Chen Rui's sword of the sun was cut from ice crystals.

Chen Rui used the sword of the sun to cut open the metal door and cut the rock. It was really overkill.

Ice pole crystals are very rare in the universe, and not many can be found in the entire galaxy.

The silver metal used to make the shell of the 'Meteorite' is an extremely expensive memory metal material, but, compared with the ice crystal, an ice crystal that is enough to cut a standard energy sword can be exchanged for enough Create a hundred ships of the 'Meteor' of silver metal.

The 'Meteor' flew over the frozen star.

Chen Rui flew out of the 'Meteorite' and landed on the frozen star.

It's not so much a star, but a larger meteorite, about 10 kilometers in diameter, about the same size as the asteroid that hit the earth 65 million years ago and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, a jet black rock, which is too far away from the sun Now, the faint light from the sun was also swallowed up by the darkness. Darkness, icy cold, bone-chilling coldness, the jet-black stars merged with the surrounding cosmic environment.

If it is an ordinary rocky Chen Rui, it is very easy to perform the earth escape technique.

However, the rock of this star has been compressed by the pressure of the universe to be very dense, and its density is dozens of times greater than that of iron.

Chen Rui couldn't escape into the interior of the star.

Chen Rui can only use violence.

Chen Rui exerted all his spiritual power, clenched a fist with one hand, and his fist violently bombarded the black rock.

Boom, a loud bang.

Chen Rui directly exploded the star, and the fragments of the star were torn apart and scattered in the surrounding space.

Among the fragments of the stars. There is a blue crystal. About the size of a van. This is the polar ice crystal, the most precious material formed naturally in the universe.

Chen Rui flew over and flew to the vicinity of the ice crystal.

Chen Rui used his divine sense to scan the ice crystal.

The divine consciousness can't even penetrate the surface of the ice crystal, and the gaps between the ice crystal molecules can't pass through the spiritual power of divine consciousness that is billions of times thinner than a hair.

On the contrary, the energy released by Chen Rui is easily and quickly conducted between each molecule inside the ice crystal,

Every time a molecule passes through, there is some increase in energy.

Very amazing material. No wonder, the ice pole sword cut from ice pole crystal is the sharpest weapon in the universe.

Such a large ice crystal can cut thousands of standard energy swords, and each standard energy sword is a very precious treasure.

Chen Rui took the ice crystal into the Pregnant Haizhu space and returned to the 'Meteorite'.

The 'Meteor' is flying in the void of the universe.

Chen Rui is looking for more information about ice crystals in Xiao U's database.

Chen Rui said to Xiao U, "Search the database for more information about ice crystals and display them."

For 2 seconds, Xiao U displayed all the information about the ice crystal in his database on the virtual three-dimensional screen.

Chen Rui glanced at these materials.


More intuitive understanding of the preciousness of ice crystals.

The super extraterrestrial civilization that built the "Meteor" once found ice crystals the size of a table in the universe, like a treasure.

It is the dream of countless powerful star warriors to have an energy sword cut from ice crystals.

An energy sword is enough to match all the possessions of a star warrior.

In the interstellar army of super extraterrestrial civilizations. Only generals above the level of generals who command hundreds of millions of interstellar armies are qualified to wear energy swords and hold energy swords. Invincible in the starry sky, the interstellar spaceship is like cutting a potato, cut in half with a sword, the standard weapon of the interstellar army, when it encounters an energy sword, it will be broken in two with a light touch, and it can defend against the bombardment of the starry sky cannon. The damaged high-density molecular armor, the energy sword is like cutting tofu, it is easy to cut, ....

Like the ice crystals that Chen Rui got the size of a van, they are a huge wealth in the universe.

This ice crystal in Chen Rui's hand can trigger a medium-scale interstellar war.

A mid-scale interstellar war would be enough to wipe the Solar System from the Milky Way.

It can be said that Chen Rui was very lucky to find such a large ice crystal on a frozen star in the Kuiper Belt.

Chen Rui searched for Star Warriors and Star Army in Xiao U's database again.

In the universe, there is a philosophy that spreads very widely.

In the universe, there are two kinds of things that cannot be measured, the big and the small, the infinite universe, no one knows where the end of the universe is, as small as the inside of a molecule, there are atoms inside the molecule, and there are protons inside the atom, Neutrons, electrons, miniaturizations, and particles, prosons, ghost particles, ghost particles, and quark arcs, continue to be miniaturized, to the limitless extreme.

The universe has an infinite number of total galaxies.

The Milky Way is one of the total galaxies.

