Lu Sanzhu had great trust in Shu Yu. Shu Yu said it was cost-effective to buy a house now, so it was cost-effective.

He even came up with the idea of ​​buying a few more houses. Maybe he could make a lot of money by selling them when the price of houses increased.

But then he thought about it, he only had more than forty taels of silver in his hand, and asking Ayu to borrow two hundred taels was already the limit. If he borrowed more, he was afraid that he would not even have food to eat in the future, and the whole family would have to tighten their belts. .

The most important thing is that he doesn't dare to lie.

After Shu Yu finished speaking, he was about to leave, "Didn't Third Uncle just say that he wanted to help my family with work? Go in, my father and the others are inside, and your brother-in-law, Uncle Liang, is also inside to help."

Lu Sanzhu froze, he was not really here to do the work.

Rolling his eyes, he saw the mule cart beside him and asked quickly, "Ayu, where are you going?"

"Let's go and see some of the villages Brother Daniu is looking for." After Shu Yu said that, he got into the car directly.

Lu Sanzhu pushed Da Niu away and climbed up, "Then I'll go with you. I know you outside the city."

Daniel fell last and couldn't help but have a headache. Yes, there is nothing unfamiliar to you.

Everyone got on the bus, and Shu Yu couldn't drive them off.

Therefore, Danniu, who knew the location well, drove the group of people straight to the city gate.

Daniel found three or four Zhuangzi, but all of them were more or less unsatisfactory.

But that was his idea, and maybe Ayu found it acceptable, so they planned to take a look at several Zhuangzi.

The first Zhuangzi is not far from the city gate. Shu Yu passed by here before and saw this Zhuangzi.

The location of this village is very good, the manor is quite large, and the price is relatively cheap, but the only drawback is that there are too few fields.

This is what Shu Yu cares about most.

Therefore, Shu Yu went to the next house without even meeting the owner of the first house.

The land of the second home is too wet and not suitable.

The third house was okay, but there was a hillside right in front. Sunflowers love the sun. This hillside blocked the sun. At least the large land under the hillside would lose half a day of sunshine throughout the day.

Shu Yu looked at the three houses and shook his head. Although Daniel was prepared, he couldn't help but become anxious. If the fourth house didn't work, he would have to search further away.

Shu Yu was not worried. She really couldn't find a ready-made village. As long as she had land, she could build one.

Daniel was driving the car, and the fourth house was a little far away.

Shu Yu discovered that it was further away than the black market she had gone to. After passing through the bamboo forest outside the black market, she still had to walk about four miles before the mule cart finally stopped.

"The last one is here, and I found it yesterday." Daniel introduced, "This piece of land is too dry and not close to a water source. Therefore, the harvest of food has never been good, and the yield per mu has been poor for several years. It didn’t meet expectations, and the tenants couldn’t even pay their rent, so the owner of Zhuangzi gave up and planned to sell it.”

Shu Yu looked over and saw that it was really bare. He thought he didn't plan to grow any more food.

Now is the busy time of farming, and most farmers have already started plowing the land and planting rice. Even though the few farmers they saw in front of them planned to sell, they still had something planted on them.

There is nothing but this place in front of me. It seems that the landlord has no intention of taking care of it at all.

Shu Yu knelt down and looked at the soil.

Sunflowers do not have high requirements for soil quality. This land is actually very suitable, and there are no hillsides that block the sun.

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