From the Island Owner to the King

587 'Little Apophis' Comes to Earth!

The official map of Tortuga Island has been revised.

Mark Flores Island as an overseas territory of Tortuga Island, which is a direct territory of the royal family of Tortuga Island.

Chen Rui and Prime Minister Wilson Almond visited Flores Island, Corvo Island and the islands on a warship, and expressed condolences to the residents of Tortuga Island who were newly added to the island,——

Flores Island, Corvo Island and the islands belong to the royal family of Tortuga Island, and all the land, natural resources, mineral resources and fishery resources of the islands belong to the royal family of Tortuga Island.

The islands are rich in fishery, rich in tuna, radon, bonito, and whale (pig) (pig) (island) fish and so on.

Chen Rui spent more than a week setting up several large gathering circles in the waters near the islands.

The aura rich in seawater attracts more fish, and the rare marine aquatic products will settle down in this sea area if they are attracted by the aura.

Being nourished by aura for a long time can make fish and marine rare aquatic products more delicious and tender, with a special taste of 'aura'. After a period of time, this sea area will become the world's top fishing ground.

The tuna, radon, bonito and sea cucumbers, abalone, elephant frogs, king crabs, etc. are caught just like the cod from the cod fishery on Tortuga Island, and become the source of materials for the world's top restaurants.

The fertile land on the island is formed by the accumulation of volcanic ash from volcanic eruptions. The water source on the island is not polluted and is very pure. Rich in minerals. With a lot of lakes, in such a unique environment, the island grows tropical fruits such as pineapple, citrus, grapes, bananas, barley, wheat and other crops. The quality is very high-quality, high-quality grapes can make high-quality wine, high-quality barley, wheat can make pure wine, Chen Rui is ready to build a large-scale vineyard, winery, farm, winery on Flores Island.

Flores Island has an area of ​​141.7 square kilometers, not much smaller than Tortuga Island. The island is densely forested, with high mountains and dense forests, surrounded by clouds and mists, the lakes are very clear, there are many lakes, the lakes are very beautiful, as flat as a mirror, under the sunlight, a sky blue, a green one, and a straight line in the lake, With the gleaming green lustre of Mount Morolto in the shadows.

The natural resources of Flores Island are spectacular, but these alone are not enough to attract tourists.

Chen Rui is going to build a tourist destination on Flores Island. Although there are not many tourism resources on Flores Island, it has a famous origin. The part of the Atlantis mainland where the mountains protrude from the sea, stands on the island of Flores. On the island of Flores, it has already landed on the mythical Atlantis continent.

This is a very magical feeling. Moreover, the legendary city, the mysterious Atlantis, the city of Atlantis, which was sunk in the Atlantic Ocean, is located about 200 kilometers away from Flores Island. As soon as the news came out , It is estimated that tourists from all over the world will flock to Flores Island.

However, before that, there are many problems to be solved first. First, the island's infrastructure, docks, roads, power supply systems, seawater desalination systems, garbage disposal systems, communication systems and houses for tourists, and other basic living facilities . Second, transportation, there must be an airport, from all over the country to the international airport of Flores Island, the cruise ship terminal.

in order to solve these problems.

Chen Rui plans to invest 11 billion US dollars, of which 7 billion US dollars are invested in the construction of the airport on Flores Island, and 7 billion US dollars is enough to build a medium-sized international airport.

Chen Rui inspected the Flores Islands for a week, and boarded some small islands and reefs with Prime Minister Wilson Almond on a speedboat, declaring sovereignty.

Chen Rui left the Flores Islands——

Chen Rui returned to Tortuga Island.

It's already early July.

On the prophecy slate, the time when the 'Little Apophis' meteorite from outside the sky hit the sea off New York, USA happened to be the independence day of the United States, July 4th, 4:17 EST, now is July 2nd , at 5:29 pm EST, at this time, less than 2 days before 'Little Apophis' hits the earth, to be precise, there are still 34 hours and 48 minutes.

Chen Rui updated a new update on Q/Q, "@American, @White House, pay attention to the 'Little Apophis' meteorite! ! ! ! The following piece of information is quoted from a text on the prophecy slate: "July 4th, the day of independence and independence of the United States, at 4:00 a.m. Eastern time, most of the people are asleep, and in their sleep they look forward to the upcoming The coming day is full of fun and lively days, with grand celebrations and parades, large-scale fireworks displays, exciting sports competitions, and colorful lights.

In the distant space, 'Little Apophis' passed by the moon, and in a few minutes, 'Little Apophis' entered the earth's atmosphere, dragging a long firework, and the satellite has captured 'Little Apophis' from The trajectory of the descent in space, but, it was too late, at 4:17, I think, I, including all Americans, will never forget this time, 'Little Apophis' hit the earth and landed in the inland sea of ​​New York, northeast At 37 degrees, in the Atlantic Ocean, 12 kilometers from the coast of New York, people only heard a loud noise. A few minutes later, the tsunami caused by the meteorite destroyed New York and turned the entire New York into a sea. The death toll was 2.17 million. I At this time, I recorded this number with a heavy heart, 2.17 million souls resting in heaven, God bless! !

This Q/Q update updated by Chen Rui quickly spread to the world, and immediately attracted the attention of people all over the world.

Especially in the United States, the bloody figure of 2.17 million stabbed the eyes, causing boiling in the United States.

