Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 660 Target, Motu City VII

Qiyao families like the Motu Empire do not implement curfews at night. Most towns in the Haider Autonomous Territory where Xiu Yin once lived must implement curfews, otherwise public security cannot be guaranteed.

There is no curfew, which means that you can easily enter Deke City even at night.

Xiu Yin took Hans, and only the two of them entered the town.

"It's really nice here. It feels like I've returned to the original Morrowind Territory."

After Hans and Xiuyin entered the city, they looked at the surrounding people who were still working and said.

Xiu Yin nodded undeniably. Indeed, the happiness of the people in the empire was certainly much better than that of the people in Xinghui.

As a city for material transit, Deke City had to be busy day and night to support the imperial capital next to it with a larger population.

"A transit city to support the imperial capital, this method is really good!"

What Xiuyin thought about at this time was that Navaran could do this in the future. Navaran had a population of hundreds of thousands, and there were also many small towns around it. If such a transit city was made, the small towns would slowly be Urbanization of the region is very beneficial to the development of Navarrean...

The two walked to a bar, and before they entered, they heard loud noises and the sound of glasses clinking.

"Come on, come on! Have a drink!"

"Hey, are you going to keep fish in your cup?!"

Amidst the chaotic sounds, Xiu Yin pushed the door open and entered.

All kinds of people.

With just one glance, Xiu Yin saw people of multiple races, including dwarves, goblins, Luntedans, and even an elf beauty.

"It's a mercenary." Hans, who was following Xiu Yin, said softly in Xiu Yin's ear.


Xiu Yin walked straight to the bar and said to the bartender, "Two glasses of Bobojia!"

As he said that, he took out two silver coins and put them on the table.

Seeing the money, the bartender turned around and took down two bottles of Bobojia from the counter. When he pushed them in front of Xiu Yin, he suddenly said, "Aren't you two from Deke City?"

After taking the wine, Xiu Yin said calmly, "Really? It's not necessarily true. It wasn't the case before, but it doesn't mean it won't be the case now or in the future."

After saying that, Xiuyin didn't want to get too entangled with the bartender, so he and Hans chose to sit down in a corner.

"Hans, do you see? They are mercenaries."

Xiuyin's eyes fell on the female elf. He couldn't help but think of Charmi. He didn't know how she was doing now. She said she wanted to return to the green forest to help her people. If that was true, maybe one day , they will meet on the battlefield...

"That's right. Look at the hand of the man holding the wine glass. Those calluses show that the weapon he holds is definitely not light."

Needless to say, Hans said that the wrist guards that the man was wearing were made of fine steel, which showed his arm strength.

"Boy, where are you looking?"

Perhaps sensing the gazes of Xiu Yin and the others, the big man suddenly looked at Xiu Yin and the others and shouted.

Hans snorted coldly and said, "Why, you can't watch?"

Although he admires this strong man's arm strength, Hans is not afraid of anyone. After fighting against the Sky Knight, Hans has a new understanding of his own strength, that is, if he stands in that situation, he will not lose. , it’s just that he is still a little bit far away from the situation of Sky Knight, but Hans is not afraid of provocation!

As soon as Hans stood up, the strong man realized that Hans was almost the same height as him, but a little smaller than before. However, everyone in the tavern was already looking at this place. For the sake of face, he couldn't let it go. This kid.

"Your face looks very raw, you are not from here!"

The strong man immediately found a strategy. The man in front of him looked like he was not from here, and he had some prestige here, so this was his home field.

"Hmph, either get away or kneel down!" Hans's right hand had already reached for the sword behind him.

The strong man was also ruthless. He pulled out a large file from his waist and attacked Hans without saying a word.

Fighting in the tavern was normal. At this time, everyone in the tavern immediately attracted the attention. Some good people even started shouting, "It's a bet, it's a bet. The one with the file will pay two. The one with the big sword pays three for one!"

Obviously, the person in charge is not optimistic about Hans.

In his eyes, that strong man, whose nickname here is called the Wild Bear, is a mercenary from the Rococo Mercenary Group in Dirk City, and his strength is even closer to that of the Earth Knight...

Of course, all this was just an idea before Hans took action.

"Soul skill - Wind Dance Sword·Guan Feng!"

A green light flashed, and when the strong man looked at Hans in disbelief, a bloody mouth more than thirty centimeters long had been cut on his chest.


Blood and flesh gushed out, and the strong man fell to the ground with an unwilling "boom" sound as his chest was in a mess.

"Wow! Killed!"

The screams silenced the noisy tavern for an instant, but immediately, they were replaced by even more chaos.

There were sounds of tables and chairs being overturned, sounds of running out of the tavern, and finally, apart from Xiuyin and Hans, and the bodies on the ground, there were a few people left in the store.

"It seems that you are his companions?"

Hans looked at these people alertly and killed the strong man with one knife. Hans did not feel any joy. Instead, he was a little dissatisfied that his knife swing speed had slowed down a pace. Of course, now Hans had to face these people. It will be trickier.

Among them was the eye-catching female elf.

The tall figure and the suffocating breasts that tremble when she walks are enough to make any man who comes close to her blood spurt, but Hans knows one thing, that is, outside the battle circle, she can only I need to take out my bow and arrows, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive.

The elves' archery skills are no joke.

"Companion? That's hard to say, but he is from a mercenary group after all. If you kill him, our mission next month will be a little tricky."

Unexpectedly, it was the female elf who spoke, and her gaze passed directly over Hans and landed directly on Xiuyin.

From the beginning of the conflict until the strong man was killed, Xiu Yin was still there alone tasting the special wine here. Of course, the female elf was attracted by Xiu Yin's composure.

The female elf took a few steps forward to approach Xiu Yin, but was stopped by Hans. At the same time, several mercenaries also gathered around, making the atmosphere even more tense.

Seeing that Xiu Yin still didn't speak, the female elf said, "What? Why don't you ask us what our mission is? The rewards we receive can be divided among you according to the normal distribution."

Seeing this female elf, Xiu Yin will think of Sharmi, "If it were normal times, your proposal would be really good, but now, I am waiting for the arrival of the security team. I don't want to inconvenience you, so you can leave."

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