From the Island Owner to the King

Six hundred and forty-one pioneering tasks (Xie Dahua Heaven and Earth Alliance Leader 3/5

The next day, when a villager went up the mountain, they found a giant snake that had been scorched black by lightning in a valley. A nearby forest seemed to have been burned by a fire, a piece of scorched earth——

This canyon is a bit strange, it is constantly struck by lightning, the vegetation is very sparse, and many places are barren, revealing rusty red soil.

Chen Rui walked in the direction of the noise, shouting, screaming, whining, and the sound of gold and iron crashing.

It rained continuously for a whole day, the ground was muddy and muddy, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of sulfur.

Walking along the canyon for about 100 meters, Chen Rui heard the noisy novel ww.zhu. noises, shouts, and screams became louder and clearer, like a war. It sounded like it was nearby, but there was not a single figure nearby in the sky polished by lightning.

Chen Rui walked to a rock wall, the rock wall was very smooth, and the sound came from the rock wall. At this time, the noise was very loud, very clear, and the recognition was very high, except for the screams and screams, In addition to the sound of metal hitting, there was also the sound of bullets shooting out of the barrel, and the sound of speaking in German, delivering orders.

These sounds are transmitted to Little U through the camera lens, and then transmitted to the surface through Little U, received by communication satellites in outer space, and transmitted to mobile phones, computers, and TV screens around the world. At this time, there are more than 6 These voices were heard by more than 100 million people.

The whole world froze for a moment, and its mouth opened into a big O shape.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world boiled over.

"What's with this sound. I heard it right!! In the inner world. Can hear gunshots, German,."

"There is a voice on the rock wall, what the hell is this, who can explain it."

"I have a chaotic rush in my head."

"The rock wall recorded a fierce battle that took place in such a place. Gunshots! Speak in German, the voice of the order, combined with the frozen corpse of the SS officer found by Chen Rui in the Rainbow Land, in the gold mine. Bones of SS officers found in cornfields upstream of the river. It can be speculated that on one side of the battle were soldiers from Nazi Germany, and on the other, no guesses, natives of the inner world."

The sound comes from the rock wall, combined with the thunderstorm weather, the vegetation in the canyon is sparse, and some places are barren, exposing rust-red soil, and the canyon is like a lightning rod. Lightning in the sky likes to split into canyons. Chen Rui had probably figured out what was going on.

Chen Rui walked to the rock wall and took a look.

Then, he pulled down a rock and checked it carefully. Now Chen Rui can be 100% sure what is going on.

Chen Rui said in front of the camera, "If I guessed correctly, the sound from the stone wall is a magical natural phenomenon.

The rock in my hand was just pulled from the rock wall. It is a piece of quartzite. This rock is a common mineral in nature, and its main chemical composition is silicon dioxide. I learned about silica in high school chemistry. Silica has good conductivity. People often make it into various electronic components and install it in the heart of the tape recorder.

Simply put, quartzite has the function of recording. However, in order for this quartzite wall to become a recorder, in addition to a large amount of quartzite, magnetite is also an essential condition. In fact, this canyon is a magnetite.

The vegetation in the canyon is sparse, and some places are barren, revealing rust-red soil. This is because the soil contains a lot of magnetite elements. Lightning in the sky likes to split into the canyon. This is because the canyon contains a lot of magnetite. It's a giant lightning rod.

A large amount of quartzite, and enough magnetite to form a giant tape recorder on this rock face.

In thunderstorms, lightning is generated, and the static electricity generated during lightning is electric current.

After the 'recorder' got electricity, it started to work.

During a certain thunderstorm, there was a fierce battle in the canyon, and the 'audio recorder' recorded the sound of the battle.

Then, in the thunderstorm tonight, the recorded sound was played.

That's why we now hear the sound coming from the rock wall, satisfying a lot of quartzite, enough magnetite on the rock wall to be a 'radio', in a thunderstorm, lightning produces an electric current, and when the 'recorder' is energized, it starts Record sound, play sound,. "

After listening to Chen Rui's detailed explanation, everyone understood that everyone could hear the sound from the rock wall. It turned out to be the principle of the tape recorder, and also praised Chen Rui's profound knowledge.

Chen Rui continued, "If some conditions are met, this rock wall can also function as a video tape, recording the images that once happened in the canyon and showing the images.