American news media, television. newspaper. The news network, with front page headlines, hot news reports, quoted this news from Chen Rui's latest Q/Q news, with a huge headline, "@American, @White House, watch out for the 'Little Apophis' meteorite!!! !" under the huge headline. A paragraph of text quoted on the prophecy slate was fully published in huge fonts, "July 4th, the day of independence and establishment of the United States, at 4:00 a.m. Eastern time, the death toll is 2.17 million, and I am at this time. It is with a heavy heart that this number is recorded, 2.17 million souls resting in heaven, God bless!!"

Bold the words '2.17 million dead' in red font.

'Death toll 2.17 million' stings the eyes of all Americans.

As the representative of high-level newspapers and serious publications in the United States. For the first time, The New York Times reported on the unproven predictions. On the front page of The New York Times, a big headline. "Chen Rui warned us again!!!"

"July 4th, Eastern Time, 04:17, only 32 hours and 16 minutes from the press time, the countdown to the disaster,"

As the largest and oldest newspaper in Washington, the United States, a newspaper that used to report domestic political developments in the United States also reported this news, on the front page of the "Washington Post" headline, a big headline "@American, @White House , watch out for the 'Little Apophis' meteorite!!!"

On July 4th, Eastern Time, 04:17, only 31 hours and 47 minutes from the time of writing, the upcoming 'Little Apophis' meteorite will be a huge disaster for the United States if it fails to deal with it. ! ! Do not! ! It can be said to be a catastrophe! I can't imagine the tsunami destroying New York and turning it into an ocean. The death toll of 2.17 million stings my eyes! It will be very scary, like the end of the day! ! ! "

As the newspaper with the third largest circulation in the United States, "USA Today" also gave a front-page headline report on this news, a big red headline, "July 4th, 4:17 pm ET , the 'Little Apophis' meteorite hit the Earth.

For Americans, this is a huge disaster, for New Yorkers and people living on the East Coast, a catastrophe, apocalyptic catastrophe! ! The death toll is 2.17 million, which is a sad number! ! As ordinary people, although we can change nature, we feel very powerless in the face of disasters, we can only count on the government and the government! @White House@pentagon building, are you ready to deal with the 'little Apophis' meteorite?

, ABC News reported, "Before, I never believed in the fact that the 'Little Apophis' meteorite hit the earth, but when I saw soldiers with live ammunition everywhere on the streets of New York, there were many roadblocks set up by the military on the road. , Soldiers, the police guide people to evacuate on the highway, and the financial buildings on Wall Street that have been empty and turned into empty shells, I already believe, the fact that the 'Little Apophis' meteorite will hit the earth, . Under Chen Rui's warning, it is clear that the government and the government's space agency have captured the trajectory of 'Little Apophis'. @White House, @pentagon small building, at this emergency time, I hope the government and the government should not hide it from the public ."

New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware on the east coast of the United States are busy fleeing before disaster strikes.

On the other hand, the people on the west coast and inland states of the United States are worried about their American compatriots living on the east coast, and feel very angry. It is time for the government and the government to hide the people from the public.

In fact, under Chen Rui's warning, NASA had already captured the 'Little Apophis' meteorite coming straight to Earth 14 hours before Chen Rui's Q/Q dynamic.

The observed 'Little Apophis' meteorite is very large in diameter, more than half a kilometer wide, and the angle of impact on the earth is also very large. The meteorite travels in space very fast, exceeding 500,000 kilometers per hour.

According to the diameter of 'Little Apophis', the angle at which it hit the earth, and the speed of the meteorite's flight, American scientists calculated that the level of damage that 'Little Apophis' would cause to the earth is Level 3,

Calculated based on the size of the meteorite, the angle of impact on the earth and the speed of the meteorite, the level, potential threat celestial body, regional destruction effect, whether it hits the land or rushes into the ocean to form a tsunami, the destructive power of this level is all. Enough to cause a regional destruction effect on the living space of human beings.

If the interception of 'Little Apophis' fails, let 'Little Apophis' land on the landing point mentioned by Chen Rui, the inland sea of ​​New York, 37 degrees northeast, 12 kilometers of water, the resulting tsunami is enough to cause New York With devastating effects, some of the tsunami's impact could reach the coasts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Delaware near New York.

However, in order not to cause large-scale panic among the people on the east coast of the United States, the government and the government chose to hide the news from the people.

A large number of troops were transferred, and the police carried out emergency evacuation of people in New York and Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Delaware.

For the U.S. government and government, it is a very wise approach to conceal information from the public. Once it causes large-scale panic among the people and the social order is out of control, the consequences will be unimaginable.

You must know that guns are not banned in the United States. The 309 million people in the United States have 250 million guns. Once the people panic on a large scale and the society loses order, no one can imagine the consequences.

The American people think that at this emergency time, the government and the government are still concealing the news of "Little Apophis" from the public. In fact, it is impossible to conceal it, which has caused the anger of the public——

At this time, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and many other national space agencies also observed 'Little Apophis'.

'Little Apophis' was flying in space at a speed of more than 50 km/h, flying in the direction of the earth, and is expected to land on the earth in about 30 hours.

This sparked panic among governments around the world.

You know, calculating the flight path of the meteorite and the landing point, and successfully intercepting the meteorite above the earth's atmosphere, is not as easy as it is described in the plot of the Hollywood movie.

The 2.15 Russian meteorite fall event is an example. (To be continued.)

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