two captains on his side who had already suppressed the opponent's team, and began to take a chance to start. Two-line combat. Relying on the advantages of his long-range profession, he and Mucheng put pressure on everyone in the void.

But Tang Yin felt that this was not enough to be maddened. Simply rubbing against the current advantage, pulling Lao Ye and starting to set fire to them in turn. The method is the same as the previous run with Li Xun. It's just that this time it was Ye Xiu who caught them and they would gang up on them. At the same time, the king of Qin went around the pillar and circled the watchtower, and if they didn't fight, they would fight back. Anyway, with Tang Yin and Mu Cheng, the two gunmen, they were able to advance and retreat freely from a distance.

Tang Yin and the others can stop the interference when they are chasing, and they can do the same when they are fleeing. If they have a formation to evacuate together, Tang Yin and the others will fight back in the group. Just like the back fight before, if they dry and run separately. Then Tang Yin and the others will randomly draw another lucky audience, Tang Yin stunned with a sniper rifle, and Ye Xiu grabbed it with his hands.

Because it has always been guaranteed that there will be one person under their siege, and another one will be two people. In this way, even if they send people to change the treatment, this time is enough for them to beat the two to death. It was still five on four.

And Void is obviously aware of this, so he never ran separately, but just like this, each of them was beaten by Tang Yin and the others one after another. After a round, the players in the void are not very healthy.

There is really some despair in the void now.

However, Happy already has the overall advantage. Of course, Tang Yin, who has the advantage, and they are not in a hurry to kill any of them. The reason is very simple. As long as someone is reduced, their treatment will be able to play, although there will be some at that time. It has been four and five for a period of time, but it is no problem for everyone in the void to delay time. And if Tang Yin and the others couldn't kill one of them during this time, they would return to the situation of five vs five.

But at that time, the other party had treatment, and many of them had no chance to rely on treatment. But now they are directly attacking the void as a whole, so after they kill one of the opponents, the other blood is also very limited. At that time, relying on a short five-on-four, at that time, it will be much easier to defeat one more before they heal.

In this way, even if it is a forced swap, they will still make money, and even if it is a forced swap, they will be able to get their treatment on the court. At that time, both sides will have treatment, but they can continue to exaggerate their advantages by relying on five-on-four.

This is Tang Yin's plan, and he doesn't intend to leave any hope to the other party. What is called an inappropriate person is reflected most vividly.

And now everyone in the void is aware of Happy's thinking, and they also know that they can't afford it, but now, except for Yang Haocheng's translucency, none of them can immediately escape from Happy's whirlpool.

But Yang Haocheng was the only existence who could be Su Mucheng now, if he left to change treatment. Without his suppression, relying on Su Mucheng's wide-ranging attacks, with their current state, they wouldn't necessarily be destroyed by the opponent.


At this time, Li Xun suddenly used a self-defeating blow.

He also knows that in the current situation where the void is suppressed, there is no one to cover and contain the target. His attack was also very difficult to hit, but he still used it. Rather than letting Happy consume their entire blood pool like this, it would be better for him to commit suicide. Interrupt Happy's current rhythm and let his own treatment go online.

Others also instantly knew Li Xun's intentions. After all, this was a killer move for suicide. Of course, it was profitable to hit someone. Even if he couldn't hit someone, he could force his own treatment to play.

In the end, nothing unexpected happened. Li Xun's blow didn't hit anyone, but after his death, Void's treatment came into play. And Tang Jili's guardian angel, the guardian, went online and started to rush to the battlefield.

Although it was said that they were not the one who killed the first person, this situation was also in Tang Yin's previous plan. After all, Li Xun is their teamfight fixed position, he will use this skill Tang Yin, of course they are prepared. So at the moment of Li Xun's death, Tang Yin and the others just left the opponent they were fighting against as if they had received some signal, and they all began to focus on the one in the void.

The purpose is to take and take down the Void one person before the opponent's treatment comes back. As long as they take it down, they can continue to maintain a big advantage!

And this has become the focus of deciding the outcome now. If Void Healing catches up, then Void still has a chance. But if you don't catch up, you can almost send one of them cool.

And the lucky opponent chosen by Tang Yin and the others was Wu Yuce, one of the two core ghosts in the void. The reason for choosing him is very simple. The first is that Ghost Swordsman is proficient in cloth armor, which is a relatively fragile profession in itself. Second, he is also a member of the home team of Void Twins. And his style of play is rather tough. This style of play is also better for being intercepted by Happy.

And the deputy team was intercepted, and of course everyone in the void rescued like crazy. After all, they have lost a combat power, which is really unbearable.

And in this slaughter, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's sense of existence reappeared. First, Ye Xiu grabbed Gui Ke with his cloud-hunting hand, and then Tang Yin shot him directly on the ground, UU reading www.uukanshu. com followed by a freezing grenade. The two directly pulled Gui Ke to the corner. At this time, Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu were not only responsible for the output, Tang Yin also used complex control skills to control Gui Ke's figure and restrict his movement, while Ye Xiu was in charge of the treatment. Although Ye Xiu's healing skills were limited, he was able to hold everyone's health even better.

You must know that in order to maximize the output, everyone in Happy now needs to have a larger output even if they are hard against damage. And the reason why they dared to do this was Ye Xiu's treatment.

And the key is the moment, relying on Tang Yin's control and Ye Xiu's treatment. Xin Xingxin finally stabilized the situation and killed their deputy Wu Yuke's ghost before Tang Lisheng's guardian arrived!


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(End of this chapter)

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