From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 474: B-level branch plot

"Mommy mommy!"

In front of the collapsed house, Allen's eyes were tearful, and his voice choked.

"Strong, Mikasa."

Allen tried to lift the edge of the eaves, trying to lift the collapsed roof, but even if he used his strength to eat, the roof remained unchanged.


Mikasa lowered her head to be silent, she was also trying to lift the roof, but to no avail.

"Boy, you get away."

Lou Cheng ran behind the two and said aloud.

"Uncle... is it you? Great, come and help me and save my mother."

After Allen turned his head and saw that it was Lou Cheng, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. The help of an adult is definitely better than the two children.

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't attract giants."

Lou Cheng put his finger in front of his mouth and made a hissing gesture.

"Yeah, yeah."

Allen nodded one after another, biting his lip firmly.

He was stunned by the panic at first, and faced with the threat of giants, he was almost overwhelmed by fear, and for a while he forgot about it.

"You two get out of the way."

Lou Cheng whispered.

"it is good."

Allen pulled Mikasa back.

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of Lou Cheng, looking at the neat clothes of the Zhongzhou team around him and Lou Cheng, he can guess that they are big people from the inner city.

Only the clothes of big people can not see a little bit of oil and dust.

"This should have a ton, right?"

Lou Cheng watched the collapsed house, approaching the five cubic meter boulder, and took a deep breath.

The next moment, his whole body was shaking with a strange frequency, and his hands were also pressed on the boulder.

"Get up."

A low drink came from Lou Cheng's mouth.

Although his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, it is still too reluctant to lift such a large boulder, even if he uses the unique force technique of the pill energy realm, he is still incapable.

"Get up."

Lou Cheng's face flushed, and bloodshots appeared in his eyes.


The broken rubble under his feet shattered and Lou Cheng's legs sank into the ground.

"Lift... up."

Allen and Mikasa were stunned at this superhuman scene, which was a bit beyond their understanding.

"What a weird power this is!"

A member of the garrison used a three-dimensional mobile device and landed on the street. It was Hannis, an acquaintance of the Allen family.

"The giant is here, the giant is here, be careful!"

Hannes saw the corner of the street, and a huge figure slowly walked out, a giant with an exaggerated cracked mouth.

"go with."

Lou Cheng yelled, bursting into force, and threw the boulder several meters away.

He immediately raised the roof again and rescued Allen's mother.

"Thank you, thank you sir."

Allen's mother shed tears of excitement, and her legs were dripping with blood, twisted into a strange angle, apparently crushed by the collapsed house.

"Hurry up."

Lou Cheng handed Alan's mother to Hannis and asked him to leave with Alan's mother and two children.

He knew that a few people could go to a safe place, and under the restrictions of the ‘main god’, the samsara would inevitably not be able to reach it, so he didn’t want to go together.

"Uncle, where are you going?"

Allen was taken aback for a moment.

"I'll help you stop it and buy time to escape."

Lou Cheng pointed to the giant who was coming, and he continued: "Also, don't call me uncle, I'm only twenty years old."

He wanted to take advantage of the one-on-one situation to see the strength of the giant, even if he lost to the giant, he could escape.

"That, that's a giant, brother, you don't have any equipment, you will die in vain!"

Alan looked at the giant more than ten meters tall, swallowing and spitting.

"Take them away."

Lou Cheng threw Alan to Hannis, and he began to take off the cloth that wrapped the mysterious snake sword.

"Be careful yourself."

Hannis took a deep look at him. He carried Ellen's mother on her back, pulled Ellen and Mikasa over, and ran towards the inner city.

Although he has been drinking for a long time, he has never lost his training, so even if he carries a person, Hannis's speed is not much slower.

"Curious, special clothes, no logo, where are they from?"

A doubt arose in Hannis's mind.

"A sword..."

Allen looked back and saw Lou Cheng raising the Black Snake Sword aloft, and his whole person almost turned into a black shadow, rushing towards the giant more than ten meters high.


A blood flower sputtered from the giant's ankle, which was two meters thick, cut off from the middle.


The giant with an unstable center of gravity suddenly knelt on the ground with one leg. It didn't feel any pain. It still grinned and grabbed Lou Cheng with one hand.

"Is it not painful enough? Or are ordinary giants not painful?"

When Lou Cheng saw this scene thoughtfully, he swung a few swords and cut off the giant's fingers.

Although the mysterious snake sword did not come out of its sheath, Lou Cheng also noticed that the scabbard itself was unusually sharp, and it was not obvious at ordinary times. Only when he swung the sword would the scabbard become sharp.

He later figured it out that the scabbard of the mysterious snake sword was also extraordinary, otherwise it would not be like this.

"The giant was defeated?"

Both Ellen and Mikasa who looked back were taken aback for a moment, their eyes Don't waste time, there is another giant here. "

Hannis hurriedly spoke, carrying Alan's mother on his back. He couldn't turn his head back, but seeing the two of them paused, they knew they were distracted.

"Oh, oh."

Taking a final look, Allen turned his head again and ran after Hannis.

"I will easily defeat the giant..."

Allen secretly made up his mind.


Lou Cheng, who held the profound snake sword in both hands and cut off the giant's palms, heard the voice of the Lord God.

"Obtain the B-level branch story once, and five thousand bonus points."

Lou Cheng was stunned.

He suddenly turned to look in the direction where Ellen and the others were leaving, but could not see anything. Ellen and the others had disappeared at the corner of the street.

"The mercenary captain rescued by Zheng Zha is an important role in the biochemical world, at least in the first biochemical movie. Isn't Allen's mother the same?"

Lou Cheng was lost in thought.

Suddenly, a warning sign rose from the bottom of Lou Cheng's heart, and all the hair on the right side of his body exploded.

The legs were slightly hardened, and the strength exploded, and the ground was cracked by Lou Cheng's steps. In an instant, his figure disappeared here, jumping seven or eight meters away.

"Recovered? Reborn with a severed limb?"

Lou Cheng looked at the source of the crisis, the giant whose hands and soles were cut off by him.

At this moment, the giant has regained his feet, his broken soles have recovered, and his hands are also steaming.

Through the steam, Lou Cheng saw the growth of granulation shoots, growing into the palm of his hand.

"It's a terrible creature."

Lou Cheng took a slight breath, and if the mysterious snake sword was not sharp enough for him to cut away the giant's body effortlessly, he would definitely turn around and leave.


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