Lu Sanzhu observed carefully for a moment, and the doubts in his heart deepened, "Good stuff? These plants are not only short, but also have small flower disks. What's so good about them?"

"But this one can extract oil." Shu Yu dug out a seed with bright eyes. Although the grain was small, it was plump, thin-skinned, and had a high oil content.

Lu Sanzhu's eyes widened, "You, you said this can extract oil?"

Oil, that's oil.

Nowadays, both vegetable oil and lard are very expensive. In the past, my family's living conditions were not good, so I would only add two drops when cooking. It was really only two drops, and there was no oil or water at all.

Life is getting better now, but oil is still expensive.

Now Ayu actually said that these things can extract oil? Didn’t it say it can only be fried and eaten?

He stretched out his hand and picked out two of them eagerly, "How much oil can be squeezed out of this flower plate?"

Shu Yu didn't know, he would have to squeeze it out before he could figure it out.

When she first got the sunflower seeds, she discovered that the seeds were either large or small. The small ones were oil sunflowers, which had high oil content. They would be the most profitable when grown in the future.

Later, when Daniel was asked to plant a few seeds, he was asked to plant some edible sunflowers and some oil sunflowers. Now both types have grown up, even growing very well. Can Shu Yu be unhappy?

"Okay, let's cut the flower disk first." Shu Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and worked quickly.

Lu Sanzhu was lazing around here, but Daniel had already cut several of them.

After all, the yard is not big, so the number of sunflowers planted is limited, and they were all cut in a short time.

I don’t know if the original sunflower seeds were screened or if they were carefully taken care of by Daniel. Although the weather for sowing was not good, the flower disks were large and the fruits were numerous and plump, which was very pleasing.

After the three people cut off the flower disk, they picked out all the seeds and put them in the basket.

Two different kinds of sunflowers were filled with more than half a basket respectively.

You have to sift through it after picking it out. Some of the shells are empty and cannot be used.

Fortunately, there are not many of them. Screen out some of the bad ones, and the rest can be used for sowing.

"Brother Daniu, look at it. If all these are planted, how many acres of land can be cultivated?"

"Less than twenty acres."

A little less, but there's nothing I can do about it, there are only so many seeds.

Plant twenty acres first. Now that the climate is suitable, it will mature in about three months. Then we can plant another batch. It was still early autumn at that time, and the temperature here in Jiangyuan County was not too cold, so there was no big problem with planting.

If it's really cold, try building a greenhouse.

Shu Yu calculated in his mind, so he left all these seeds to Daniel, and left everything to Zhuangzi to him.

Just then, I heard voices coming from outside the shop.

Daniel listened attentively and said, "It seems that Qiaoqiao is back."

Not only Zhou Qiao, but also Daya, who is now named Lu Shuyou, is also there.

The two of them entered the backyard while talking. When they saw the three people with gray faces, they were stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with you?"

The three of them had been working for a long time, and their bodies were dirty. Shu You quickly stepped forward and dusted Shu Yu off.

Zhou Qiao looked at the slightly unfamiliar yard and was stunned, "All the flower plates have been cut?"

"They're all cut. Zhuangzi can plant them as soon as they're done." Shu Yu went over and washed his face before asking the two of them, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Qiao said, "The shop has been closed for a few days, and it's time to open. I thought about asking Ayou to come over first to reconcile the accounts, and then I would have to hand over the management of the shop to her."

Lu Sanzhu looked confused, "Ayou, who is Ayou?"

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