"Wow, this is your car?"

Jessica. Jones circled around the black navigator Lincoln and gave Hao Longtao a thumbs up.

"Honestly, how do you make money?"

Jessica. Jones asked curiously.

"No, I should say, what is the name of your novel?"

Jessica. Jones remembered that Hao Longtao's novel was published.

Hao Longtao looked at the malicious blacks around the parking lot, staring at him.

If it weren't for Jessica. Jones is here, and the group of blacks has already done something to her.

"I'll tell you when I get in the car."

Hao Longtao smiled.

Jessica. Jones did not hesitate to get into the passenger seat.

"I'm curious, what kind of novel did you write that made so much money?"

In just a few days, Hao Longtao showed the financial strength to make Jessica. Jones developed a strong gossip heart.

Hao Longtao got close and whispered the title of the book.

Jessica. Jones' eyes widened, his black smoky eyes seemed to say, are you joking?

"No, you're just coming of age."

"You said you were the author of Fifty Shades of Grey?"

"How did you write it?"

Jessica. Jones sent out a series of incredulous questions.

"But keep it secret, if it gets out, I'm in big trouble."

Hao Longtao blinked and just let Jessica. Jones kept secret.

"Gee, I actually know you freak writer. If it spreads, the whole beautiful country, no, the global media will explode. "

Jessica. Jones smiled widely, as if imagining the sensation it would cause if the news got out.

But she's a very secretive person.

Never talk nonsense.

After all, she is also an alternative hero hidden in Hell's Kitchen.

Has inhuman powers.

"Aren't you worried that your agent or lawyer will sell you?"

Jessica. Jones asked suddenly.

Hao Longtao said with a smile

"My lawyer is blind, and besides, he has secrets in my hands."

Jessica. Jones raised his eyebrows:


The blind lawyer in Hell's Kitchen is not a nobody.

Hao Longtao did not say.

This is kind of Jessica. Jones guessed it himself.

Drive to a high-end apartment on Pakelo Street.

Real estate agent Julia is wearing a professional suit, with a sexy and seductive figure, which makes many men look back.

She had been waiting for Hao Longtao here for a long time.

"Mr. Hao, the transfer has been completed for you, you can move in directly."

"Thank you, Miss Julia."

Hao Longtao smiled and took the key to the apartment from Julia.

Julia's fingers gently ran over Hao Longtao's palm, smiled coquettishly, and left the apartment complex.

Jessica. Jones smiled heartily:

"Hao, it seems that I disturbed you for a good thing."

Hao Longtao shrugged:

"You know, I'm an adult."

Jessica. Jones came back to his senses.

She has always been Hao Longtao is a teenager.

But Julia's seduction made her taste it a little.

Hao Longtao has grown up.

His changes made Jessica. Jones was only sure at this moment that the Boy in her eyes had changed.

Although he is only eighteen years old, he gives a mature and steady person, without the frizz of a teenager.

He is more like an elite who has undergone social experience.

"It's getting dark, I asked Julia to prepare a lot of dishes, this meal let me invite you, I will cook it myself."

Hao Longtao smiled at Jessica Jones, who was in a daze.

Jessica. Jones is a delicate and delicate woman who looks attractive.

Her black hair, as well as her distinctive smoky eyes, and watery eyes, are full of story charm.

The tall bridge of the nose and the small mouth of cherries are all not in line with the aesthetics of the Orientals.


Hao Longtao in front of this Jessica. Jones is exactly the same as the film and television actor he saw as Kristen Ryther.

"I can't wait to try your craft."

Jessica. Jones smiled.

What to think? How can it be?

I haven't dealt with it yet.

As for age or something, it is not in her eyes at all.

The two carried salutes into the elevator.

Mostly Jessica. Like Jones, she is a superhuman with amazing strength, speed, and endurance.

These Hao Longtao naturally knew.

Jessica. Jones also knew he knew what he was capable of.

The two have known each other for more than two years and can be regarded as friends who can talk to each other.

It's just that Hao Longtao met with her, and it was more pestering to entrust Jessica. Jones searches for the real killer of his parents.

The apartment is on the top floor, duplex on two floors, with its own large balcony on the top floor.

Jessica. Jones came for the first time, looked at this high-end apartment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Nice bad scene, good decoration style."

The light luxury style is eye-catching.

Compared to the apartment in Hell's Kitchen, it is simply the difference between a mansion and a dog kennel.

"When Julia showed me this apartment, I immediately fell in love with it. The owner is a Wall Street broker, and he has not paid much attention to this house. However, he was unlucky and misappropriated a large amount of money to buy Stark Industries, losing a lot of money. I thought Tony. Stark returned, the house was traded yellow, after all, Stark Industries rose sharply on Friday, giving him hope. "

Hao Longtao smiled and smiled happily.

Jessica. Jones raised an eyebrow:

"Then he is a blood loss today, I heard that Stark Industries fell by forty percent, and the shareholders were miserable by our wayward rich Tony."

"So the hero of this house urgently needs money, and cash, to fill the hole in the stock market."

Hao Longtao poured a glass of water for Jessica. Jones:

"Drink a glass of water, wait for me for a while, how about I fry you Wagyu steak?"

Jessica. Jones's eyes lit up slightly:

"I thought you were going to make Chinese food."

Hao Longtao replied

"Chinese food takes too much time to prepare, and I don't want to fool you with just some dishes. What's more, I always welcome you to my apartment, that's when I show my skills, not tonight, you moved for me, missed the meal, should be hungry. I can't let the beauty go hungry and wait too long for me. "

Jessica. Jones was slightly distracted, at this moment, she didn't know the Chinese in front of her at all.

Instead, he felt that the other party was a mature and stable gentleman.

Hao Longtao took out the ingredients Julia had purchased from the refrigerator.

She is also Juilliard's big customer, and she can still do this by entrusting her.

The top snowflake textured beef from Fuso, but it cost Hao Longtao a lot of money.

In fact, Hao Longtao wanted to make a whole Chinese meal and celebrate his new home.

But he couldn't let Julia run to the Chinese market to buy a bunch of ingredients.

That can only be simple.

Fry the steak and set the table.

Hao Longtao took a bottle of good wine from the wine rack.

"The 1991 Harran wine, this is the best vintage of Harlan. It seems that the original owner is still very interesting, leaving this bottle of wine for me to celebrate my new home, and not to my age, I can't buy any alcohol. "

The handsome face, with a bit of a kind smile, made Jessica. Jones found surprise.

She looked at Hao Longtao with a smile on her eyebrows: "If you want to serve in the community, I won't stop you from drinking." "

Beautiful country is one of the few countries in the world that has a minimum drinking age.

And it's 21 years old.

Drinking alcohol under age is prosecuted, and the most common punishment is community service.

"This is my home, you don't say, I don't say, who knows?"

Hao Longtao showed a charming smile.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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