At the first moment, the Ant King looked at Ren

"Was that your ability just now?"

"Why does it suddenly appear again now?"

"To protect your companions?"

"Does such a companion have any meaning in existence?"

Ren shook his head and said:"No, I am not doing it for them, but because I am now confident of defeating you, and there is no need to hide anymore."

"Just you?"

"Am I not enough?"

On Ren's body, the momentum belonging to the disaster sequence 1 tilted out.

The ant king's face changed.

"Humans can actually reach this level?"

Ren looked at the Ant King

"Being able to talk to me proves that you still maintain a certain degree of sanity. Meruem, are you really willing to be controlled by this power?"

The ant king's face showed a struggling expression.

Human nature and black energy were fighting.

But in the end, black energy took the upper hand.

"I don't understand what you are saying!"

The next moment, the Ant King's figure suddenly flashed.

He came to Renn.

If Renn had been there before, he might not have been able to react at all, but now Renn is at the same level as the Ant King, Level 08. Fundamentally afraid

"Use character, Juggernaut"

"Ghost slaying!"

Ren slashed directly at the ant king.

Now Renn, even if it is just an ordinary ghost slash, the damage caused cannot be underestimated.


The two collided and retreated at the same time.

The next second, they rushed towards each other again.

The speed was very fast.

It was completely impossible to catch with the naked eye.

Maggie and others have arrived at the border of the kingdom.

Two figures are waiting here.


Peng Si waved from a distance.

Maggie nodded and walked towards the two of them.

"Is this Kate?"

Maggie looked at the little girl next to Pence. She was probably six or seven years old now.

"I am Kate."

Kate hesitated.

"Thank you for saving me."

Gon and Killua can't wait any longer.

"Kate, are you really Kate?"

The expression on Xiaojie's face was very complicated, including expectation, shame, etc., all kinds of emotions came together, tears streaming down his face, and he was very embarrassed.

Kate looked at Xiaojie.

After a long time, she sighed.

"I am Kate"

"Kate, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I shouldn't have stayed, I was the one who dragged you down."

Xiaojie said, and he knelt down in front of Kate with a thud, his head pressed tightly to the ground.

Kate helped Xiaojie up.

"The fault lies more with me."

Kate really feels that way. With Xiaojie's character, Kate still takes Xiaojie with her when facing unknown dangers.

This is Kate's own choice.

Therefore, Kate blames her more. Myself, Xiaojie

"It's over, so be it."

Kate looked at Maggie on the other side.

"Can I ask, how are the ants doing now?"

"Only the ant king remains.

Maggie said:"The three guards have been killed, and the ant king is now fighting our captain.""



When Kate heard the news of Nephipido's death, a look of reluctance appeared on her face, but then it turned into relief. Nephibido is dead, and Kate has no goal for revenge.

"If that's the case, then I'll leave first"

"Gon, Killua, how are you two doing?"

Gon and Killua looked at each other.

"Let's leave with you"


Feitan looked at Nobunaga.

There was a certain bond between the two. They had known each other before the Scavenger Team and Phantom Troupe were established, and because they both used swords, they would pay special attention to each other.

The first time, Nobunaga won.

The second time, Feitan thought he would win, but Nobunaga won.

The third time, in the Youkexin incident, Feitan didn't want to fight for Chrollo and chose to retreat. Nobunaga looked at Feitan's current appearance and felt a little emotional.

"Feitan, do you have any plans?"

"I don’t know, I will go back to Meteor Street to take a look first. Feitan said:"By the way, I found Chrollo's body. I buried him in a forest by the sea.""

Nobunaga nodded.

"I see"

"In that case, I'll leave first. Goodbye."


Wo Jin shouted to Feitan.

"Feitan, tell me and that guy Finks that when I have time, I might go to Meteor Street and ask him not to let me down."

"I'll bring it."

Feitan jumped into the air, vibrated his wings, and quickly disappeared.

Only Xiaodi, Maggie, Nobunaga, Wojin, Ai Lin, and Peng Si were left. The six of them looked towards the royal city. direction

"Captain, we will definitely win."

There is no one present who can help.

Aylin, who is the highest level, is only at the peak of the master, and there is still some distance between him and the master. The level of the Ant King is Disaster Sequence 1.

Grandmaster and Disaster Sequence 1 is itself a qualitative change

"Strengthen the earth-shattering wave sword!"

The ant king's figure flew into the air.


"Raptor cuts through the air!"

A dragon head hit the ant king.

The ant king flew backwards several hundred meters away.

In an instant, the ant king returned to the battlefield.

This time, it was Ren who flew backwards.

In a battle of the same level, there is no It is so easy to tell the winner.

Because before the winner is determined, all means are just tests.

You test me, I test you.

A little advantage does not matter at all.

Before the real trump card is revealed, no one can Know who will win and who will lose.

Renn has two trump cards.

The first one is to induce the humanity in the ant king. Since there is humanity in the ant king, he will definitely not accept this tool-like fate. The second one is to induce the humanity in the ant king.

, it’s not time to use it yet.

The energy of the two people almost turned into substance in mid-air.

When the two were fighting, the energy was also colliding.

The space seemed to be torn apart.

The entire area had become completely Ruins.

No building is still intact.

Even the ground is sunken by more than ten meters.

"The ultimate weapon!"

The knife in Ren's hand became sharper.

The ant king became a little anxious. He couldn't win for a long time, which made the ant king's mood fluctuate more severely, and the black energy on his body became more intense.

Ren took a step back vigilantly..

A mass of darkness suddenly exploded in the direction where Ren was standing.

It was a completely different aura with the power of telepathy.

It had a bit of the aura of the abyss.

It was similar to the altar of the Angola Church.

Renn changed the one in his hand. weapons

"Use character, berserker"

"M3 flamethrower!"

The intense flames swept over, reaching several hundred meters in length.

The ant king rushed out of the flames, and a ball of black air hit Renn.

Renn's body flashed.

"Ice blaster!"

Suddenly, the battlefield was half flame and half ice._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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