From the Island Owner to the King

Section 198 Processing 1 batch of jewelry

Leaving the parchment of the pirate code of the Free Flying Fish, the badge of the wolf head of the Spanish nobleman, and the log of Fred's expedition.

Pre-Qin bamboo slips, one batch, a total of 3048 volumes, including 305 volumes of "The Classic of Music", all fifteen chapters of "The Book of the World", and many chapters of "Shangshu". The military disasters, people, and disasters of the past dynasties made the pre-Qin works that later scholars and scholars regretted.

Primitive tribes deep in the Amazon jungle, get a 'Star of America' natural diamond, a 4207 carat, the world's largest diamond, a treasure of nature.

There is also a batch of raw gemstones, pearls, to be processed.

In the ancient city of Akka, you will get the statue of the leader of the Akka people who miss their hometown in the distance, the pyramid stone tablet, 4 armed pieces, the walls painted with murals, statues, weapons, furniture, ornaments, gold and silver products, and bronze, pottery household utensils and Tools of production, feathers, obsidian, shriveled cocoa beans, tobacco and salt used as currency by the Akha.

Placed in the new ancient city of Akka on Tortuga Island, it has opened an exhibition and receives millions of visitors every month.

There is also a mechanical watch that has been running for tens of thousands of years and will also appear in the ancient city of Akka.

Gold and silver from the ancient city of Akka were sold to the People's Bank of China.

There are also some gems, pearls and jade to be processed.

Radiation Valley, get three magnetic disks, will appear in the Tortuga Island Museum, which will be completed soon, at the right time, as one of the treasures of the town hall.

In the ruins of Xiacheng, a batch of bronze ware, pottery and jade ware was obtained, and the whole bronze ware was sold to China, and the pottery and a batch of jade ware will be collected in the museum. Including Heshibi and Mingyuezhu, the Huang of Xiahou's clan will also appear in the museum as one of the treasures of the town hall.

The sea lily fossil will be collected in the museum, which is enough to be one of the treasures of the town hall.

On the wreck of the 'Gelsopa'. A batch of high-quality Shang Dynasty bronzes and a batch of high-quality porcelain will be collected in museums. Among them is a Song Ru kiln celadon glazed bowl. It is said that there are less than 100 pieces, most of which are preserved in major museums around the world. This Song Ru kiln celadon glazed bowl is enough to be regarded as a masterpiece in the collection of the museum.

Atlantis, get three designs on copper foil, the golden book, the sword of the sun, and the emerald and emerald codex. Gold bull, a batch of gold, copper coins, gold, emerald, oregano metal, steles, statues, weapons. Gold, silver and jade jewelry, crowns, and power sticks. Ornate clothes woven with gold threads, jewels strung with small pieces of jadeite and shells, ... and so on, in numerous numbers, will appear in the new Atlantis.

The gold and silver that got Atlantis were sold,

Gold, silver and treasures of the Inca Empire. The gold and silver of the ancient city of Akka were sold to the People's Bank of China in the same batch.

Emeralds, gemstones, pearls, orchids metal from Atlantis to be treated.

Seven kilometers northwest of the town of s, there is a building that is being built exactly on the scale of Atlantis. Stonehenge, 'Chip' Ring Canal. The capital Poseidonia has concentric buildings, the central pyramid, underground rooms, temples and reservations, planetarium and other buildings.

The new Atlantis area will be more than seven times the size of the ancient city of Akka.

Another massive project that could cost upwards of $600 million.

Another funding went out, leaving a little over $1.3 billion left.

Primitive tribes in the deep Amazon jungle got a batch of unprocessed gems and pearls.

The ancient city of Akka got a batch of gems, jade, and pearls.

Atlantis gets a batch of emeralds, gems, pearls, orochthonium metals.

The number is very large and piled up like a mountain.

With a carriage, you can pull more than 100 carriages.

Also, pearls, precious stones, emeralds, and jades have a lot of high-quality jewelry.

For example, the high green jadeite of the glass species, the sparkling ruby ​​the size of a pigeon's egg, the very large pure and flawless diamond, the pearl as large as a chicken's egg is flawless, and... The pieces are bigger than the jewels inlaid on the crowns of European royal families and power battles.

If this batch of jewelry is released enough to cause a shock in the global jewelry industry.

The number of jewels in this collection is several times larger than the jewels collected by the British royal family for hundreds of years.

It has been rumored all over the world that the wealth hidden in Chen Rui's underground treasure house is very huge, and it is not groundless to be comparable to the legendary treasure of Solomon.

Chen Rui didn't pretend to be a Pixiu either.

Chen Rui processed a batch of these treasures and collected some funds.

Some ordinary quality gemstones, emeralds, pearls, and jade are processed to jewelry stores.

Some very high-quality jewelry is entrusted to jewelers, who then host a high-quality jewelry auction on Tortuga, inviting the wealthy from all over the world.


Tortuga Island Pier.

Chen Rui stood on the dock, followed by his assistant Carlson Harry and seven or eight black-clothed bodyguards with grim expressions.

In the distance, a blue passenger ship pierced the water, slowly approached, and docked on the pier.

Tourists visiting the island disembarked the passenger ship in order.

Finally, a dozen or so slim girls with youthful vigor and seven or eight young boys stepped off the passenger ship.

"elder brother."

"Brother Rui."


The boy was a little restrained. When he was called Brother Rui, he felt a little nervous and his voice trembled slightly. After all, Chen Rui was too famous.

Now Chen Rui is famous all over the world, and his achievements can be at the same level as the top figures in the world, such as Double Horse, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Paul, Allen, etc., and they are still college students who have not yet gone out of society. .

But the dozen or so girls who were full of youthful vitality were able to let go, and Brother Rui shouted softly.

The group was university students from several universities, such as Yanjing University, Shuimu University, and Yanjing Foreign Languages. They took a trip to the famous Tortuga Island during the summer vacation. The team leader was Chen Rui's sister Chen Jia.

Chen Rui said to everyone with a smile, "Welcome everyone, I hope you will have a good time on the island in the next two weeks."

"Brother, the island has changed a lot." Chen Jia looked at a busy wharf and the Jiayue Hotel standing by the sea not far away, thinking about the statue of the leader of the Akka people in his hometown in the distance, and said with some emotion.

"Yeah, the changes are too great, beyond my imagination. In less than a year, this place has become a modern and developed town." Some people nearby agreed.

It's really changed a lot. When some of them visited Tortuga Island a year ago, there was only one road under construction, some houses, and some infrastructure, all of which were left to be renovated. (To be continued)

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