From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 406: Heavenly Land

"Since the Profound King invited me, I would naturally not push back."

Accompanied by the brilliance of the sky, King Pan walked out of Panwang City and crossed to Xiongguan in one step.

Shi Hao looked at King Pan's tall and stalwart figure, and his heart was shocked. He found that the boundless vision of the Immortal King in front of him was different from that of Immortal King Ao Cheng, but they all had the kind of grandeur that overlooked the invincible hands of eternal years.

It's so desirable!

"You are waiting for the monks who are kind to the nine heavens and ten earth, don't make mistakes."

King Pan glanced at the fairy who was closing in Xiongguan, and the words resounded in the hearts of all beings here, which was a warning and a command.

"According to the purpose."

Countless faeries bowed to the ground.

"These people are the relatives of my best friends, and I hope that King Pan will take care of them for one or two. It is not convenient to take them there."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Yang shook out the space magic weapon containing the Eight Regions monks and the sacred mountain of the Meng family.

"This is the fairyland?"

Many monks in the space magical artifact and on the mountain were exclaiming, shocked by the environment of the fairyland.

The Immortal Domain Law silently changed their bodies and improved their qualifications. Many monks broke through the original realm on the spot and entered a new realm.

"Xuanwang can rest assured."

King Pan stretched out his hand to grab the two spatial artifacts and the Meng's sacred mountain, and between raising his hands, he sent tens of millions of Nine Heavens and Ten Monks to the Palace of the King of Pan, and gave Pan Lao Zhenxian a sound transmission, explaining their origin.

"Related to King Xuan?"

Pan Lao who was cultivating was surprised and became solemn.

In the past few years, he had known the whole story of the king's discussion from King Pan, and knew that the fairy king Xuantian, who was born in the lower realm, had a very short time in enlightenment, but his strength was surprisingly amazing.

It is an object that must not be offended, otherwise the fairy king will bleed.

"My king, I know everything by now."

After Pan Shao respectfully bowed to Void, he walked out of this quiet room and personally arranged for the nine-day-ten-earth monks sent by King Pan.


Xianyu, Panwang Universe Xiongguan.

"There is no need to worry about Huo Ling'er's safety, there is King Pan's light, and I can't find many fairy spirits who dare to hurt Huo Ling'er in the fairyland."

Lin Yang saw a flash of worry on Shi Hao's face.

Shi Hao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. He thought about it carefully and it was indeed the case. Looking at the actions of Xiong shutting down countless celestial spirits, one can imagine how supreme the Immortal King's position in the immortal domain is.

Putting down the worries in his heart, Shi Hao was frightened by the fairy that Xiongguan closed again.

He could feel the majesty gate that towered straight into the stars, the supreme aura was so scary, and there were more than a dozen true immortals that transcended the realm of humanity.

When he first came to Immortal Territory, Shi Hao’s cultivation base was too weak and he could not perceive how strong the Xiongguan Immortal Spirit was. He has understood until this moment that the strength of the defenders in a random immortal Xiongguan has surpassed the previous years. Border Huang Diguan.

"This is the fairyland!"

A war spirit rose in Shi Hao's eyes, and he might be able to break through to the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm.

"This is Xuantian's best friend..."

Pan Wang Jingjing looked at Shi Hao for a while, and saw some strangeness.

"Back then, I entered the immortal realm by chance through the immortal door of the Hunyuan Daoist, and practiced many methods, but the strength of two or three hundred years is quite the destiny supreme of the small world."

King Pan changed his mind and understood some things.

"Let's go, this will take you to find that opportunity."

Lin Yang grabbed Shi Hao and crossed one universe after another with King Pan, quickly approaching the universe where Tongtian Ancient Land was located.

Many universes that the two passed by, the immortal king who ruled this place entered the depths of the sea, and the only universe that the immortal king passed by was the place where the Immortal King Cheng Zhou ruled.

"King Xuan and King Pan, are you going to the land of the sky?"

At the core of the magnificent Immortal King City, Immortal King Cheng Zhou, whose body sank in the boundless chaotic air current, had insight into their intentions.

However, Immortal King Cheng Zhou didn't leave the city, he just retreated with a divine greeting.


The speed of the Immortal King is indescribable, and the sun's rays will take tens of billions of years, hundreds of billions of years to cross the universe, but in a short time, it was crossed by Lin Yang and King Pan.

In the eyes of Shi Hao in the supreme realm, it seemed that time was flowing backward, and time seemed to have stopped passing under the footsteps of the fairy king.

This moment is like eternity, unchanged forever.

Shi Hao, whose senses were blurred by the immortal king's speed, didn't know how long it had passed. When the long river that seemed to be the law of time disappeared from his eyes, a strange starry sky came into his eyes.

"This is the land of the sky. To truly open the way to the ancient land, you need to sacrifice the blood of the fairy king level."

King Pan stood before a dead star of life.

"Already prepared."

Lin Yang turned his hand and took out a drop of blood.

This drop of blood is extremely radiant, as if it contains endless energy, it seems inexhaustible, it is an eternal source of energy.

Shi Hao knew that this was his illusion, but it was only because the power of this drop of blood surpassed the supreme perception by many times that he had this wrong perception.

"This is the essence and blood that I extracted by killing a fallen fairy queen. Unfortunately, the battle was too fierce, and in the end only three drops of essence and blood were Lin Yang said this drop of the fairy king. The origin of the blood.

Although the number of kings he killed was quite large, Yuyu was the only one who knew his name.

"Xuan Wang Shenwei."

King Pan praised.

Regardless of whether it is the blood of a normal fairy king or a giant, there is no difference in quality, but the amount of blood in the body of a giant will be much more than that of a normal fairy king.

"Essence and blood sacrifice!"

King Pan played the tricks one after another, and began to sacrifice the blood of the Immortal King that Lin Yang took out.

Waves of light spread from here, centered on the dead stars of life, waves of light swept across the symbols of the Immortal Dao, spreading to Liuhe and Bahuang.


A fissure emerged from the periphery of the stars of life.

Roads of Guanghua rushed out from the cracks, and faint crying, as well as the surging chaotic air current and the air of immortality could be faintly heard.

"It's those Thunder Spirits!"

Shi Hao's face was startled. From his vague cry, he thought of the scene he saw before entering the fairyland for the first time that year.

"go in."

Lin Yang led Shi Hao into this rift and embarked on a dimly colored ancient road.

"There is the place of opportunity I said."

Lin Yang pointed at the entrance of the misty cave at the end of the ancient road. King Pan also walked in at this time. He observed the place for a while and then said: "Even if it is sacrificed with the blood of the fairy king, it may not be possible to enter this place every time. This time King Xuan and his little friend had good luck."

When Pan Wang said this, his face moved slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

A magnificent Taoist sound permeated this place, a drop of blood emerged from Shi Hao's skull, and the radiance pierced through the mists of this place, giving people an illusion that they did not belong to this ancient history.


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