From the Island Owner to the King

259 Tortuga Island Art Museum

4 Boeing 777-300er, 7 737-700, a total of 11 passenger aircraft are being produced at Boeing's factory.

The expected delivery date will have to wait until around July.

The period between the formation of Tortuga Island Airlines late last year and the delivery of the planes in July.

Tortuga Island Airlines is not idle, it is very busy and needs to do a lot.

For example, recruit pilots, flight attendants, and conduct training.

Develop routes, and open routes with major international airports, and so on.

After the aircraft is delivered in July, the passenger plane can be put into operation immediately.


After the Tortuga Island International Airport was put into operation, after opening the routes with Europe, the United States, Asia, South America, Africa and other countries and regions, the transportation to Tortuga Island is very convenient.

It can be said that a Tortuga Island International Airport connects Tortuga Island to the world.

A pair of wings have been added to the take-off of Tortuga Island.

The number of tourists to Tortuga Island has increased from 42,000 people per day in the fourth quarter of last year to 57,000 people per day in March this year.

At the beginning of the development of Tortuga Island, it was positioned as a tourist city by Chen Rui.

Tortuga Island is also developing in this direction.

Build the ancient city of Akka, hotels, villas, apartment buildings, ports, international airports, etc., as well as various basic living facilities, and there is a special publicity team under the Foreign Affairs Office, holding more than 4 million US dollars in special monthly Expenses, keep promoting Tortuga Island all over the world.

These efforts attract a large number of tourists.

So far, tourists have generated a lot of income for Tortuga Island.

Tickets to the ancient city of Akka alone can receive $1.5 million a day.

Tourists come to the island for shopping and consumption. Charter, yacht fees, accommodation, bars, cafes, cinemas. Various incomes such as various entertainment consumptions of ktv bring more than 17 million US dollars of income per day to Tortuga Island.

If the expenditure of several large projects under construction is excluded,

Tortuga Island has achieved more revenue than expenditure through tourism alone.

At the same time that Tortuga Island International Airport was put into operation.

A museum was also built.

The entire museum is a large-scale ancient Roman column building, covering an area of ​​21 hectares. The building covers an area of ​​4.2 hectares. There are 8 thick and high Roman columns on both sides of the main entrance of the museum.

The large atrium is located in the center of the museum. It is a very large covered square, and the top of the square is made up of more than 2,000 pieces of glass with strange shapes.

The square is paved with floor tiles of various colors, and the decorative lines are messy, but there is a messy beauty to appreciate, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The ancient Roman column architecture is magnificent and majestic. Hundreds of spacious halls used to display treasures are magnificent, and the walls and top of the hall have exquisite frescoes and fine reliefs.

In addition to admiring the exhibits, visitors can also appreciate the extraordinary aspects of the museum's design.

The overall layout of the museum was designed by IM Pei, an internationally renowned architect, known as the "last master of modern architecture".

The reason why I.M. Pei was invited to design the museum.

Not only because I.M. Pei is very famous in the architectural design industry, he has won the Gold Medal in American Architecture, the Gold Medal in French Architecture, and the Pritzker Prize. Moreover, he has very rich experience in museum architectural design.

He has designed the Louvre Glass Pyramid, the Suzhou Museum and the Islamic Museum, and the Miho Art Museum in Japan and Japan.

The museum was named Tortuga Art Museum by Chen Rui.

The name of the general museum is named after the name of the place or country. For example, the Vatican Museum, the National Museum of the United States, the Egyptian Museum, the Natural History Museum of Senggenburg in Germany and so on.

Or it is named after the famous historical building, the palace, which was the predecessor of the museum. For example, the Hermitage (Hermitage) museum. Louvre, Palace Museum, etc.

The name of the new museum. No choice. Named after the s town area, the s Art Museum, or Tortuga Island Art Museum.

And the name of s art museum seems too stingy. The place name s town is also famous all over the world.

Chen Rui denied it at first.

Finally, the name of the museum was named Tortuga Island Art Museum by Chen Rui.

The Tortuga Art Museum is located 3.4 kilometers northwest of the town of S, on the roadside of the road around the town of S.

Tourists living in the town of s can walk along the ring road for 1 hour to reach the Tortuga Island Art Museum.

There is also an electric bus between s town and the Tortuga Island Art Museum, which is responsible for picking up tourists.

About 500 meters to the east of the Tortuga Art Museum is the ancient city of Akka, and 1.2 kilometers to the south is the city of Atlantis under construction.

The Tortuga Art Museum forms a museum group together with the ancient city of Akka and the city of Atlantis.

Perhaps a museum town, Museum Road, will be formed around the museum group in the future.

The whole museum group has one museum and two lost ancient cities.

In the future, there may be a lot of precious treasures, cultural relics, and works of art. If you want to calculate the value of these treasures and works of art, the value of these treasures can be said to account for more than 50% of the wealth on Tortuga Island, and another 25%. In the underground treasury, the remaining 25% is the value of Tortuga Island.

Such a place, of course, is a top priority.

The security level is very high, second only to the district.

There is a barracks near the museum complex, with three squadrons of escorts stationed. There are also security personnel in the museum, as well as dozens of defense systems including magnetic sensors, shock sensors, and infrared sensors.

The security level is very high.

It is absolutely impossible for an international thief to steal treasures with extraordinary skills like in Hollywood movies.

From the museum's dozens of defense systems, museum security personnel, three squadrons of guards stationed, to ports, airport customs, coastal patrols, five or six layers of defense, it is almost impossible for international thieves to successfully steal treasures.

Today is March 12th.

The newly appointed director of the Tortuga Island Museum, Edward Henry Taylor, announced the opening of the museum on March 21. (To be continued)

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