From the Perfect World

level comparison new version

personal level.

on the mountain level.

For city level.

Continental class.

planetary level.

Stellar grade: The star grade that does not devour the starry sky, this grade refers to the star system that can destroy the star system.

Galaxy class: The one that can destroy tens of millions of star systems to trillions of star systems is the galaxy class.

Cluster Class: Destructive power capable of destroying hundreds to thousands of galaxies.

Single-body universe: It slightly affects the destruction of a single-body universe, and the span is very large. The destructive power of the supreme, true immortal, quasi-immortal king, and legendary perfection theory is only the top of the single-body universe. The peak can destroy the single-body universe with one blow. Immortal King and Eternal True God are also at this level.

Supercell: From affecting to destroying multiple single universes to many, many single universes, some of the supreme fairy kings, fairy king giants, supreme giants, etc., and the master of chaos are also at this level.

Multiverse: A collection of countless single universes, from a slight influence to enough to destroy countless single universes, it is at the multiverse level, and the span is also unbelievably large, represented by the quasi-immortal emperor, the corpse emperor; Emperor, a great supernatural being in the realm of good fortune in the first life.

Super multiverse, multiple multiverses.

Omniverse, infinite multiverse.


Although the author thinks that it is enough to reach the multiverse level, in some works, there are indeed super multiverse level and omnipotent universe level.

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