Jessica. Jones woke up slowly.

Pick up the cup of water on the nightstand and drink it all in one gulp.

She is desperately dehydrated.

Touching the empty bed beside me, I felt a little lost.

But she soon realized that Hao Longtao was still a high school student and still in school.

And today is Monday.


It all works.

Or the second time.

Lying in bed, tiredness strikes.

Jessica. Jones has given up resistance.

She just knew that Hao Longtao helped her solve the purple man.

That was her bad news.

Moreover, she is also the only one who knows Hao Longtao's identity.

Ice Demon.

Take Jessica. Jones's wisdom, she can already determine that Hao Longtao is the ice demon who destroyed the Hell's Kitchen Triad and caused many underworld gangs to suffer serious losses.

But Jessica. Jones is not a pure extreme justiceist.

What she wants more is to make her life miserable and return to the right path.

And now everything is going in a good direction.

"Take one step, count one step."

"And with him, I don't have any pressure."

"Only the pampered."

Jessica. Jones smiled satisfied.

She enjoyed the feeling.

Lovers are not full, friendship is worth it.

It was relaxing and without any stress.

No one is anyone's bondage.

But if you can, Jessica. Jones hopes the relationship will last a lifetime.

Unless she has children.

Looking at a pile of money on the bedside table.

Jessica. Jones was speechless.

What is this?


But look at the three strips of paper.

Jessica. Jones realized that he had misunderstood Hao Longtao.

This is money for repairing the bed.

Jessica. Jones suddenly blushed.

But her eyes betrayed her.

The eyes can be drawn.

The quilt pad thrown in the corner says it all.

Others died of bloodshed, and she almost died in the water.

Get dressed, think about it, or leave some money.

Take the rest yourself.

Rent is going to be paid again.

At the same time, three notes she put into her pocket.

Just leave the room and walk a bit like a crab.

Very awkward.

However, her physique is very strong, and it is estimated that she can recover after a day of rest.

Really strong!!

Jessica. Jones was obsessed.

But she knew that the age difference between the two was too great.

What's more, his own state is not suitable for falling in love.

It's not bad to have such friends.

At least you can accompany yourself out of the haze.

"Gwen, do you need to come with me to the Long Island estate?"

Hao Longtao asked in a low voice.

Between classes, this girl ignores herself.

"Is your apartment unoccupied? Is it ready to rent? "

Gwen looked at Hao Longtao expectantly.

Hao Longtao pouted a smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Have you ever wondered if our apartment is so close that if you come to my apartment in the future, will your father knock on the door in the middle of the night with a gun?"

Gwen blushed:

"Who's your little girlfriend? The dog can't spit out ivory in its mouth, I'm going back. "

Gwen took a few quick steps.

He glanced back at Hao Longtao.

"I'm home, the estate on Long Island is so big, you have to pay attention to your own safety."

As long as his little boyfriend is too far away from him.

If something happens, I can't save him in time.

I'm Spider-Man.

No, I'm going to make my suit tonight.

Hmph, Hao Longtao, if you hide your work from me, then don't blame me for hiding my own identity from you.

Writer? What book exactly was written?

No, find out the best-selling works of the past two years.

Moreover, the best-selling works, or mysterious writers, must be easy to find.

There are not many bestsellers that can create tens of millions of royalties for writers, and there are even fewer novels that hide their identities from people and are circled.

My damn wisdom.

Ha ha!!!

Gwen. Stacy laughed maniacally.

The corners of Hao Longtao's mouth curled slightly.

Secrets that are inadvertently discovered can actually be fascinating.

News of Warner's acquisition of the rights to Fifty Shades of Grey has spread.

Entertainment magazines don't miss it.

The true identity of the mystery writer is the focus of many people.

Even on the New York Times.

More than 30 million in royalties, and more than 10 million in royalties that publishers can consult.

Coupled with the news he revealed to Gwen, his little girlfriend will definitely inquire about the identity of his writer's line.

The system prompts the sound, and the increased desire value can actually show Gwen's psychological state at this time.

Love desire value +1200

Curiosity Desire +1800

Classes start on Monday, and the desire to earn is worth 35,000 points.

Very nice.

Desire points: 650.5W points

Drive back to Long Island.

Jessica. Jones has sent a message that she needs a few days off.

Obviously worried that Hao Longtao would go to her.

Last night was crazy.

Hao Longtao also felt his own tiredness.

The legs are still a little soft.

"No, you must draw out the reward to strengthen your physique."

He returned to Long Island.

Immediately notice that something is wrong.

A black Ford SUV has been waiting in front of his estate for a long time.

A suit-clad agent wearing glasses and moving his hairline forward leaned against the doorway.

Obviously, the other party has complete control over his information.

Hao Longtao understood that he underestimated S.H.I.E.L.D.

From the moment he handed the photo to Mrs. Gao, this ending was already preordained.

His past experiences don't stand up to searching.

Get acquainted with triads.

For triads.

Photos, revenge.

A good agent can easily identify a suspect.

Hao Longtao thought about it, in fact, his identity was disclosed on a small scale, which did not seem to be a bad thing.

Capable people, in the dark world, will shine like a beacon.

What's more, many of his things do not stand up to inspection.

For example...

"Mr. Hao Longtao, I am your book fan, can you sign for me?"

Phil. Coulson handed over the Fifty Shades of Grey book.

"Phil. Colson. "

Hao Longtao took it and quickly signed.

He looked into the dense forest again.

"Hawkeye, Clint. Barton. "

Hao Longtao's gaze was very sharp, even though it was dusk, he still saw Clint. Barton's Hiding stands in the trees, overlooking his own figure.

Phil. Coulson was surprised.

With his knowledge of Hao Longtao's information, he should not know S.H.I.E.L.D., let alone know the information of himself and Barton.

But just by meeting, the other party stabbed their identity.

Obviously, the ice demon in front of him was even more difficult than he thought.

"It seems that Mr. Hao knows us very well, and must know our intentions."

Phil. Coulson looked serious.

Hao Longtao deflated, full of disdain:

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in S.H.I.E.L.D. However, if you interfere in my life, I don't mind receiving the means of S.H.I.E.L.D. under it. "

Hao Longtao slapped the book on Coulson's chest.

Skimming directly past Phil. Colson.

Walking to the door, Hao Longtao stopped:

"Don't try to control me by means, I'm a person who never eats soft and doesn't eat hard."

Phil. Coulson turned around and looked at Hao Longtao

"Mr. Hao, don't you listen to our conditions?"

"What I need, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't provide for the time being. Also, you have to be the savior, I don't mind. "

Hao Longtao opened the door and entered the manor directly.

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