From the Island Owner to the King

229 A big wave of reporters is approaching

Last year, at the Lijing Hotel outside the school gate, teachers and classmates from the Department of Computer Science and Technology in 2009 held an alumni liaison party. It was a pity that Chen Rui did not come.

Chen Rui nodded with a smile.

Gao Liming said, "In the alumni records and campus forums, it has been rumored that you are going back to your alma mater to give a speech. Many former classmates are planning to go back to school to listen to your speech. By the way, everyone will get together to get in touch with each other."

Chen Rui nodded and said, "Yes, many classmates haven't seen each other for a long time. After graduation, everyone goes to the society and has their own lives. Many people already have the other half who will accompany them to the end of their lives. They have family responsibilities and life pressure, and also have their own The life and the circle of communication. The familiar faces have gradually become very unfamiliar. I wonder if everyone is okay now?"

Gao Liming said, "At the alumni liaison meeting last year, everyone also talked about their lives and work,..."

Chen Rui listened to some of Gao Liming's words, and Chen Rui also learned about the current situation of some classmates.

After graduation, Li Haiyang was admitted to the civil service and was promoted to section chief last year.

Ding Yi was working in a small user software company in Nanwan City, and he was not doing well.

Li Yongyou contracted a mountain forest in his hometown, engaged in farming, and planted some cash crops to get rich and start a business.


There are good ones, and there are bad ones.

However, most of them get along quite well. There are white-collar workers in enterprises, government and government civil servants, as well as self-employment and some achievements in entrepreneurship. After all, Central South University can be ranked among the top national universities in the country. Most of the graduates have a bright future.

Li Haiyang, Ding Yi. Li Yongyou was a classmate in Chen Rui's dormitory when he was in college. The relationship is not too good or too bad. The six people in the same dormitory occasionally go out to the off-campus restaurant for a meal and a drink.

After graduation. In the first 2 years, I still contacted occasionally, and after that, I have not been in contact with each other, and the relationship has faded.

Li Haiyang, Ding Yi, and Li Yongyou must know Chen Rui.

Along the way, Chen Rui chatted with Mr. Gao about some things. Had a great time chatting.

The group came to Central South University by car and parked in the parking lot.

Chen Rui suggested to Teacher Gao to take a change at the school.

After leaving school for 5 or 6 years, take a look at how the school has changed.

"Okay." Gao Liming nodded.

Central South University should be one of the most beautiful universities in China, with an elegant environment. The scenery is pleasant, and it is an ideal garden for seeking knowledge and studying. Moreover, the campus of Central South University has a very long history and culture.

Chen Rui followed Gao Liming to tour the campus scenery, both familiar and unfamiliar.

What I am familiar with is the very deep image of the campus when I was in college, the grass and trees in the school, the lawn, and the campus lake. The pavilions, the lakeside scenery, and so on are still those familiar campus scenery.

Unfamiliar is. More new modern tall buildings.

Chen Rui Building, Shaw Building, Chen Rui Library, Auditorium, etc.

Suddenly it was 12 o'clock.

Teachers and students are also out of class, and the quiet campus begins to get lively.

Gao Liming received a call at this time.

After 2 minutes, hung up the phone. Gao Liming turned his head and said to Chen Rui, "Principal Gao just called. He wants to invite you to dinner."

Chen Rui said with a smile, "Let's go tonight. I'll invite everyone to dinner at the Seaview Restaurant. I won't bother Principal Gao at noon. The cafeteria is in front of me, so you can have a meal in the cafeteria."

Gao Liming nodded and said, "That's good."

Then Gao Liming called to make arrangements.

I have always heard that Chen Rui should be the most careless rich man. As a top rich man and a world celebrity, he has the same living habits as ordinary people. He is very restrained and regular. He eats like ordinary people. , the taste is better, and the cost of a meal does not exceed 400 yuan. Unlike some upstarts, all kinds of attention, all kinds of luxury and waste, all kinds of ostentation.

This does not mean that he is as stingy as Grandet, although his life is relatively simple compared to other rich people who play yachts, play beautiful women, and play private jets.

However, he is very generous in charity and student aid. He has donated more than 40 million yuan to Central South University, built 5 schools in his hometown Feng and He County, and donated a total of 35 million yuan to help Chinese out-of-school children. More than 100 million yuan, donated 20 million yuan, and so on.

The money donated by Chen Rui has been tilted towards Chinese education.

Chen Rui wants to go to the school cafeteria to deal with a meal casually.

There is not so much attention, and it does not need to be so troublesome. Chen Rui has been in the cafeteria for 4 years, and he has not become delicate because of the promotion of his status.

Nouveau riche is like this, eating eggs fried with peppers, shallots mixed with tofu, pumpkin rice growing up, and after becoming rich, they forget their roots, all kinds of attention, all kinds of ostentation, and a waiter dressed as a palace maid to wait on the side of a meal.

In fact, there are not a few people like this in countries that have developed suddenly. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine what these people think in their hearts.

Chen Rui did not have such a habit of upstarts.

However, there are also a lot of rich people in China who still maintain a hands-on, simple living habit, and these rich people are more respectable.

However, considering that Chen Rui is a top celebrity in the world, Gao Liming can't let him queue up to make a meal by himself, and eat a big pot of rice for 6 yuan and 7 yuan a meal like a student.

Although, Chen Rui may not care about these.

So, Gao Liming called to make arrangements.

Come to the dining hall.

The students are eating.

Seeing Teacher Gao taking Chen Rui to the dining hall, someone quickly recognized Chen Rui.

"Damn it! It's Chen Rui." A student was putting a piece of fish in his mouth. He glanced at the entrance of the cafeteria, and suddenly his eyes widened with an incredible expression on his face. Know.

He saw Mr. Gao Liming lead a young man into the cafeteria, with a soft face, a familiar smile, a confident face, followed by 5 foreigners in black suits, he knew this young man, from Central South University Proud, legendary, and the most famous alumnus of Central South University.

Almost every student at Central South University knows Chen Rui.

Immediately, exclamations continued in the cafeteria.

"It's Chen Rui!" Some girls almost jumped up with excitement.

"I thought he must be so annoyed by reporters from all over the world that he was afraid to go out because of the three mysterious discs. I didn't expect to see him at school today, which is really surprising."

"It is estimated that a large number of reporters are approaching." (To be continued)

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