Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 639 Goodbye Leo III

There are many northern human races or elves, dwarves, goblins, dwarfs, etc. in Lunterdam. These races are called "Northerners" in the eyes of the Lunterdan clan.

This is not an ordinary definition of people from the north, but it has a color of discrimination. The human race calls the Lunterdan people orcs, and the Lunterdan people call other races northerners...

Seeing Hans chasing after him with a big sword on his back, the six people around Leo turned pale. They were able to spin several times and keep up with them. This tracking ability was extraordinary, and it naturally required the support of powerful soul power.

The Luntedan clan is actually not good at using attribute soul power. Except for their wizards, Luntedan is usually known for its brute strength.

When the six of them were about to fight to the death with their pursuers, Leo shouted with a look of shock, "Hans? Is it Hans?"

After not seeing each other for several years, Hans had changed a lot in both body shape and face shape. Under the cover of his mature beard, Leo really didn't recognize him at first glance.

But Leo would not mistake that big sword. When he was young, Hans often showed off that big sword in front of Leo. It was the glory of his father...

For people, but for this big sword, Leo will not hesitate.

"Hey, Leo, thank you for finding me!" Hans was already happy at this time, and he raised his feet to continue getting closer to Leo.

But Leo didn't relax at all. He had already formed a witchcraft spell on his hand, "Wait, why is it you!"

Naturally, he was happy to see his old friend, but Leo could distinguish the priorities. Lord Illidan was concerned about the lives of more than 100,000 tribesmen in the north of Lunterdan, and the relationship between him and Hans was just a personal relationship. Although he didn't know Hans Why here, but if Hans or that person joins forces with the royal family...

It’s not impossible to think so! So Leo became more cautious, and the witchcraft formula hidden in the dark in his right hand was ready to be activated at any time.

As the red-haired man appeared beside Hans, Leo's hand that was preparing to perform the witchcraft began to tremble a little. Under the distraction, the condensed soul power actually dispersed. This spell could not be cast. Got it!

"Huh - Leo, is this how you treat your old friend?" When Xiuyin saw Leo's hand hidden behind his back, he knew that Leo was on guard against Hans. Wasn't he not in many battles? Are they all preparing to secretly cast arcane spells in the dark?

"Xiu Yin? Is it really you? Xiu Yin!" Leo could no longer suppress his emotions.

After leaving the north for three or four years, he was alone in this foreign land. Although he was appreciated by Lord Illidan and achieved a good status in the Lunterdan Plains.

However, he is a human race after all. How can he not miss his hometown alone, and there is also the Longhui Territory, which is not far from the border.

The legendary story of the young lord in the southern continent has spread throughout the entire Luntedan. Some Lundedan people even regard the young lord as a threat to the Lundedan clan. Some people even proposed to kill the lord before he matures.

The power of the north is a nightmare for the Luntedan clan.

When Luntedan was strong, it had been trying to settle in the hinterland of the continent to obtain more resources and land.

But why didn't the human race choose to invade Lunterdam when they were strong?

Even if humans are powerful in the ice fields of the far north, there is still an insurmountable natural barrier - suffering and cold.

Therefore, the Lunterdam Plain in the south became the target of human invasion.

The land here is barren and there is nothing, but it is an excuse for the human race to satisfy its false glory.

For the highest glory?

Then hundreds of thousands of troops were dispatched to invade Lunterdam! ?

According to the current statement of the Luntedan clan, they invaded the hinterland of the mainland nearly thirty years ago just for revenge!

Now that Xiu Yin was standing here, Leo had many thoughts for a moment.

Could it be that he is really in alliance with the royal family?

Xiuyin is now a hotshot figure in the southern part of the continent. When he was at his strongest, he owned the Haider Plain and a large area of ​​the Kingdom of Navaran. He also surrendered to the Kingdom of Loland and opened a direct access to the coast.

This great achievement has been within the reach of all lords since the Eternal Empire!

After all, the representatives of the Lunterdam royal family have a certain degree of legitimacy. The current structure of the three forces on the Lunterdan Plain, if Lord Illidan did not occupy many geographical advantages, would actually be inferior to the royal family in prestige, especially in terms of the entire continent. The lords, kings, and emperors that Knight Glory values ​​will support the Lunterdam royal family more and more, because this is order, this is legal principle, and this is orthodoxy. If these dignitaries of the human family support two other forces that can be declared as public enemies by the royal family. , that is denying yourself and denying the glory of the knight...

After thinking so much, Leo gritted his teeth and gathered the soul power in his hands. The Luntedan clan must never be handed over to the royal family, otherwise it would be a catastrophe for the continent.

"Xiu Yin, I'm sorry!"

Just as Leo's witchcraft was about to be activated, he found that his body's movements had slowed down. It was clear that the spell circle had outlined a pattern, and it should be an instant witchcraft... but it only hovered on the fingertips without firing.

The time of one breath is not long, but it is not short either. Xiuyin raised his left hand, the button of the machine sounded, and a crossbow bolt flew out quickly.

"Lord Leo!"

Everyone wanted to stop him, but they were a step too late.

"This guy!"

Seeing the crossbow arrows flying out, it was impossible for Leo to continue using witchcraft, so he was forced to change the spell.

But it seems a little too late...


The crossbow bolt passed between Leo's shoulder and head, and when the sound of breaking wind rang in his ears, it also swept away a few strands of his hair.

"Protect Lord Leo!"

Seeing that Leo was okay, the six people quickly stood in front of Leo.

"Leo, it seems that you consider us your enemies? Or have you become so successful that you don't even care about your friends?"

Xiu Yin could tell that Leo would use witchcraft, but he didn't expect that Leo wouldn't even have a word to reminisce about the past.

"Lord Xiuyin, why are you here?" Leo still had a cold tone. He couldn't be careless. He was doing it for the future of the Divine Mercy Continent.

"Hey, you don't consider me a friend anymore, why should we tell you!"

Hans also realized that if Xiu Yin hadn't arrived in time, that guy Leo would have really attacked him.

Xiu Yin knew that Leo was clearly on the side of Lord Illidan. As for the royal family, there must be a hostile relationship.

"Our coming here has nothing to do with the royal family." Xiu Yin said calmly.

"Why should I believe you!?"

"That arrow just now, Leo, have you ever seen my little crossbow pass by?"

Xiuyin didn't want to speak in such a threatening tone to his friend, but he had no choice now. There was already the sound of the prince's pursuers behind him.

"This is not the place to talk, come with us!" Leo said without changing his expression.

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