The diameter of the Milky Way itself is 100,000 to 120,000 light-years. Compared with the Milky Way, the Solar System is an ocean, and the Solar System is just a grain of sand in the ocean.

There are many civilizations in the vast galaxy. Some are elementary civilizations like the earth. They live independently on a living planet. Like people on earth, they are tirelessly searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, and they are still exploring whether there is life outside the earth. A super extraterrestrial civilization like the Bird Empire, with a territory spanning hundreds, thousands of star systems, ruling a population of trillions of trillions, with a huge interstellar fleet, with hundreds of billions, trillions of interstellar armies, interstellar The army travels across other interstellar civilizations on Starfleet.

The powerhouses in these super extraterrestrial civilizations are called star warriors, each person has an energy sword, invincible across the starry sky, can easily destroy a small interstellar fleet, and swept an interstellar army by one person, very powerful. The country of super extraterrestrial civilization, the status is respected, standing at the top of the pyramid, can become a noble, the elder of the senate, the general level in the interstellar army, ... .


The 'Meteor' flew in the Kuiper Belt for about 2 months.

'Meteor' detected a huge star.

The 'Meteorite' scanned the star and fed back some data to Chen Rui.

This star, like other Kuiper Belt objects, is mostly composed of rock and ice.

67 AU from Earth. (One astronomical unit is equal to the average distance from the earth to the sun, which is about 1.5 kilometers).

The diameter of the star is 18,711 kilometers, which is about 1.4 to 1.5 times the diameter of the Earth's equator.

There are 19 moons in the star's satellite system.


Chen Rui packed the data of this star and 19 satellites onto the earth.

It immediately attracted the attention of the astronomical community all over the world.

You know, humans have been searching for the tenth planet in the solar system.

Pluto, discovered during the search for Planet X,...  

Astronomers and the general public continue to speculate on the existence of a tenth planet.

The tenth planet often appears in science fiction, as well as in the texts of ancient civilizations.

On the Sumerian stele, there were 11 planets orbiting the sun before 4500 AD. Subtracting the one representing the moon, there are actually only ten, and the X star is the tenth.

Now, the tenth planet of the solar system has been discovered. Regardless of the diameter, the 19 satellites, and the range of this star, this planet Chen Ruixin discovered has enough qualifications to be listed as the tenth planet in the solar system.

To kick Pluto out of the nine planets in the solar system, the whole world changed the textbook once. This time, the textbook must be changed again. The top ten planets in the solar system, the nine planets that everyone is familiar with, have to add this unnamed planet.

The news of the discovery of the tenth largest planet in the solar system caused a sensation all over the world.

Chen Rui has the right to name this celestial object.

The naming rules of the nine planets in the solar system are almost all related to Greek mythology and Roman mythology.

For example, Mercury, mercury.

Mercury is the name of the 'God of Commerce' and 'God of Travel' in Roman mythology. Mercury is the fastest moving planet among the nine planets, so it is similar to a god in Roman mythology. Therefore, it is named for mercury.

Also, Venus Venus [Roman mythology] Venus god.

Mars [Roman mythology] Mars, the god of war. Uranus (Greek mythology) Uranus

Nine planets, in addition to the earth, 7 names in Roman mythology, 1 name in Greek mythology.

Chen Rui has the right to name the tenth planet in the solar system. Why can't he give the tenth planet the name of an ancient Chinese myth?

The splendor of ancient Chinese mythology is not inferior to that of Roman mythology and Greek mythology.

Whoever protests, let him bite the dog.

Chen Rui immediately thought of a name.


Because, the tenth planet discovered by Chen Ruixin has a very thick atmosphere. In addition to hydrogen and helium gas, the atmosphere has a large number of charged particles. The clouds and mists are as thick as ink. The charged particles rub against each other and discharge continuously, hitting the atmosphere. It releases a powerful amount of electricity in an instant, and the rock on the planet's surface is very high in iron. Therefore, the planet is thundering and lightning all the time.

Therefore, it is very similar to Thor in ancient Chinese mythology, so Chen Rui named the planet Thor.

However, there is more than one Thor in our ancient mythology.

For example, it is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas - The Northern Classic of the Great Wilderness" that the Ancestor of Lei held a snake in his mouth and a snake in his hand. Tiger head, four feet, long elbows.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness of the East": There is Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea, which is seven thousand miles into the sea. When entering and leaving the water, there must be wind and rain, its light is like the sun and the moon, its sound is like thunder, its name is Kui, the Yellow Emperor got it, and the skin is used as a drum, and the peg is made of the bones of thunder beasts. "

There is also the highest god of the Thunder Department in the Taoist gods, Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun. (To be continued.)

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