From the Island Owner to the King

206 Antarctic life is not easy


The ice fissures next to it are very dense and relatively large in width. The ice fissures are thousands of meters deep, even thousands of meters. If one falls into the ice fissures, it is a free fall and a vertical drop, and the height of one kilometer or several thousand meters falls. down, directly dead.

Perhaps tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years later, the corpse that was found to be an ice sculpture was still lifelike, and the expression of horror before death still remained on his face.

Fortunately, most of the ice fissures had an angle with the direction of Chen Rui's travel, so it did not cause Chen Rui much trouble.

Chen Rui controlled 6 huskies to carefully pass through the dense "ice seam array" and traveled more than 50 kilometers before camping.

The camping area is located in the ice fissure area, surrounded by ice cracks, as if sneering and waiting for the prey to throw itself into the net.

There was a large ice crack dozens of meters away from the campsite. Chen Rui threw himself on the snow and kicked it lightly with his foot. The ice sheet fell down, making a rumbling sound, revealing a large ice hole half a meter wide. , the inside is like a tunnel dug during the anti-Japanese period.

In the q/q group, the audience who saw this scene in front of the TV and the computer screen felt a chill in their hearts and their scalps were a little numb.

Many people really saw the dangers of Antarctica.

Some ice fissures on the ice sheet are exposed, and the danger is relatively small, just avoid The most dangerous, the thin frozen snow can't bear the weight of people at all, step on it, and fall directly into the ice cave.

Walking on the 'Ice Seam Array' is like walking on a mine array.

You don't know if there are ice crevices under your feet.

very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

This is just the most common danger in the Antarctic, as well as the extremely cold weather, blizzards, the death of the Antarctic, the wind that can kill... and so on.

Chen Rui said. "Be careful with every step you take here, or you will die, and every year a lot of polar explorers, tourists walking on ice, die because of it.

I know of a person who suddenly stepped on the air while walking in the Himalayas. He fell down the ice crevice, but fortunately he reacted quickly, his hands on the ice, hanging in the ice crevice, he was the only one at that time. He took off the protective gloves with one hand, and freed up his hand to stick the ice axe he carried on the ice.

Holding the ice with both hands, he crawled out and saved his life. Both hands were bloodied by the ice ballast.

The usual practice is that once you step on the ice crevice, you must quickly fall forward, and you can only let one leg in at most. Otherwise, a slip accident will occur. "

"Okay, it's time to prepare for camping. It should be night in the Antarctic. However, because the Antarctic is polar day, it is still very bright, just like the day."

Chen Rui set up a tent in the lee.

"First, it's water.

Fetching snow water is the first task.

Although standing on top of a huge solid water reservoir, it cannot be replenished by directly eating snow.

Eating snow doesn't just cause further dehydration. And it will reduce the body temperature, and it can only be drunk after melting the snow.

The snow melted here is truly pure water. Essentially free of minerals.

We need to supplement the trace elements needed by the human body by adding salt in the water and taking nutritional supplements. "

Boiling water is a hassle, and it involves more melting of ice crystals than boiling water in China. Therefore, it takes about an hour to boil a pot of ice water, which consumes a lot of fuel. Use all boiled water sparingly as much as possible.

When I think of the Antarctic continent with the most abundant freshwater resources under my feet, I feel that living here without water is a big joke. "

The water is boiled, the food is ready, and you are ready to cook a pot of radish and beef. Radishes are rich in vitamin b group, vitamin c, and beta carotene, which supplements various vitamins needed by the human body. Beef is rich in protein, energy, and can Effectively supplement the energy consumption of the human body.

The beef from Tortuga Island is of good quality, with a marble-like surface and good taste. This beef can be eaten in the branches of Seaview Restaurant in major cities around the world.

The temperature was too low, the beef was horrible, like a lump of ice, and it was a hassle to mince the beef.

I feel that living here is not an easy thing, and many things are unpredictable.

For example, the boiling point of the water is low here, and the beef is still not rotten after cooking for more than an hour. Just nibble and eat it. It is good to have beef here, but the radish tastes good. "

"I feel better when I'm full. It's not so cold anymore. The weather is really unbearable. The thought of staying in Antarctica for a few months makes my heart feel cold."

Chen Rui turned on the computer, which was sponsored by the Chinese government and directly connected to the maritime satellite in the sky.

Log in to q/q and click on the q/q group.


Immediately, many people in the q/q group bubbled up, and the replies from q friends were like swiping frequency, and many people sent Chen Rui's greetings of concern.

Chen Rui thanked them one by one.

"How does it feel to be in Antarctica."

"Cold! Even though I was wearing thick clothes, it was still very cold, especially when I was not full, I felt uncomfortable. Many things in Antarctica were very inconvenient."

A q friend gave Chen Rui a link.

Chen Rui clicked on the link.

The content of the link is that the CCTV News Network reported on Chen Rui's Antarctic adventure and his party for more than a minute.

Chen Rui's alma mater, Central South University, published the website of Chen Rui's adventure in Antarctica on the campus website, hoping that Chen Rui could give lectures to teachers and students of the school after returning to China.

Seeing this, Chen Rui felt warm in his heart. I really appreciate everyone's concern and concern.

Chatted with netizens in the q/q group.

Then I sent a message in the q/q group, "I'm ready to rest, good night everyone."

Chen Rui turned off the live broadcast.

I threw 6 Eskimo dogs into the Pregnant Sea Pearl space, and cooked some meat with the spring water of the Pregnant Sea Spring to comfort the 6 dogs. After all, it was too hard to run all day.

Chen Rui also entered the Pregnant Haizhu space to sleep. After all, Pregnant Haizhu has a comfortable and warm bed, so there is no need to deliberately abuse himself. Imagine sleeping on a cold, icy ice cap, it will definitely not be very comfortable.

The next day, Chen Rui got up early in the morning.

Chen Rui started the live broadcast.

"It's the seventh day of the trip to Antarctica. I hope today has a good start. Let's move on. In a few days, we can leave the Antarctic Peninsula and reach the North Antarctic."

Pick up a ball of snow directly on the ice cap, wash your face, and rinse your mouth. (To be continued)

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