From the Island Owner to the King

Section 662 The North American Passenger Pigeon, Discovered Again

"Then let's wait here for a day." Chen Rui said.

"it is good."

The two set up a camp by the creek, built a tent, covered with dead branches and hay under the tent, and put a blanket on top of the dead branches and hay.

Now that they decided to stay here for a day, the two had plenty of time in the afternoon to explore the surrounding jungle.

The two put their backpacks in the tent and surrounded the tent with thorny bushes to prevent curious beasts from entering the tent, and then went deep into the jungle lightly.

It is now; pig; pig; island; novel www.zhuzhu+ Around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, there are still about 4 hours before sunset, and the two need to return to the camp after going deep into the jungle for two hours.

Chen Rui took a knife and a kettle and entered the dense jungle.

There are many wild animals in the jungle, such as wild boars, pheasants, monkeys, various birds and insects.

"Jiayi, come here quickly, be quiet, and come slowly." Chen Rui shouted in a low voice.


Li Jiayi walked slowly to Chen Rui's side.

"Look what this is." Chen Rui pointed to a dozen birds on the tree and said. The birds on the tree are a bit like turtle doves. The head and upper body are blue-gray. The tail feathers are longer, 2 tail feathers are brown, and the rest tail feathers are brown. White, gray-brown wings, with irregular black patches, belly to tail brownish-gray, dark red **** with large white spots, throat white, bill black, legs and feet red.

"This is..." Li Jiayi almost exclaimed. If it hadn't frightened the birds on the tree, Li Jiayi would have exclaimed, but Li Jiayi's heart was full of surprises. Li Jiayi's grandfather is a biologist. Li Jiayi witnessed it since childhood. Learned a lot about birds in trees. The famous bird, "This is the North American passenger pigeon."

"Yes, it is the North American passenger pigeon." Chen Rui nodded.

The North American passenger pigeon is well-known in the biological world, commonly known as the passenger pigeon, and is the most famous representative of modern extinct birds.

North American passenger pigeons live in North America, and there used to be as many as 5 billion passenger pigeons living in the United States. The flock of passenger pigeons encountered by American pioneers while driving a carriage in the wilderness covered the sun for several hours. "passenger" means "passenger".

Before Europeans came to North America,

There used to be as many as 5 billion passenger pigeons. By 1914, the last passenger pigeon, Martha, stopped breathing, witnessing the death of the Americans, and also witnessing the destruction of a huge species by humans and the rapid extinction.

In the 17th century, Europeans discovered the American continent not long ago. The passenger pigeon became the food of the pioneers because of its delicious meat, and the nightmare of the passenger pigeon began.

Large-scale commercial slaughter began. In New York in 1805, a pair of passenger pigeons sold for two cents. The meat of passenger pigeons was brought by train from the western United States. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the poor in the United States often saw nothing but passenger pigeons. of meat.

In the 1840s, bird watchers in the United States found that the number of passenger pigeons was declining too fast, and they decided to find a way to protect the passenger pigeon.

In 1857, some scholars introduced a bill to the Ohio Legislative Assembly calling for the protection of passenger pigeons. However, a special committee of the Legislative Council refused to legislate to protect passenger pigeons on the grounds that "the number of passenger pigeons is huge, the habitat is everywhere, and the feeding grounds are spacious and open."

In the 1870s, after the end of the American Civil War, it was difficult for ornithologists to find large flocks of passenger pigeons, and there were fewer and fewer records of wild passenger pigeons everywhere.

In 1878, in Petoskey, Michigan, 50,000 passenger pigeons were killed every day for five months.

In 1896, a flock of about 250,000 passenger pigeons was hunted, the last known large flock of passenger pigeons.

By the mid-1890s, passenger pigeons were very rare. After that, there were few field records of passenger pigeons

In the late 19th century, animal rights activists began calling for the protection of passenger pigeons. In Michigan, legislation was passed to prohibit the use of bird nets within two miles of the nesting grounds of passenger pigeons, but the law was not strictly enforced.

On March 22, 1900, a 14-year-old juvenile hunter shot down a wild passenger pigeon with his air gun in the suburban woodlands of Pike County, Ohio, the last recorded case of a wild passenger pigeon to date.

The last remaining pair of passenger pigeons left the world after leaving behind a young chick and several unhatched eggs. They named their chicks "Martha" after Martha Washington, the wife of the founding father of the United States.

At noon on September 1, 1914, the caretaker came to Martha's pigeon loft for inspection, and saw Martha crouching on the roof, staring at the sky outside motionlessly, Martha's body was sent to the museum which owns 140 museums. Smithsonian Institution, which was made into a taxidermy, but not on public display.

Americans have killed a huge population of creatures that once numbered as high as 5 billion, the passenger pigeon.

The previous environmentalists were as powerful as today's American environmentalists, and passenger pigeons would not have such a fate. It only took more than 300 years to drop from 5 billion to 0.

If the American people are talking about the environmental protection of a certain country, and the people of a certain country only need to use the American passenger pigeons to talk about it, it is absolutely not wrong, and the Americans are speechless. The Americans say: Chinese, you have PM2.5. The Chinese say: Americans, you have exterminated the passenger pigeons, and the Americans say: Chinese, you discharge sewage indiscriminately. The Chinese say: You have exterminated the passenger pigeon. The Americans said: Chinese, what the hell, the Chinese said: Americans, you exterminated the passenger pigeon. Americans burst into tears, big brother, let alone passenger pigeons! Let's just say, China's economy, your Chinese economy has created gold for decades.

For the stalk of passenger pigeons, we cannot expose the scars of Americans. There used to be 5 billion passenger pigeons. Passenger pigeons have a strong reproductive ability and the strategy of "survival by quantity" failed. The Americans killed them to 0. Human beings are the most powerful One of the killings was done by the Americans.

In fact, although the passenger pigeon is called the North American passenger pigeon, the North American passenger pigeon is not limited to living in North America. It has also been found in Canada, Mexico and Cuba. It is also found in Europe and southern Africa. Habits, waiting, traveling, wandering everywhere.

The most famous species already determined to be extinct in 1914, the passenger pigeon, was rediscovered in the distant Daqing Mountains of China. (To be continued.)

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