Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 447 Gaiden: Eternal Dragon Rider I

The Tianshui River, the largest river in the Shenmin Continent, flows quietly through the beautiful city of Tianluo City to the sea.

This is the imperial capital of the largest eternal empire of the human race.

From the Age of Chaos to the Eternal Era, the human race has gone through a long period of civilization, although scholars of this era have proven that the human race had an incomparably beautiful civilization thousands of years ago.

But that is already a myth.

Yes, it is a myth that only belongs to a few historians.

This era is at least a little better than the barbarism and chaos.

The emergence of the Eternal Empire has allowed all intelligent creatures on the continent to maintain a balance.

Peaceful balance.

Undead, there are no undead in the world, but people who should have died did not die. They are called undead, the body with a dead body but a dead heart.

Being called an undead has already been labeled as evil. Therefore, evil has existed to knock the balance of peace since the day it existed on the mainland.

The demons, the stupid Luntedans, have been unwilling to give in since they were driven to the north and south of the continent by human tribes.

The undead are not willing to live in darkness, they also yearn for light.

As a result, they sowed discord, formed an alliance with the demons and the Luntedans, and launched a war against the human race, elves, and dwarves.

Facing the Luntedan demons and a large army of undead, humans, elves, and dwarves formed a justice alliance to resist the evil invasion.

Twenty years later, after paying a huge price, the Alliance finally won the final victory and expelled the Luntedan people and demons to the center of the continent, driving them to the barren and icy land in the north.

The elves were originally weak in fertility, and this protracted war made the elves weak.

The same human race, the dwarves, suffered heavy losses to varying degrees.

Of course, the Luntedan people, demons, and undead did not gain any benefits. On the contrary, their lives became more difficult because the areas they were originally located in were barren lands on the mainland.

Tianluo City, the imperial capital of the Eternal Empire, although this is the second time the Eternal Empire has moved its capital, it still cannot alleviate the many conflicts in the empire...

Under the cover of night, looking from a distance, there are bright lights everywhere, showing the prosperity and beauty of the imperial capital. However, like most imperial capitals, poverty and hunger are also buried deep beneath the prosperous surface...

There are two major areas in Tianluo City: the east is the richest and the west is the poorest.

West End, slums.

Normally, nobles would not come here. This place is dirtier and smellier than their recycling bin.

The people living here are representatives of poverty and disease. If a child is born here, unfortunately, you can be sure that he will be like their parents in the future, except doing some menial jobs and occasionally going to the aristocracy. Pick up some of the waste they throw away from the recycling bin and use it.

Twenty years of war have made the behemoth Eternal Empire unable to withstand even its heart, the Imperial Capital. Therefore, an order was passed down to build a large number of recycling stations in order to terminate the contract of materials.

In other words, it is the gap between rich and poor that is difficult to eliminate.

The empire has no way, at least, to keep the poor alive...

Just treat it as a kind of charity from the rich, and living in a noble manner. In short, useless things must be thrown into the recycling bin.

Scavenger is a somewhat classy name that poor people give themselves. At least it is much better than "hey, so and so who picks up rags".

Things that the nobles don't want are quite useful to them, and some of them can even be sold for some money. For this reason, some bullies have also appeared in the slums. Usually these so-called bullies refer to occupying relatively good things, including places like recycling bins, which they will not let go.

Tonight, it's Kira's turn to guard the recycling bin.

Yes, someone needs to guard the recycling bin, otherwise, the contents will be looted in an disorderly manner.

Domineering is also a kind of order.

Of course, you can regard this kind of domination of others as a profession, and Kira himself thinks so, so he works very hard.

Kira was in a good mood at night. Not long ago, he picked up a sexy piece of women's underwear from the recycling bin.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for Kira, because it can be exchanged for ten copper coins.

In the current Eternal Empire, one copper coin can buy a piece of bread. The long-term war has made the resources of the Eternal Empire begin to become scarce. Fortunately, the discovery of soul crystals provides power for machinery. Otherwise, every winter, One tenth of the people in the Eternal Empire may freeze to death.

Kira began to open the recycling bin, trying hard to find something to fill her stomach...

In the corner not far from the recycling bin, there are several small shadows hiding at the moment. Judging from the height of their shadows, they should be some children.

Obviously, what these children said can not help but make people doubt the judgment just now——

"Osku, are you sure Kira is the only one here tonight? If there are other people, we will definitely be doomed." This was a young, small voice that was almost inaudible.

"Conti, shut up. Although your voice is very small, I'm not sure whether Kira heard it. I heard from others that Kira can come here to watch the scene because he has a pair of keen ears." It was a thicker, but still young voice, but it was slightly trembling.

"Henry, where did you get the news? Why don't I know." This was a girl's voice.

"Doria, don't listen to Henry's nonsense. And all of you, shut up. After a while, Doria pretended to be lost and went out to lure Kira's attention. Following my arrangement, she went around to the back of the place and pretended to steal something. In this way, Kira must think that you are conspiring to steal things here, and will definitely chase you. Then it will be my turn to go out. Remember that there is a large stone pier at the intersection, you have to go around it, Kira will arrive when he arrives You will definitely trip and fall, so you will have enough time to escape. After we are done, we will gather at the entrance of the dilapidated church in the west of the city. Have you remembered everything?"

A very convoluted plan that seems to work.

After listening to his words, the other four shadow heads nodded at the same time. It was obvious that these children were a gang of thieves.

"Okay, let's go!"

Kira, who was searching for sexy clothes, suddenly saw a small shadow walking across the door of the recycling bin.

Kira turned around and saw that it was just a little girl.

I saw that she had dirty yellow hair, dry skin and a thin body.

They should be children from the slums... Kira thought.

