From the Perfect World

1438th black hands? mean?

Latest URL: Human... Refresh...

The future heard the resentment and powerlessness in the words, and he couldn't help but think of the scene he saw not long ago. It may not be entirely correct to say "renewal", but the origins of this group of humans and even all humans from ancient times to the present are very suspicious. Only the next generation conceived by these first batch of humans has the thinking ability of normal intelligent life forms, but compared with the Wanzu, without knowledge inheritance, it seems very ignorant.

It is precisely because of this that Future always felt that he was different when he was young, because many 'elders' in the tribe were life forms with low intelligence.

"If I had known everything earlier, I should have slaughtered human beings billions of times more cruelly than before, so it would be difficult to quell the hatred in my heart. Human beings are really despicable. Originally, I thought that the misery of human beings is just that they are born weak and weak. And I can't become stronger, so I will be slaughtered and abused by thousands of people for a long time. I couldn't bear it at the time, but protecting human beings will lose my own luck and even the luck of the group, so I have to turn a blind eye to all of this..."

When the future heard this, his brows frowned slightly, and the next few words were vague, and he didn't hear clearly, but the future also discovered that this should be a conversation, but he didn't hear another person's voice from the beginning to the end. It's like the people of the Sky Snake clan talking to themselves.

After about three breaths, the indistinct voice became clear again, and the tone of the man from the Sky Snake Tribe suddenly became agitated, and he said emotionally: "Humans keep refreshing. In order to accumulate blood luck, the constant existence constantly pulls countless deflected states, countless past and future human beings into low latitudes, and then puts them into the prehistoric calendar through low latitudes, allowing them to be refreshed on the prehistoric continent. How can we choose? "

"Being kind to human beings will inevitably reduce luck. If you don't kill them, you will wait for human beings to fill the Great Desolate Continent. Isn't this the existence of those few unshakable endings that force us to kill? Not to mention anything else, just this, they are not worthy The Son of Man is the source of all evil, the chief culprit of countless human beings being tortured to death, and what can we do? It is just a knife in the hands of those few people who have accumulated blood and luck, and have no ability to resist at all! "

The passionate words paused, and then sneered: "In the end, all of this became our fault. Human beings seem to be extremely miserable from beginning to end, but in the final analysis, all the benefits are not all obtained by humans. Otherwise, how can human beings become the 'eternal protagonist'? There really are spirits in the sky, and maybe they will betray the human camp."

Hearing this, Future's body trembled slightly, his eyes tightened, and some persistence in his heart was almost shaken for a moment, but in the end it was not affected by these words.

He didn't think about the last words for the time being, but started from the beginning.

The renewal of human beings does involve the ultimate life form, but it is not Gaia, but the powerhouse of human beings. It seems that in an unknown age, digital ultimates were born among human beings. Only such figures are the proof Eternal proof, one who wins forever.

These ultimates influence the prehistoric calendar in the future through low latitudes, and continue to invest in human beings for the purpose of bloody luck. This shows that the importance of bloody luck to a certain extent cannot be ignored by even the ultimate living body. ——As for what is low latitude, it involves the end of the chaotic calendar, when the "world" is divided into black and yellow, and I will mention it later.

domain name

Even if the future knows that all things have multiple sides, and things can't be one-sided, he can't help but call several human inner universes the ultimate life form, and he doesn't really regard these few as human beings.

"Deflection state..."

The future frowned slightly, he was very unfamiliar with this, he didn't have any memory about the deflection state, it was obviously a word that appeared in later generations, but the clansmen of the Heavenly Snakes mentioned the deflection state together with the past, present and future, and the future also had vague meanings. Guess, it's just a little ridiculous, so I can't be sure for a while.

But there is also one point that does not need to be questioned at all. No matter what the truth of the deflection state is, people and things in the deflection state can come to the prehistoric state. Maybe the creatures in the prehistoric continent can also go to the deflection state, but this may have to pass through low latitudes. After all Even the ultimate life form has to go through low latitudes to refresh human beings in the prehistoric continent of the prehistoric era.

While the thoughts of the future were turning rapidly, the words of the Heavenly Snakes did not stop, and they were still communicating with a certain living body.

"In addition to the despicableness of human beings' refreshment, they have to struggle, and the result? The endless beings in the multiverse have to experience infinite suffering because of their choices. Isn’t it a great crime? Even if an astronomical number of human beings have been tortured to death for countless years, is it much compared to the lives of countless infinite planes in the universe?”

"These weird deflected states, after all, they didn't come up with it? After the prehistoric calendar ended, the entire multiverse was messed up by them, and they even focused on the negative multiverse. Otherwise, Fuxi, who was in the The change of the Demon Emperor..."

In the future, he kept the "negative multiverse" in his heart, and his intuition told him that there were other mysteries.

After an unintelligible conversation ended, after waiting for a long time in the future, I heard members of the Sky Snake clan continue to say: "The great lord, Hao, and Gu are all people with great luck, and they are in charge of the bloody luck of human beings. , never considered letting human beings join the Ten Thousand Clans, and letting His Majesty the Emperor three times go to waste, and besides the three of them, there are also travelers who have traveled to the prehistoric calendar under their unforgivable layout. The traversers all have golden fingers and golden thighs, and the great lord has the first-generation main god who is covered by heaven..."

When the words were blurred, the future narrowed his eyes slightly. In the future, someone has mastered the blood luck of human beings. Originally, he didn't know which human hero the big lord was, and he was the first to master the blood luck. But when he heard that the great lord had the first main god, the future was immediately taken aback.

If... nothing goes wrong...

If Wu Ming hadn't fallen halfway, then the great lord was obviously referring to Wu Ming, and because of Wu Ming's "nameless" particularity, even if this member of the Heavenly Snake Clan once won the Holy Throne, he didn't know if he was the Holy Throne when he spoke. What people say is the big lord instead of Wu Ming.

Moreover, Wu Ming will be able to jump from the current demigod-level combat power to the emperor-level combat power in two years, which is obviously impossible for ordinary wall-mounted players... Even since the birth of the multiverse, there have been few hang-ups with such a fast improvement speed. wall.


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