From the Island Owner to the King

Chapter 191 The Atlantis Continent's Program

You know, about Atlantis, since it appeared in the "Dialogues" of the ancient Greek scholar Plato.

For thousands of years after that, stories about it have been circulating in Europe.

For thousands of years, countless people have tried to find the legendary place where humans broke away from primitive life and formed a civilization, the "Garden of Eden" described in the Bible "Genesis", Atlantis.

There are countless puzzles in Atlantis, a civilization known as the lost, which is very mysterious.

In the prophecy legend, the civilization of Atlantis is the fourth solar age, legend, the colonists from the constellation Orion, possessed the power of light.

Legend has it that Atlantis is the place where people live under the sea, and many people have witnessed flying saucers flying from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Legend has it that Atlantis' most remarkable scientific achievement is the energy system, the core magnetite of the energy system.

Hitler created the 'Earth Axis' of the 'Undead Legion',  …

Atlantis is associated with too many mysteries and unsolved things.

Myths, prehistoric civilizations, alien civilizations, undersea people, prehistoric technology, Hitler's undead army...

Before Chen Rui discovered the ancient city of Akka, many people thought that Atlantis did not exist.

It seems that Chen Rui is slowly unveiling the mystery of a lost super civilization to the world.

Atlantis has so many interesting things.

The wealth of a continent, the alien civilization, the prehistoric civilization of the earth, the magnetic stone of the energy system recorded in the book. ......

That day, the New York Times carried the news on its front page.

The most conspicuous page in the newspaper is the pictures reprinted from the q/q group of Chen Rui's travel friends. Two coins, one positive and one negative four pictures.

To add information.

Indicate below the picture; reprinted from Chen Rui's travel ALICE q/q group.

There is a large caption below the image.

The legendary Atlantis, has he found it?

does he get anything? The wealth of a legendary continent,

The magnetic stone, the energy system of the Atlantis civilization recorded in the book, or the biggest secret about the past and future of mankind!

"He knows more secrets about the earth than the government and the government!"

In Japan and the Yomiuri Shimbun, there is a large picture of Chen Rui. "What is he trying to hide from the world? About Atlantis! A prehistoric civilization on Earth, and an alien colonial civilization."

"Has he mastered technology that surpasses human beings?" A big headline appeared on the front page of the Washington Daily News!

"According to the Ministry of Finance. Chen Rui sold a large batch of gold to the People's Bank of China. The amount reached more than 3 billion US dollars, which may only be part of his wealth." Southern Metropolis Daily.

"Where is Atlantis?" A big headline appeared in the British Times newspaper.

This question is probably what people all over the world want to know.

But the lost civilization of Atlantis, dressed by Chen Rui, was like a shy little girl hiding in the corner. Only a skirt is exposed, and it provokes the hearts of people all over the world, like a cat's claws.

Only two Atlantis coins are exposed, which makes people imagine a lot.

There are even bids for these two coins in the world.

Gold coins, with a maximum bid of $27 million.

The copper coin, which is believed to be minted from oregano, a metal thought to be endemic to Atlantis, was offered for $42 million.

All believe in it.

Chen Rui got the wealth of a continent.

He has mastered the secrets of Atlantis and the prehistoric, or extraterrestrial civilizations of the earth, perhaps far more than people think.

Chen Rui is like a humanoid version of 'Area 51'. He has more secrets about the earth than the government and the government.

Many people tried to dig out these secrets from Chen Rui.


Chen Rui clicked on Weibo and Blog.

I found that there are many people replying to ordinary Weibo and blog.

"The weather is good today. I have nothing to do and go fishing. I caught a marlin and the harvest is good."

Below is a picture of a marlin.

Lin Chenxin@陈瑞, Brother Chen is really a master at fishing. This fish should be Atlantic blue marlin, one of the fish mentioned in Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", and it is also the biggest fish caught by the old man in Santiago. I also like fishing. I like to travel and hike, if I have the chance. Let's learn about fishing techniques.

Lin Chenxin is a very famous star in China. He has acted in several very popular Qing palace dramas, such as the fourth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the nine elder elder brother, etc. Recently, he has been a guest actor in a very popular variety show.

Zhao Kang@陈瑞, Brother Chen is lucky, such a big fish is not easy to catch. I heard that Brother Chen's novels are selling very well in the United States. They have topped the best-seller list in the United States for several consecutive weeks, and have topped the best-seller list in all major American charts. Congratulations.

I specially asked a friend of mine who went to the United States to buy a copy and read it carefully. Your adventure story is very exciting and I am very fascinated. I really want to experience the exciting and surprising adventure in the book.

I heard that this novel will be made into a movie. I don't know if I have the honor to cooperate with Brother Chen.

Zhao Kang Mainland is a powerful niche supported by Huayi Brothers. He has appeared in many popular TV dramas, and he is a popular spicy chicken. He has so much hope for the protagonist of the lucky star in "I Am an Adventurer".

Cui Anzhen@陈瑞 "Brother Rui is the person I admire the most. When many actresses in my company chat, the person they most want to date is Chen Rui, who is rich, strong, and charming. Brother Rui I have read the novel of the pirate, although I read a pirated version, sorry! In Korea, I can't buy the genuine copy, I can only read it on the pirated website, sorry again! The adventure story is very exciting, this novel will be made into a movie, I very much hope It would be nice to be able to cooperate with Brother Rui. Brother Rui is our Korean.

Zhao Dingyi@李安智, "Qu Yuan is your Korean, the Dragon Boat Festival is your Korean, Chen Rui is your Korean, the world is your Korean, the solar system is your Korean, the Milky Way is your Korean , the Great Universe Empire belongs to you Koreans. Well, stop dreaming, only kimchi belongs to you Koreans."


Chen Rui only read a few comments.

There are also many Chinese, Japanese and Korean celebrities who have left comments below.

Looking at Yokou's Chinese, it's really hard for them. In order to get the chance to play the protagonist of the lucky star of "I am an Adventurer", although there is little hope, it is very hard.

Some of them are very familiar, and they have left a very deep name in Chen Rui's memory.

Chen Rui posted a Weibo and Bo on Weibo and Weibo.

Publish the eight guidelines for the continent of Atlantis. (To be continued)

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