The little girl's big eyes were full of confusion and fear, looking around, shedding tears and mumbling something indistinctly.

No one else from the slums is allowed here, not even a lost little girl.

The poor have their own rules, and these rules cannot be changed!

So, Kira unbuttoned his clothes and planned to walk over and threaten the child severely. Usually, when a child is frightened, he would run faster than a mouse. Kira liked to see such interesting scenes very much.

He saw Kira coming over fiercely and unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his strong muscles.

As expected, the little girl became frightened and cried violently at the top of her lungs.

This annoyed Kira.

He really couldn't understand why this seemingly small child cried louder than his own.

That kind of cry that could tear the air was a patent only possessed by demons, even though Kira didn't know what a demon was.

Seeing that the little girl still didn't run away, Kira thought she was petrified.

He decided to take the little girl further to wake up from her shock.

Kira came to the little girl, roughly pulled off her belt, lifted up her pants, and glared at the little girl fiercely. This was a signal. As long as she was a girl, wouldn't she understand this signal?

Still crying...

Kira was angry. Not only did he not see the interesting scene, but he was angered by the little girl!

Just when Kira was about to whip the little girl with her belt, there was a noise from the recycling bin. Kira quickly put away her belt. Someone was stealing!

Something that belongs in his field.

As soon as the children saw Kira coming, they put away their things in a panic and ran away.

Kira immediately turned back to where the little girl was standing, and saw that the little girl was gone.

It's a conspiracy! Damn you kid, you lied to me.

Kira thought with certainty.

Kira's firm thought as she chased the three children was that there was absolutely no reason why adults couldn't outrun the children.

Just after chasing out of an alley, Kira was very excited when he turned the corner, because he was about to catch these children, and he saw a large piece of fallen skin.

Damn you little devils, let’s see where you want to run.

I have to admit that Kira was not chosen to be a bully because of his particularly good ears. On the contrary, his ears were not very sensitive, which also made his eyes very useful.

This refers to when his attention is focused on one point.

So, what about the things you didn’t notice? Of course, no matter how good your eyes are, they are useless.

Hearing a muffled sound of "Push!", Kira chased the child's body, like a puppet with its strings stuck, and was forced to pause for a moment, and then rolled into the air in a very weird way.


There was a sound, and Kira lay down in a corner of the alley without any suspense, unconscious.

Kira would not have thought that it was a trap, a special trap beyond his ability to think...

When the three children heard that there was no sound outside, they came out of the corner. When they saw Kira unconscious on the side, they gave each other a victory sign.


Then, like ghosts in the middle of the night, they gradually disappeared into the dark alley.

At this time, except for the poor Kira who was lying unconscious in a corner, no one would come here again. He could only wake up on his own...

There is a church in the western suburbs of the city. A long time ago, I heard that it was a holy place that was personally blessed by the archbishop. It is said to be a holy place, but it is actually a cleaner place in the city.

However, the church that was baptized by the war 20 years ago has lost its former glory. Only the dilapidated building structure remains, vaguely reflecting the shadow of the past, standing quietly by the Tianshui River.

As for the name that was once familiar to countless people - Land of God's Mercy, there are probably not many people who can remember it now.

Currently, there is only a low-level bishop looking after the Divine Mercy Church, and no one comes to pray. The poor people in the nearby slums have a problem with eating, and they have no time to come here to pray and worship, because they I don’t believe in God at all.

If there was true God's care, would they still live in such poverty and hardship? !

The church gradually turned into a cemetery, and most of the burials were poor people from the slums.

The night was thick and the wind was blowing. The tombstones surrounding the front yard of the Divine Mercy Church were like tangled weeds.

The Holy Temple of Divine Compassion, which was usually sparsely visited, had no visitors at this late night, except of course the three children standing at the door.

These three people are the children who just escaped Kira's pursuit.

At this moment, they were shivering in the cold night wind of early spring, but their eyes were looking at the intersection ahead from time to time, waiting for something.

Among the three, Henry, the tallest, has brown hair like an aristocrat, but with a dirty round face and clothes full of holes, it is impossible to imagine how noble he is.

He was folding his hands, huddled up, looking at the other two partners who were already huddled together, and said with difficulty with his frozen lips, "Hey, let me say, Osgo, Conte, or I can Just hold you guys, this damn weather is really too cold."

The two hugging each other are Osgu and Conte.

Conte is the smallest, the timidest, and the thinnest.

Under the withered green messy hair, there is a small face covered with pockmarks. Under the long eyes, a pair of upturned nostrils are constantly secreting dark green snot, stretching and pulling, in conjunction with the cold. The wind moves back and forth rhythmically. The other one, Osgu, is about the same height as Conte, but obviously a little stronger. He has earthy brown hair and a square face, and looks very honest. He was recently abandoned by his stepmother and came to the slums to meet Conti and Henry. Therefore, he still had some extra nutrients in his body, which were slowly being consumed at the moment. When the two heard Henry's suggestion, they immediately shook their heads and said,

"Henry, look, it's already very hard for us to hold each other. You're so big, it's not easy to hold each other."

Of course, they were afraid that there were too many fleas on Henry's body and they would spread to him, and the stench on Henry's body was much worse than the smelliest abandoned pool in the slums.

People don't know why there were so many fleas over the years, but after the war, everything became a little unusual.

PS: Although the dragon knight related to "God's Compassion" does not appear in the text of "Full-time Mage Lord", Meng Dun still hopes that this initial setting can leave some historical footprints. Dragon Knight, THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON, a classic on PS, just commemorates our lost youth.

Although the dragon knight related to "God's Compassion" does not appear in the text of "Versatile Mage Lord", Meng Dun still hopes that this initial setting can leave some historical footprints, the dragon knight, THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON, The classics on PS only commemorate our lost youth.

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