Tell a supernatural story. Many people may have heard of this supernatural incident in the Forbidden City. One day in 1992, the entire Forbidden City was shrouded in thunderstorm weather. , A lightning flashed and thundered. At this time, a supernatural event happened. Next to the red wall of the Forbidden City, people found a walking palace maid. This is a real supernatural thing.

This is because the palace wall is red and contains ferric tetroxide, and lightning will conduct electricity down. If a palace maid happens to pass by, then the palace wall at this time is equivalent to the function of a video tape. If there is another lightning accident in the future, Like a video showing, the shadow of the recorded palace maid may appear. "

At this time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, wiping the surrounding sky very bright.

With the light of lightning, everyone looked at the image that appeared on the rock wall in shock.

It's like the image that appeared on the screen when the movie was played on a movie projector in the countryside when I was a child.

The rock wall is really a video tape, recording the fierce battle in the thunderstorm that once happened in front of the rock wall.

Chen Rui turned on the flashlight and illuminated the rock wall, making the image clearer.

Audiences all over the world held their breaths, staring at the screens of mobile phones, computers, and TV sets without blinking, for fear of missing any image, and their hearts were filled with unbelief.

"It was a fierce battle in thunderstorms."

"We wouldn't be able to see these amazing images right now if it wasn't for a thunderstorm, where the lightning produces electrical currents that make the videotape work."

"In the image, both sides of the battle, one side, the indigenous people of the inner world, the other side, Nazi German SS soldiers, M40 submachine gun, M35 steel helmet, SS lightning badge, standard 36 army field uniform, gray-green top, iron gray pants , black mid-length boots, the standard configuration of the Nazi German Army soldiers in World War II, are Nazi German SS soldiers, absolutely can't go wrong."

"It was an asymmetrical and intense battle. First, the number of people was asymmetrical, there were 3,400 natives, and there were only a dozen SS soldiers on the side of Nazi Germany. Second, the weapons were asymmetrical, and in turn, Nazi Germany SS soldiers holding M40 submachine guns and wearing steel helmets, while indigenous people, weapons are very backward, what weapons, wooden bows, wooden javelins, bronze swords, spears with bronze tips and wooden handles, Nazi German SS Soldiers abused the natives.

This is an asymmetrical battle of three or four hundred people against a dozen people, primitive weapons against modern weapons. "

"In the video, a dozen Nazi SS soldiers were ambushed by three or four hundred indigenous people in the canyon.

Three or four hundred indigenous people dressed in animal skins, bare feet, feathers, their upper bodies, their faces covered with colored mineral pigments, armed with a variety of weapons, very sturdy, charged at a dozen Nazi SS soldiers Come here, in the midst of the charge, there was still a threatening whimper in the mouth, and the long-range weapons in the hands of the natives began to fire, using bone, sharpened stone and bronze for arrow clusters, and wooden javelins flew towards the Nazis Guard Guard.

The Nazi SS soldiers had very rich fighting experience. Using trees and rocks as cover, they used MP40 submachine guns and STG44 automatic rifles to shoot at the indigenous people. The bullets were like a violent storm. , Under the attack of the STG44 automatic rifle, they fell down like reaping wheat, and the Nazi SS soldiers were constantly being shot by arrows, wooden javelins, and fell to the ground.

In the canyon, there were gunshots like popping beans, the intimidation of the natives, and the hurried shouts of SS soldiers, "We were ambushed!! Dog () shit, they are the Carntic tribe. Yes, don't be caught by them, they are cannibals, they will eat you, and then use your skull as a decoration to show off their bravery.

"Shoot, kill these underground reptiles, they are the worst and dirtiest creatures!!!."

"Mark, are you alright!! It's alright, sir, an arrow hit me in the arm, and I can continue to fight. Well done, you are a brave fighter, you have proven this, this time After the task is completed, I will definitely invite you to the pub for a beer, but unfortunately you can't drink the pure beer from your hometown."

"In this pioneering mission, we have more than a dozen teams, with the New Berlin City as the center, expanding in all directions, expanding our living space in the inner world, eliminating or expelling the indigenous tribes that pose a security threat to us around the New Berlin City, The main enemies of our team's pioneering mission are the Carntigu and Endric tribes, destroy them, or expel them from the land.'" (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks to the lord of the big talk world!


The code is more than 1 o'clock, 3000 words, and it will be sent at a regular time tomorrow morning.

Thanks to Lingxue MM for the reward, thanks to Yang said for the reward, thanks to the book friends 14060100~ for the reward of 5888, thanks for the reward, and thanks to the book friends for the reward.

There are only two words in a thousand words, thank you! !

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